The Secret of Monica Belucci’s Harmony

Monica Bellucci is today called the “Second Sophia Loren”, admiring her
beauty and perfect figure. However, Monica rarely visits
fitness centers. How does she manage to fit such
flattering assessment?

Italian movie star is always frank with journalists. On their
question about the secret of her ideal figure Bellucci answered sincerely. �”I
I don’t like and can’t do fitness, ”she said. – “It
simply impossible with my rhythm of life. Shooting starts at six
in the morning, and I physically can not go in front of them to the gym. Diets i
I use – and do not know better than the Italian national

Here Monica obviously misleading, although the famous Italian spaghetti
in her weekly nutrition program are present. Like the set
fairly common products that can be found in any
supermarket. No frills and prohibitions – all is well, only in


Breakfast: coffee without cream, a few galet or toast with a spoon

Lunch: vegetable salad with olive oil, whole grain bread,
fresh berries and fruits.

Supper: a portion of spaghetti with a small amount of grated cheese,
vegetable salad, fruit.


Breakfast: yogurt with fruit pieces

Lunch: scrambled eggs of three proteins and one yolk, stewed zucchini,
whole grain bread and fruit.

Dinner: a portion of boiled or toasted lean meat, vegetable
salad with olive oil, fruit.


Breakfast: tea with lemon, a couple of toasts, fruit.

Lunch: some low-fat cheese, a portion of boiled potatoes with
greens and olive oil

Dinner: spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce (no meat), greens,


Breakfast: Cornflakes in nonfat yogurt

Lunch: a portion of rice with boiled veal, stewed zucchini, berries and

Dinner: a portion of boiled fish, vegetable salad with olive oil,
whole grain bread, some grapes.


Breakfast: a glass of freshly squeezed juice with biscuits or toast.

Lunch: a portion of spaghetti, greens, half a small pineapple.

Dinner: bean salad with egg, greens and sweet onions,
заправленный оливковым маслом, цельнозерновой хлеб, fruits.

On the weekend you can eat dishes of any of the days.

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