The orchid has dried up – why and what to do? Tipsthose who dries the orchid and who do not know why ithappens

Пт, 10 июн 2016 Автор: Виктория Васильева

The orchid is a fastidious and capricious flower that requires
delicate handling, proper cultivation and care.

The main factors affecting her condition are
lighting, watering, temperature and humidity level in the room,
air circulation, the use of suitable primer, pots and

Only under all conditions, an individual approach to
plant, it adapts well to the environment, will begin to grow
and delight in its bloom.


The orchid dried up: why?

Such a problem occurs mainly in inexperienced
orchid lovers. This can happen over several

1. Improper care.

2. Exposure to pests, flower disease.

Improper care

Understand that orchid dries out due to maintenance and maintenance errors
can be in appearance of the plant: the leaves and the stem are
lethargic, turn yellow and begin to die off gradually. To reanimate
flower, first you need to find out the reason for it
destructive process.


If the orchid for a long time was under the influence of direct
sun, or in high temperatures, she stopped
get the required amount of water. This led to hypothermia.
root system, wilting and yellowing of foliage.

You can fix this by moving the flower to a cooler one.
a place. After a couple of hours, when the plant has cooled completely,
watering and spraying should begin. Restoring it
life takes a long enough period of time –
It takes a couple of days to normalize the water balance.

To prevent the orchid from drying out, one should try not to
prevent reheating, change the location of the plant
or, at least, to create a kind of canopy light-protective device;

неверный полив

If moisture conditions are not observed, the roots suffer first of all.
flower, then fade leaf cover, gradually fall off

Uncontrolled watering leads to rotting of the root system,
therefore, it is necessary to water the plant only when the earth com
enough dried up. The lack of moisture leads to the drying of the orchid,
death of the root system.

There is no defined mode for watering – you need to pay often
attention to the state of the substrate, room temperature, humidity
and lighting. Temporary breaks between watering will alternate in
depending on these factors;

состояние земляной смеси

One of the reasons for the drying of the orchid can be an old substrate.
For normal plant life a high level is needed.
breathability, water permeability and a good composition of the substrate.
Therefore, be sure to monitor the quality of the land mix and
periodically change it;

концентрация удобрений

High concentrations of feeding substances can lead to
sluggish, crumbling leaf cover. The roots become
thin and dried, yellow, red or black.

For minor injuries, remove the affected roots.
and leaves, some time to keep the flower in the penumbra, pouring water
and preventing exposure to direct sunlight.

Impact of pests, flower disease

To prevent the orchid from drying out, to prevent its death,
need to know the main harmful insects that can appear on
plant or ground.


Shchitovka – the main enemy of the orchid. It has a tiny size
easily transferred from flower to flower, located on
leaf cover and in pseudobulb.

The main danger lies in the fact that flags suck
sap of the flower, thereby slowing its growth. You can recognize them by
dark spots, like knolls, tubercles.

To save the orchid from drying out and death, you need to wash it under
shower, remove all parasites and spray insecticidal parts
means. Recovered plant can be transplanted into fresh
substrate, for prevention, rinse with water every week;


Aphid overpowers those flowers that lack moisture and fertilizer. Her
Favorite place – young leaves and sprouts. Besides that aphid
sucks the juice from the plant, it launches toxic substances,
which eventually lead to his imminent death.

To treat a flower from aphids, first of all, it is necessary
wash thoroughly and remove any damaged buds. Delete
pests will help the soap solution consisting of a tablespoon
rubbed soap and a liter of water. It has properties
antiseptic, which is detrimental to most

Мучнистый червец

A mealybug can lead an orchid to drying. About him
presence can be guessed by whitish bloom on the roots,
ground mix or pot walls. It appears due to lack of
good maintenance conditions, especially when the plant is overfed
nitrogen fertilizer.

To overcome the pest and prevent it from appearing again,
every morning and evening you need to clean mealybugs with
Orchids with a thin stick. After thorough cleaning
flower, process it with a swab moistened with soapy water.


These transparent whitish worms can be located in the ground,
substrate, and on the flower itself. Damaged area tissue
turn black from exposure, may die off.

The diseased plant must be immediately isolated from all others,
to prevent insects from spreading to other flowers.
It is processed by nematicides: fenamifosom, aldicarb,
oxamyl or etoprofos. All drugs are absolutely safe for
plants are toxic to humans and animals, so use them
need to observe precautions.

The orchid dried up: what to do – if the reasons are not established

If the orchid is withered, and the reasons could not be established,
pay attention to her appearance.

Malicious insects can settle both in the substrate and on
orchid itself. To exclude the possibility of the presence of pests,
carefully examine the earth mixture, roots, leaves, flowers

The best way to fight insects is to prevent them.
distribution. It includes a close inspection of the flower.
before buying, “bathing” under the shower with warm water, using
sterile primer, precise compliance with instructions for use
chemical protective equipment.

If wilting and drying of the flower was noticed, yellowing
leaves and the weakening of the roots, it means that a mistake was made during
care. In this case, you need to pay attention to the location
plants, remember the date of the last watering and fertilizer,
check for drafts and air humidity.

Flabby leaves with dots pressed into them speak of
root damage, tissue dehydration. If seen
mechanical damage to the sheet, cracks, then the reason lies in
excess fertilizer and abundant watering.

Water stagnation, excessive fluid accumulation can cause
darkening or yellowing of the sheet, the formation of growths on it and
cones. Indented stains speak of excessively long contact with water.
and thinned fabrics.

Like many indoor flowers, orchid requires reverent
обращения и регулярного care. Proper and timely assistance
promotes good life, growth and flowering

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