The most common diseases of apple trees: with photos anddescription. All ways to fight disease on apples: folk andscientific

Пн, 03 июл 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Almost every garden has an apple tree. Any summer resident
knows that a tree needs special care, otherwise good harvests are not
see. Unfortunately, apple trees are more prone to disease than others.

Preventive treatments do not always help and the tree doesn’t care
gets sick. It is necessary to begin treatment immediately, but for this it is necessary
deal with what ailment will be faced.


What causes apple diseases: general characteristics and methods

Before you begin treatment, you need to understand what caused
disease. All types of diseases on apples can be divided into three

• fungal;

• bacterial;

• cancerous.

The treatment of these diseases is significantly different. But whatever
the disease did not hit the tree, it is necessary to remove all the sick on time
parts of the plant: leaves, bark, twigs and burn all the garbage. it
stop the spread of the disease to healthy parts of the tree.

Лечение грибковых заболеваний начинается с
spraying the crown and tree pristvolny circle organic and
chemical preparations. Bordeaux are considered the most effective.
liquid, bluestone and colloidal sulfur. Prepare a solution for
Processing is possible according to the following recipes:

• Bordeaux liquid 3%. For 10 liters of water will need 300 grams of copper
vitriol and 300 grams of lime.

• Solution of copper sulfate. At 12 liters of water take 2 tbsp. l copper
vitriol and 1 tbsp. l liquid soap without fragrance. You can rub
laundry soap.

• Sulfur solution. 80 g of colloidal sulfur (70% concentration)
dilute in 10 liters of water.

Spraying is carried out at the first signs of the disease. but
Bordeaux liquid 3% is used only in spring and autumn. In the summer
period trees are sprayed with 1% solution. For its preparation
the amount of drugs is reduced.

Bacterial and cancers cure very
. Even if the disease recedes, then for cutting
shoots from him no longer use. In some cases, treatment is not
gives results and you have to uproot the sapling. To secure
garden from insidious diseases, use only healthy planting
material from proven nurseries. Always disinfect
tools before and after work, otherwise rice infestation is healthy
tree increases.

Грибковые болезни яблонь: описание, фото и способы struggle

Most often, trees in the garden are affected by fungal diseases,
which can be prevented by prophylactic treatments.

• scab;

• powdery mildew;

• cytosporosis;

• monilioz.

Further we will talk in detail about each of these ailments.

Scab on the apple tree: symptoms and fight

It is important to understand that scab affects trees under conditions
high humidity, especially in the spring. If precipitation
too much, you should not wait for the appearance of the disease, immediately
proceed with prophylactic treatments.

Another cause of infection is the thickened crown of the tree.
In time thin out the crown, cut the branches growing inside.

Recognizing the disease is easy. Scab begins on the leaves, after
which goes to the fruit. The pathogen is carried by the wind.

Symptoms of the disease:

1. • The leaves are covered with brown spots, which over time
acquire olive color.

2. • Spots go to the fruit, at first they are small. With growth
fruit spots increase in size, merge. Apples crack
and rot.

Disease prevention is carried out in the autumn and early spring. Tree
well sprayed with urea solution. After getting started
harvest, do treatment with copper oxychloride. The solution is prepared from 40 g
drug and 10 liters of water.

If the disease has already begun, then the crown is treated Bordeaux
fluid. In advanced cases, a solution of phytosporin or
drug “Horus”.

Tip! As a preventive good
proven foliar mineral dressing

Mealy dew: description and photo

Mealy dew infects young leaves and buds, after which
distributed throughout the tree. The cause of the disease is
high humidity and low temperature, especially
at night.


1. • Young leaves and inflorescences are covered with white felt patina,
which changes color over time and becomes brown or

2. • The leaves on the apple tree gradually turn yellow and dry, fall off.

3. • The barrel is covered with black dots.

Treatment must begin immediately, as in the final stages
заметить болезнь complicated. Without treatment, much of the harvest suffers,
reduced winter hardiness of the plant.

Prophylactic treatment begins in early spring as soon as
buds swell, which is very important. Bordeaux liquid is used,
коллоидную серу или раствор copper vitriol. Then spend
spraying 2-3 more times, the interval between treatments 3 weeks.

At the first signs of the disease are spraying
fungicides: “Skor” or “Topaz”. Processing carried out 4 times a

Mealy dew is very cunning, so after the disease tree
regularly need to inspect and if necessary repeat the course
preventive procedures.

Cytosporosis: symptoms and treatment

The disease affects the bark of the tree and progresses rapidly. Arises in
mainly on poor and too heavy soils as a result of poor
care and improper watering.


1. • Dark-colored ulcers appear in some areas of the cortex,
after which they increase in size, become

2. • The affected area of ​​the cortex dies along with
located branch.

To stop the disease, all affected areas need to be cut,
bark well cleaned. If we neglect this measure, then cytosporosis
will destroy the tree from the inside.

As a preventive measure whitewashing trunks in the spring
and in the autumn, sprinkle the crown with blue vitriol.

Tip! Do not forget to feed
apple mineral fertilizers, improve the composition of the soil, and the disease
will not appear on your site.

Moniliasis: description and methods of treatment

The disease appears during crop ripening and affects


1. • Apples are spotted brown.

2. • The fruits are completely affected by rot, the disease takes hold.
healthy apples.

At the first signs of a disease, all affected fruits are removed,
tree trunk circle digging up. Be sure to remove the drop
– this is the source of infection.

As a disease prevention in the spring spend spraying
borodo 3% liquid, as soon as the buds bloom. During the period
Vegetation treatment is done with 1% solution with an interval of 15 days.

Bacterial diseases of apple trees: photos, symptoms and prevention

Bacterial diseases are very dangerous, without treatment the tree can
die in a short time.

Bacterial burn

Infection affects all organs of the plant, especially young shoots and
leaves. Without treatment after 30 days the seedling dies. Begins
illness in early spring. The spread of infection contributes to warm
and wet weather. The first signs of the disease are clearly visible after


1. • Sick flowers are watery, wither and fall.

2. • Fruits are covered with oily black-brown spots, stop

3.•Tree выглядит обожженным.

Treatment of a bacterial burn does not give results, from a sapling
will have to get rid of. Carefully monitor the condition of the tree in
vegetation period, carry out all necessary activities to

Rust: Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Инфекция поражает листья яблони и редко fruit. Develops in
mostly in July, the tree stops growing, dries, comes
early fall foliage. Productivity is sharply reduced.


1. • Black dots are visible on the upper side of the leaves.

2. • The underside is covered with nipples.

All affected leaves and fruits must be removed. If amazed
branch of a tree, then it is removed along with a piece of healthy tissue.
Sick tree is treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid every 10

As a preventive measure in spring, before the start of bud break, all
to clean old wounds, to process copper sulphate and to cover
garden pitch.

Tip! Do not grow in the garden
juniper. it растение способствует распространению инфекции.
If it grew, then dig it up and dig a lot deep.

Apple Cancer Diseases: Description, Photos and Treatment Methods

Cancer diseases are very dangerous, they affect all organs of the tree,
rapidly progressing, poorly treatable.

Black cancer

The disease affects trees older than 20, young seedlings are not
susceptible to illness. Promotes the spread of the disease wet
spring weather Even after the tree recovers, there is no certainty that
the affliction will not return again. Black cancer возвращается даже спустя
some years.


1. • Leaves are covered with black spots.

2. • Fruits turn black and disappear.

3. • The bark cracks and swells.

As a prophylaxis, whitewashing of the tables is carried out twice a year.
If the disease caught me by surprise, then all the affected fruits, shoots and
bark areas are removed. Cleaned the wounds, treated with blue vitriol
and cover up.

Apple root cancer

The disease is formed on the roots of the plant. It falls through the wounds and


1. • Solid growths are formed on the roots.

2. • The root system ceases to develop normally, the central
root is affected by cancer.

The treatment is very difficult. All growths on the roots must be cut,
после чего продезинфицировать саженец в растворе copper

Ailment is very insidious, because getting into the soil, cancer cells
live there for many years and waiting in the wings. Choose carefully
seedlings, prepare the soil well for planting.

it далеко не все болезни яблонь, с которыми сталкиваются
gardeners. Watch carefully for the trees in the garden, do not neglect
preventive maintenance and properly care for seedlings.

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