The meaning of the name Dominic, the origin andstory. What awaits a girl named Dominica: character andfate

Чт, 23 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

The unusual, but very sonorous name of Dominic is not very common in
Russia. Nevertheless, in the calendar for January and October this option
The name is given along with such forms as the Dumnik, DomnIka, Domna.
The origin and history of the name Dominic is very interesting.


The meaning of the name Dominic

Beautiful, but obscure name Russians choose for their
daughters infrequently. However, if you are attracted to its special sound,
nice look at the name more closely. The meaning of the name Dominic
most often interpreted in three versions: “the protector of God”, “God’s
day, “belonging to God.” �”Divine” component concluded
at the root of the word “Dominus”, translated from the Latin meaning and
�”Lord”, and “Lord” (in the Russian tradition of “God”).

It is clear that such a name is perceived with a bright religious
subtext, but only if you know about such saints,
like Dominic and Dominic. Europeans belong mostly to
Catholic branches of Christianity, they are aware of and well aware that
means the name of Dominic. Therefore, to meet on the streets of Barcelona or
Austria girl with that name can often.

The meaning of the name Dominic религиозным соотнесением со святыми не
exhausted. In Romance languages ​​(Italian, Portuguese,
Spanish) the word “Domenica” means “Sunday”, i.e.
last day of the week.

In general, Dominic is a form of the male name Dominic. In different
countries, the female version of the name sounds differently: Dominik and
the French, Domnica among the Italians, Domingash among the Portuguese, Doming
from the Spaniards. Our closest Slavic relatives (Ukrainians,
Belarusians, Romanians) call the girls Domnik, Domnikia, Domjanik.

The origin of the name Dominic

The origin and history of the name Dominic is interesting. Its roots
definitely latin. In the west, it is a tradition to give girls
and boys are almost the same name. Therefore call girls
Dominic may honor several saints. Only parents know
What does the name Dominic mean for their daughter?

Покровительницей женской ипостаси имени является святая
мученица Домна
. The Virgin was executed by the Gentiles for what
buried the bodies of the murdered martyrs of the church. Was beheaded and
counted among the saints.

Saint Dominic, who also has a direct connection to
The origin of the female name is the Spanish founding monk
famous Dominican Order in France. Inquisition and
the historical events caused by her made the name of the holy

Among the Orthodox saints known Reverend Domnica
Constantinople and Domnica Cilician. The first is the immaculate
the nun who controlled the elements healed the seriously ill,
foresaw the future and died at a respectable age. Second hit
for faith and died after cruel tortures in prison.

The character of a woman named Dominica

Girls, who are called the miraculous name of the saints, since childhood
обладают твердым решительным нравом. Character and
fate Доминики формируются именно в детские годы. Grown up
Dominica is independent and stubborn, principled and self-confident.
Due to prudence, as a rule, it successfully succeeds with
трудностями, которые в изобилии подбрасывает ей fate.

Natural hardness does not prevent little Dominica from growing
жизнерадостной и веселой. She is calm
he doesn’t like active games, that’s why hooligan tricks
just noisy play does not attract her. For a calm look
friendly girls hiding vulnerable nature: Dominica
легко обидеть словом. Despite the desire for solitude
and the love of reading she gets along well with peers, enjoys
love teachers Being offended, closes and avoids

Character and fate Доминики взаимосвязаны и реализуются не лучшим
in a way. Женщина с таким именем горда, высокомерна и часто
резка до грубости
. She may exhibit the worst features.
nature: child self-sufficiency often turns into
intolerance and narcissism. Even mentally sensitive Dominica
penny does not put the opinion of other people, it is believed that the rights only
она, легко идет на конфликт, не боится портить
relationships with others, including the mother.

Dominic will never give up his opinions or interests. Her
almost impossible to convince even in small things. She can’t stand
no dependence and behaves imperiously. Purposefulness
women of that name are well known to others. With her
редко кто решается спорить,
а об открытом противостоянии
only a few are thought out.

С другой стороны, подлости в характере Доминики
. She feels injustice, and therefore
struggling with it in all ways. At the same time, Dominica is smart and possesses
excellent intuition. She likes symmetry and harmony, she often
esthetka and fan of art. Despite the prudence and
проницательность, Доминику можно обмануть лестью и
frank admiration.

If Dominika loves or appreciates someone, she will save
loyalty and loyalty in any situation. This woman is reliable, but
requires that instead. Dominic become good wives and
wonderful mothers.

The fate of women named Dominic

A woman with this name is ready to work for wear
achieve their goals, and in a career it is always
ambitious, big goal. Difficulties do not frighten Dominic,
on the contrary, they stimulate. That is why she often chooses
public service, with pleasure is engaged in administrative
work, making a career as a director, top manager,

Can do politics out of vanity, the desire to administer
the fate of the world. Dominic authorities appreciate the responsibility of trusting
her serious projects and complex assignments. Often Dominic finds
myself in science and medicine. Well she is given science,
economics and finance.

She can achieve high results in almost any
industry areas. It is characterized by a masculine style.
leadership, she will not almond with anyone, never
allows employees to cross the line in a relationship
Head – subordinate.

Famous women:

• Dominica Swain, actress;

• Dominika Ostalovskaya, actress;

• Dominic Monami, tennis player;

• Dominica Ori, writers;

• Dominika Tsibulkova, tennis player;

• Domingas Persona, actress.

Family for Dominica

Dominic will be able to create a family with a balanced man
possessing in addition appeasable character. Skill on time
give way – the main feature that will allow you to live next to such a bright
and a tough woman without daily scandals and nerves. Exactly
therefore, one marriage for Dominica is a rarity. As a rule, she
gets married a few times, does an excellent job with home
housekeeping, and raising children in austerity.

Психологическая совместимость у Доминики с
owners of such names as Velor, Klim, Miroslav, Harry, May.
It is hoped that the marriage will not fall apart within a few months.
But with Rodion, Adam, Svyatoslav, Rodion, Oscar get on with her
will be very difficult.

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