The hellebore: the correct fit and competent care(a photo). Amazingly beautiful hellebore: how to grow and care forby him

Пт, 20 май 2016 Автор: Татьяна Толкачёва

Currently, 22 species of hellebore are known.

There are hybrids, characterized by high resistance to low
air temperatures (up to -35 ° C).

The hellebore prefers penumbra. Many species can grow
in the light, but need such a case in regular watering.

Если правильно морозник посадить и ухаживать фото за by him, он
will suffer drought due to the presence of a massive root, although the best
growing conditions will be wet, neutral or slightly alkaline.


The hellebore: planting, selection of varieties

Plant the hellebore is best when the danger of appearance
frost is not expected. Most advantageous against the snow
garden looks hellebore, planted in groups. Because of amazing
the beauty of flowers, simplicity and early flowering in front of many
gardeners the question is how to choose the type of hellebore,
посадить и ухаживать (фото) за by him.

The pit for planting should be big enough – almost double
more than the roots of hellebore in earthen coma. The size of the fossa should
be about 25x25x25 or 30x30x30 centimeters. Distance from
one landing pit to the other should be about thirty – forty

Sand is placed on the bottom of the pit, approximately 5 cm thick. He performs
drainage function. The drainage layer should not be neglected, since
if humidity is too high, it will help prevent rotting
roots of hellebore after planting and during the care of photos of the plant.

Fertile soil is poured onto the drainage layer. The best choice
there will be forest land mixed with compost soil in proportion
1: 1.

Next, we lower the plant into the pit along with the earthy clod.
The empty space is filled with earth, which we got at
digging fossa. Thoroughly water planted hellebore.
It is recommended to water the plant for about another month.
after landing.

Landing dates are different. The general recommendation is that
landing should be done when there is no threat of frost or
промерзания soil. The fact is that resistance to low
temperatures the plant gains after it is strong and well
take root. In general, the hellebore very poorly tolerates transplant and
sensitive to abrupt changes in growing conditions, with
one place it can grow for more than ten years.

Чтобы правильно выбрать вид морозника, посадить
и ухаживать за by him фото, надо знать, что:

• The best of other species transplant tolerate black hellebore and
hellebore hybrid;

• optimal conditions for growing freezer
shady places under large shrubs or garden trees.
Direct sunlight inhibits the plant.

The greatest distribution currently received hellebore
black, hybrid and hellebore, Caucasian hellebore.

Одby him из самых красивых и устойчивых к морозам является
морозник чёрный. He has several varieties with
pinkish or snow-white flowers. Black hellebore is widespread.
mostly in Southern and Central Europe, where the period
flowering occurs in December, January and February. Growing in
the middle lane blooms as soon as the snow melts, mostly in

The black hellebore (Helleborus niger) is distinguished by large
size (for Potter’s Wheel varieties up to 12 cm in diameter)
flowers. The peculiarity of black hellebore varieties is flowers. Thanks
Rgaesoh variety with pale pink large flowers, the garden will not
dull, even in late autumn, as this kind of hellebore blooms
in the end of November. Very resistant to low temperatures and capable of
withstand frost at -35C.

Разнообразием сортов отличается морозник
— Helleborus hybridus. Varieties of this species
Differ unpretentiousness to the conditions of growth.

The most popular varieties of hybrid hellebore are
Queen of the night, Belinda, Violetta. Hybrid hellebore blooms
later than other species.

Морозник восточный — Helleborus orientalis
characterized by high winter hardiness, leaves are susceptible to mushroom
Diseases (covered with black spots). If the climate in which
the plant is grown raw and warm – the disease is fast
develops and hellebore dies.

The varieties of hellebore east bloom from March to April, flowers
purple, white, cream or pink, not more than five centimeters in
diameter. In general, growing conditions are the same as for others.
species. Eastern juice of hellebore can leave burns on the skin.
cover. The most common varieties are Doublellou and Spottedgibrids.
The most beautiful varieties – eastern Montsegur and hybrid ballard.

Морозник кавказский (Helleborus caucasicus)
different color of the flowers yellow or greenish, rarely
a brownish tint may be present. In the wild it
found in the Caucasus, in Turkey and in Greece. Begins to bloom like
only the snow will disappear. The foliage is very beautiful during the summer, and
sometimes in winter, but more often the leaves die off for the winter.

Caucasian variety of plants used in folk
medicine for weight loss cleansing
organism from slags and toxins. Contains cardiac glycosides. Highly

The hellebore: care (photo)

The hellebore – a plant amazing, fragile in appearance, it has
endurance and remarkable endurance in extreme conditions, and
также ранby him цветением и широчайшей палитрой красок, радующих
gardeners. The hellebore after planting and care photo will grow marvel
lush and beautiful.

Care of hellebore is quite simple. Cut before blooming
old leaves – this technique serves as a measure to prevent fungal
diseases, and also improves the appearance of the plant.

When the hellebore has blossomed, you can mulch the land around the plants with
using garden compost, peat, sawdust or sheet

All types of hellebore like moist clay
drained, loose earth. If the plot is sour soil
reaction, it must be zavonkovkovat. This is done with
using dolomite flour, ordinary chalk or hydrated lime.

The best conditions for the growth and development of hellebore are open ground.
Highly красиво выглядят группы морозника рядом с пионом, примулой,
tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, Volzhanka. Perfect neighborhood
there will be an apple tree, as its foliage accumulates necessary for
hellebore nutrients entering the earth along with
fallen leaves, and the crown of the tree gives this necessary for the plant

The hellebore: top dressing

Like any other plant, hellebore responds well to
fertilizing in spring with complex mineral fertilizers.
Feeding the hellebore after planting and care photos will provide
stimulate plant growth, strengthen immunity and reduce
susceptibility to disease.

If desired, once every three months as a top dressing you can
use ash or bone meal (200 g / m2) – so you can speed up
root growth in a plant. The introduction of double superphosphate
instructions and spraying of a solution of trace elements (foliar
fertilizing) also gives a good effect as a means,
stimulates the growth and strengthens the immune system of the plant. Foliar
top dressing is made in dry clear weather.

The hellebore: pests and diseases

Knowledge of major diseases and pests that are enemies
hellebore, plant and care for a photo of the plant will be much
simpler. Despite the toxicity of the hellebore, they do not

• slugs;

• snails;

• caterpillars of hop fine-row – eat roots and plants
begin to urge;

• aphid – occurs most frequently;

• mouse.

The main signs of a plant damage are yellowing and
curly buds, leaves and flowers. If aphids are many, you can
see specific sticky secretions.

Prevention measures and the fight against the defeat of hellebore
тлёй сводятся к следующему:

• reproduction of a plant is carried out by means of only healthy
queen cells;

• if the damage is not strong – you can simply wash off the insects
soap solution of water;

• leaves and flowers that are very badly affected are removed;

• two or three times with an interval of seven to ten days
processing of hellebore with insecticides “Tanrek”, “Biotlin”,
�”Aktara” or “Fufanon.”

The most common disease affecting hellebore is
антракноз. It is expressed in the appearance on the leaves
black-brown spots with a weak ring pattern. Little by little
the spots merge and the leaves dry out, then the stems are affected.
Particularly strongly anthracnose is distributed in warm (with
temperatures above + 22 ° C) and wet weather.

As measures of control, diseased parts of plants are removed and burned.
The remaining parts are treated with copper-containing fungicides,
for example, 1% Bordeaux mixture. Spraying done 2-3 times, with
two to three weeks apart.

Ложная мучнистая роса также часто встречающееся
hellebore disease It appears in the form of brown
stains on the surface of leaves and dirty white bloom
from below. Young leaves are deformed and stop growing.

As control measures, the destruction of
diseased plants and thorough processing of copper-containing fungicides
the lower surface of the leaves. As a prevention of the appearance
powdery mildew is recommended not to thicken the planting.

Viral diseases overtake old plants multiplied
by division. To treat them does not make sense. It is important to quickly remove them and
destroy to prevent the spread of infection.

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