The diet of Dr. Mirkin: menu and rules

  • 1 Who is Dr. Mirkin?
  • 2 The essence of the diet of Dr. Mirkin
    • 2.1 Permitted and Prohibited Products
  • 3 Menus
    • 3.1 Recipes
  • 4 Results

Recently, the diet of Dr. Mirkin has gained great success.
Read more about who this person is and what is the essence of it.
nutrition systems for weight loss will consider in the following material. From
what you need to give up for the sake of obtaining the coveted figures on the scales and
How does the menu on the Mirkin’s power system look like, including
delicious recipes, read on.


Who is Dr. Mirkin?

A native of Belarus, Mirkin Vladimir Ivanovich first of all
is a psychotherapist. A specialist in the field of nutrition his
named after the invention of a unique method of losing weight, thanks to
which managed to achieve the desired results thousands of people.

Mirkin sought in his patients the identity and each individually
chose a power system based on the nature and psychological
features. In addition, Vladimir Ivanovich himself is
versatile and interesting person. In addition to a series of books on
a unique method of losing weight, collections were released
comic stories of the doctor, as well as an album of songs.

What is the essence of the diet of Dr. Mirkin and what are the main
the rules of his diet for weight loss will be considered in the following

The essence of the diet of Dr. Mirkin

As mentioned above, the essence of the diet of Dr. Mirkin
consists in an individual approach to each patient and selection
power systems based on its nature. Before proceeding to
observance of the menu, Vladimir Ivanovich advises to adhere
certain recommendations.

Правила диеты доктора Mirkina заключаются в

  • as the body feels full only 20 minutes after
    eating, you need to eat slowly;
  • food should be consumed from a small saucer;
  • in no case can not eat a certain mode, and
    only when your body requires it;
  • Allowed drinks and vegetable salads can be eaten in
    unlimited quantity;
  • in the first course of the diet for consumption is allowed only
    broth, from the ground and other products that are in it, it is necessary
    get rid of;
  • as the main dishes for the diet most preferred fish
    and meat;
  • favorite fried foods you need to cook exclusively
    on vegetable oil;
  • fruits and vegetables are allowed as a snack;
  • your dessert should contain a minimum amount of sugar;
  • instead of sugar, it is recommended to add to hot drinks
  • in case of breakdown and violation of the rules, return to the power system again
    a fasting day on kefir will help;
  • daily try to drink as much water as possible;
  • 15 minutes before meals, drink a glass of water.

With regards to the psychological attitude to lose weight, first of all
there must be a serious motivation for dieting. Push up
you to apply on yourself the above rules on the power system
Dr. Mirkin should exclusively you, the opinion of outsiders
people about your figure should not affect your lifestyle. To that
just the right attitude and your own determination
able to lead you to the desired results.

Allowed and prohibited products

Before you begin to comply with the diet menu, you must
find out which products should be included and which
categorically do not fit this diet.

Итак, система питания доктора Mirkina допускает в своем

  • all meat dishes except roast pork and roast
  • Fish and seafood;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products, with a maximum fat content of 3.5%;
  • sweet and sour fruit;
  • all vegetables, except potatoes and legumes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spice;
  • greenery;
  • sugar free drinks.

К запретным продуктам системы питания доктора
Mirkina include:

  • confectionery and bakery products;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • figs;
  • bananas, apricots;
  • dates;
  • beans, potatoes;
  • fried pork and duck;
  • ice cream;
  • crab sticks;
  • bread.


According to the above list of acceptable foods, diet
доктора Mirkina подразумевает следующее меню на


  • Breakfast: 200 g of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat, not strong
    sugar free coffee;
  • Lunch: 250 ml of broth and 150 g of cabbage salad;
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken with a glass of kefir.


  • savory coffee with a wholegrain bread sandwich and
    a piece of cooked sausage;
  • 250 ml of fish broth;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese with raisins and a cup of green tea.


  • with two freshly squeezed boiled eggs with dietary bread
    orange juice, diluted with water;
  • salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, 150 g of boiled turkey;
  • 200 g of cheese, grapefruit and a glass of low-fat kefir.


  • vegetable salad with tomato juice;
  • carrot, cabbage and zucchini casserole, skimmed glass
  • 200 ml of vegetable soup and a glass of kefir.


  • two boiled sausages with whole grain breads;
  • 250 ml of broth;
  • apple and tomato juice.


  • tomato omelette and unsweetened tea;
  • fruit and vegetable vitamin salad – 250 g;
  • 200 g of baked fish.


  • boiled egg, diet loaf and a glass of warm milk;
  • 200 g boiled perch and unsweetened green tea;
  • 150 g boiled chicken meat.

Dish recipes

The power system of Dr. Mirkin allows you to diversify the menu
следующими рецептами:

Sea cocktail for the diet of Dr. Mirkin

Морской коктейль

Ингредиенты: по полкило креветок, мидий и кальмаров, луковица,
a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of greens and one juice

  • chop the onion and fry until golden brown;
  • then add lemon juice and seafood;
  • Cover and simmer for half an hour.

Soups for diet on the system of food Mirkin:

Shrimp soup for the diet of Dr. Mirkin

Креветочный суп

Ингредиенты: килограмм креветок, два стебля сельдерея, помидор,
лук и сок одного lemon.

  • cut tomato, celery and onion;
  • peel the shrimp;
  • then pour water over vegetables and seafood and cook until full
    the readiness of ingredients;
  • Season the finished dish with lemon juice.

Pumpkin Mushroom Soup for Doctor’s Diet

Тыквенный суп с грибами

Ингредиенты: по 200 г тыквы и шампиньонов, две дольки чеснока,
kilogram of chicken meat, a pinch of sage, coriander and cumin.

  • cut into several pieces of chicken meat and cook along with
    herbs for 20 minutes;
  • then add chopped champignons and pumpkin and cook more on
    over 20 minutes;
  • decorate with greens.

Мясные блюда для диеты Mirkina:

Говяжье рагу для диеты доктора Mirkina

Говяжье рагу

Ингредиенты: килограмм нежирной говядины, полкило шпината,
onion, garlic clove, celery root, three tomatoes, 100 ml
beef broth, a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch

  • fry tomatoes and onions in butter;
  • then add beef broth, meat, spinach and celery;
  • Cover and simmer for 45 minutes.

Печеночные оладьи для диеты доктора Mirkina

Печеночные оладьи

Ингредиенты: килограмм говяжьей печени, один лук, две столовые
spoons of oatmeal, chicken egg and four egg whites, pinch
black ground pepper.

  • skip the liver through a meat grinder;
  • chop the onion and mix it with the resulting liver
    minced meat;
  • Beat whites and add them to the meat mass together with oatmeal
    cereal and egg;
  • cook in a double boiler for 2-3 minutes.


results диеты доктора Mirkina напрямую зависят от вашего
the desire to work on yourself and, of course, the original weight.
Давайте ознакомимся с фото «до» и «после»
The doctor’s diet-thinned diet:

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