The danger of the microwave: is it possible to warm itfood for the baby, a pregnant woman. How to reduce danger frommicrowave?

Ср, 06 июн 2018 Автор: Наталья Абдуллаева

Household, audio, video equipment – this is certainly
achievements of scientific and technical progress. Also, very difficult
argue with the statement that all these devices facilitate our
life, make it more comfortable.

However, let’s talk about microwave ovens and their effects on
body and human health. This is probably the most common
household appliance, which is most often found in each kitchen
mistress The essence of the action of microwaves is the same, they differ
only a set of functions. Often, do not stop and do not save
The purchase of a microwave is even a warning in the media
information about the dangers of this device. Meanwhile, radiation,
coming from the microwave is very dangerous for the human body, and
its use in everyday life threatens with serious diseases,
the outcome of which is difficult to predict even doctors. However, all this is only
conversations, and after all the person needs proof.


So what is the real harm

First of all, we are talking about ultra-frequency radiation, which
appears at the moment when you turn on the microwave. Should
note that this type of radiation is also used in
air defense devices. Probably already this fact
should make you think.

Consider the principle by which food is heated in
microwave. When the device turns on, microwaves are generated,
which in turn create the magnetic field of the device. This field
acts on the molecules of the products, thereby forcing them to move.
As a result, the food becomes warmer. From the above you can
to conclude that the principle of operation of the microwave is not complicated at all,
about like cooking on a fire. However,
there are differences and they indicate the harm of this wonderful stove.

As a result of studies of microwaves, started in 1992,
scientists concluded that microwaves negatively affect
product molecular polarity.

What does it threaten?

And the fact that the nutrients and properties of products, in fact,
for the sake of which we prepare them, disappear without a trace after processing
microwave ovens. Similar conclusions scientists were able to do after
how to conduct research on two groups of people. One group
daily fed on food cooked in the microwave, and the second
preferred the oven or ordinary gas or
electric stove.

What did the results show? The first thing that struck scientists in the blood
people from the first group significantly decreased hemoglobin readings.
And the second unpleasant moment – a significant increase in performance.

What follows from this? What follows is that energy
microwave, which warms foods, not
disappears. Food accumulates and transfers it to the human body. And this
energy is capable of causing irreversible damage being inside

It has also been proven by scientists that in all products subjected to
processing in the microwave, you can detect carcinogens. Examples
served meat and dairy products.

As for root crops, the amount of nutrients in them
after processing in the microwave is reduced by 90%.

Are there ways to reduce harm to the microwave?

– it is necessary to completely eliminate cooking for children.
In addition, if you can not do without a microwave, then
the cooking process children should not attend
kitchen so as not to be exposed to harmful radiation.

– before you feed the mixture warmed in the microwave
baby, try the temperature of the product. After all, the dishes are heated
somewhat longer than its contents, because of this, a child may
be burned by too hot food.

– Do not touch the microwave door with wet hands.
Remember that it is the water molecule that first starts
take part in the heating.

– and most importantly – if the microwave oven in any way
suffered and she had a crack or other mechanical
damage, do not store it in the house and especially do not cook in it

If you do decide to purchase a microwave, then first
queue pay attention to protecting the device from harmful radiation.
Thereby you will save yourself and your relatives, and you can
уменьшить вредное воздействие прибора на приготовленную food.

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