The child does not take the breast – why is this happening?What to do if the baby refuses to breast.

Fri, 26 Jun 2015 Breastfeeding is an integral part
full and healthy development of each child.

But, due to lactation problems that today occur
facing every third woman, the feeding process turns
into real torment for both mom and baby who doesn’t get
required amount of nutrients. One thing when
there is a shortage of milk, but what if the baby himself
refuses to take a breast and at the same time remains hungry?


The child does not take the breast: problems with mom

Often the breastfeeding process is disturbed due to the particular
the structure of the mammary glands of the mother. If the nipple is very large,
flat or drawn in, it is difficult for a baby to take and hold it in the mouth.
Such feeding is very tiring to the crumb and in the end the child remains
hungry. If over time the baby did not adjust to such
anatomical features of the mother, it is worth using special
silicone lining. In some cases, a woman may
milk duct blockage or milk stagnation occur, which
cause compaction and swelling of the nipple, which greatly complicates
breastfeeding process. In this case, the usual helps

Sometimes the breastfeeding process is disturbed due to
that a nursing woman is taking certain medicinal
preparations that give milk a specific taste. Young mom
should closely monitor their health. Wrong
breastfeeding can bring tangible discomfort like
infant and nursing woman. One of the main problems is
cracked nipples that cause terrible pain.

To get rid of this defect, use
specialized drugs based on lanonin. Do not use
by any means of traditional medicine, vazilin and vegetable
oil – these substances can lead to the development of allergic
reaction. In addition, foreign smell and taste can cause
the fact that the baby will not take the breast. If any
Breast pathologies should be treated promptly and regularly
be examined by a specialist.

If a nursing woman has a menstrual cycle failure or
a new pregnancy has begun, the baby may refuse to breast
due to a change in the emotional state of the mother. Sure to
watch your diet by completely excluding from the daily menu
caffeinated foods, fatty and fried foods. Nursing woman not
It is worth abusing all sorts of nutritional supplements and vitamin

If you feel the need to receive them, first of all
consult a doctor. It is also worth being extremely careful.
when using cosmetics, avoiding products with sharp
a peculiar smell that may be unpleasant to your
to kid.

In some cases, the problem may be well known.
postpartum depression when mom can not respond to crying
the kid, often leaving him alone in the room, rude and inadequate
handles his child. Children, despite their small age,
Feel very rude and cruel, so they start
stay away from mom. In this case, you should stock not only
tremendous exposure, but also with the help of an experienced psychologist, who
will help to solve this situation painlessly.

The reasons why the child himself refuses to breast:

1. Insufficiently developed sucking reflex – over this problem
it is worth working, often putting the baby to the chest;

2. During prenatal development or during childbirth, the baby was

3. Bottle feeding is one of the most common.
factors why the baby refuses the mother’s breast. Suck
from the bottle is much easier, but to get milk from the nipple
need to make an effort. Pediatricians recommend to limit to six months
baby bottle and nipple, because it is a very important period when
all forces must be directed to the preservation of breastfeeding.
After giving the baby a mixture or bottled water several times, be
ready to face protest and patience to again
to teach the baby to the breast. Even if there is a need to enter
prikorm, better give the child food from a spoon or syringe.

4. Incorrect posture while feeding – maybe baby
lies awkwardly, gets tired very quickly and does not eat enough.
The optimal position – the head is slightly thrown back so that
the spout was at the level of the nipple.

5. Short sublanguage bridle – a defect that requires
surgical intervention. With this pathology, the baby can
do not refuse to feed categorically, but do it very much

What if the baby refuses to breast?

Your baby is crying again, turning away from the breast, causing
irritation and nervousness? Do not despair and begin to enter
feeding, if desired, natural feeding is always possible
normalize, providing your baby a full development. AT
first you need to create between the child and the body
contact, creating a favorable feeding atmosphere. Try hard
spend as much time as possible with the baby, hug, kiss
baby so that he could feel motherly love and care. ATо
feeding time in the room can turn on beautiful relaxing
music, make more subdued light. Better if this
the quivering moment in the room will not be anyone except mom and baby.
Try hard создать в доме благоприятную дружескую атмосферу,
Avoid quarrels and family scandals that can cause
baby unnecessary excitement. Do not give up on nightly feeding and
sharing sleep is the best way to improve your psychological

The baby does not breastfeed in late infancy

ATаш малыш с рождения с удовольствием брал грудь и вот теперь
suddenly began to refuse mother’s milk? Problem here
Lies not in the physiology of the mother and the characteristics of the child’s body.
The reason may be in acute respiratory infections when a child has a very cold
it is difficult to breathe, stress when changing the situation, different
diseases with a pronounced pain syndrome. Also kids
often refuse to eat while growing teeth. Again the problem
rejection of breast milk can be the beginning of feeding with
bottles. Baby will understand that sucking is much easier and will be
require a pacifier, flatly refusing to breast.

According to pediatricians, there are often cases when children
refused to take the breast after a long absence of mother.
For example, you urgently left for a few days on business or went to
the hospital at this time the child is stressed due to separation
with mom. If such a situation takes place in your life, after
Return try to spend a maximum of time with your baby.

After six months, children are very sensitive to outsiders.
noises Notice, maybe some sound in the house is annoying.
child and he is constantly distracted by him and cannot normally
to eat

The child does not take the breast – in what cases there is no reason for

Very often, young mothers exaggerate and exacerbate the situation,
especially when it comes to their beloved offspring. If your child
refuses to take the breast, maybe he just was not hungry?

Record the time between feedings and, if only 2-3 have passed.
hours, the child is alert and does not cry, should not be tormented and forcibly
give a chest. It happens that a baby sucks one breast more than
other than worrying mom. Nothing wrong with that
no, maybe it’s more comfortable for a child or you yourself haven’t noticed
most often gave this breast.

The child does not take the breast – the three main mistakes of young mothers:

1. When a child aged 4-6 months begins to abandon
breasts, many mothers perceive this as a natural weaning and
quietly moving to artificial mixtures. In no case can not
do this! Physiologically, the body of the baby and the mother is ready for
completion of breastfeeding to 1.5-2 years.

2. Let the problem take its course – if it does not work for a long time
restore breast feeding and the baby is also categorically
refuses to breast, enlist the support of experts, girlfriends,
relatives, who will certainly help you with useful advice. For many
moms breastfeeding problems become real
problem and cause for stress. Do not shut yourself in – so you
only aggravate the situation. Read the blogs of experts, communicate
on specialized forums with friends in misfortune, but, not in
in any case, do not give up!

3. Never insist on or hindering a child if he isn’t
wants to take the chest. Did not work, try after a while and if
the attempt was crowned with success, do not take the breast until the baby is
snapped up and did not release it myself.

If you are not able to independently establish the natural
feeding, do not give up and blame yourself for all the failures.
Consult a breastfeeding specialist who does not
will only give valuable recommendations, but will also provide valuable support in
during the entire period of dealing with this problem.

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