The body temperature of the newborn: the norm and dangerousdeviations. What to do to reduce heatnewborn

Пт, 21 окт 2016 Автор: врач-терапевт Елена

A newborn baby is a baby from circumcision.
umbilical cord up to one month.

The process of thermoregulation in newborns is imperfect, and
The child’s body temperature depends on the environment until it reaches
im three months old.

Температура тела newborn: какая температура должна быть в
норме у newborn


Нормальной temperature тела у newborn считается

36.50 – 37.50 C. To maintain this level it is necessary that
in the room where the baby is, it was not less than 22 – 230 C.

The average temperature level is monitored daily.
by measurement. This should be done at about the same time.
It is not recommended to measure after sleep, feeding or after crying.
плача newborn — происходит некоторое повышение температуры в
these moments. It can even rise to 380 ° C, and such a rise
is the physiological norm.

Транзиторное состояние у newborn — что это такое

For newborns in medicine there is such a thing as
транзиторное состояние.

It can be either transient (non-permanent) hyperthermia, or
transient hypothermia.

1. Транзиторная гипотермия наблюдается у
newborn в течение часа после родов. Temperature reduction
Immediately after childbirth occurs up to 360 C. This is due to the sharp
temperature difference: in the cavity of the uterus – 370 C, which is 12 – 150 C
differs from the external environment, where the baby enters after birth. TO
середине первых суток жизни температура тела newborn
reaches normal values.

2. Транзиторная гипертермия может возникнуть у
baby on 3 – 5 days of life, the temperature rises to high
numbers This phenomenon is associated with overheating of the child or
metabolic features. В этот период жизни у newborn
thermoregulation system is not yet developed, therefore such rises
temperatures, although rare, occur. Need abundant
drinking, it is possible to receive antipyretic drugs, but it is in
exceptional cases.

Features of body temperature in premature infants

Premature newborns are dependent on the environment
more pronounced due to hypothalamic hypoplasia development, where
The center of thermoregulation is located. The shorter gestation period
child, the worse the underdeveloped hypothalamus.

Reactions to external factors may be
inadequate: when overheated the temperature may rise to 39
– 400 C, and during infection the body does not always respond to the introduction
pathogenic microorganism, temperature and remains normal. it
not a good situation because the fever
is a way to protect the body from infection.

To reduce the temperature of an infectious disease below 38.50 C in
newborn не рекомендуется за исключением детей из группы
risk of hyperthermia, convulsions. Fever
is a protective mechanism:

Heat has a detrimental effect on many pathogens.
microorganisms and viruses.

With high fever, immune cells and immune cells are activated
system as a whole.

When hyperthermia is the expansion of blood vessels, in connection with this
blood circulation is improved, metabolic processes are improved due to
more oxygen to organs and systems.

Температура тела newborn – отклонения

Причинами повышения температуры тела newborn
Various diseases may appear as infectious
character and somatic:

1. The first place is occupied by infectious processes – acute.
respiratory viral infection (ARVI), children (measles, varicella
smallpox, rubella) and intestinal infections.

2. Otitis.

3. Diseases of the lungs, kidneys.

4. Diseases of the endocrine system (hyperthyroidism), when
high temperature is a manifestation of hormonal changes
background of the body of the child.

5. Allergic reactions.

6. Vaccinations: fever in the first few days
is a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of foreign protein

7. Так называемая «нервная» лихорадка newborn: при крике,
strong anxiety, crying body temperature rises.

TOлинические симптомы у newborns при заболеваниях с высокой

TOаждое из этих состояний сопровождается, кроме повышенной
температуры тела newborn, соответствующими клиническими
symptoms. Carefully watching the child, you can understand that
it was the cause of the fever.

1. SARS is manifested by runny nose, cough, sneezing, redness.
throat, eyes, lacrimation and “souring” in the corners of the eyes.

2. Сильный кашель в сочетании с высокой temperature
indicates the development of bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and
also pharyngitis or laryngitis. it опасные состояния, требующие
hospitalization in most cases and immediate treatment.
Bronchiolitis occurring in newborns is life threatening
complications. Therefore, in such cases with the appeal for
medical care can not be slow.

3. About acute intestinal infection can guess by swelling
belly rumbling, multiple liquid stools. it опасное для
здоровья и жизни newborn состояние, которое при неоказании
immediate medical attention leads to dehydration.

4. Если дискомфорт в животе беспокоит newborn с первых
days of life (and this can also be seen from his behavior and clinical
symptoms), it is necessary to exclude congenital bowel disease:
diverticulosis, intestinal atresia, a doubling may occur
gallbladder. In such cases, the temperature rises
newborn не наблюдается.

5. TOроме детских инфекций, у newborn может появиться
гнойничковая сыпь по телу с высокой temperature — это проявление
streptococcal or herpes intrauterine infection.

6. Высокая температура тела newborn при общем
anxiety, motor activity, accompanied by
incessant cries, should immediately alert the parents.
The state of a large spring in a baby is indicative of
conditions of the nervous system. Tense pulsating spring,
protruding above the level of the bones of the skull may indicate
developed meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), or about
increased intracranial pressure. it состояние также относится к
life-threatening, requires immediate treatment to the doctor.

7. Stomatitis is also one of the diseases in which
температура тела у newborn может значительно повыситься.

For any of the above conditions, urgent
rendering newborn medical care.

TOакие меры предпринять для снижения высокой температуры тела у

Сбивать температуру у newborn, если она не достигла 380
C, not recommended. And at this temperature level medicinal
drugs are not used, rubbing and other
non-drug methods of exposure.

Wiping the baby with alcohol and acetic acid is not recommended.
solution due to their high toxicity for the body

The temperature rise to 390 C is a signal to the destination
drug treatment. This treatment is used in extreme
cases or with serious illnesses (meningitis), when
impossible to do without its use. it делается потому, что
организм newborn ещё не в состоянии, в силу недоразвития
certain organs and systems to adequately respond to
medications. Many medicines can harm, but not
помочь, поэтому лечение newborns медикаментами проводится с
great care.

In some severe cases, it is necessary to conduct emergency
events call an ambulance.

Reasons for calling an emergency

– the ineffectiveness of the ongoing antipyretic measures;

– developed seizures;

– nausea and repeated vomiting;

– multiple diarrhea;

– no urination;

– noisy breathing;

– signs of meningitis;

– pustules on the skin.

And we must remember that the medical assistance provided
qualified specialist, much more effective than any advice and
articles on the Internet.

Therefore, with the slightest doubt from parents about what
температура должна быть в норме у newborn, по какой причине
повысилась температура тела у newborn и что с этим делать,
you must contact your pediatrician.

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