The best varieties of onion. What varieties of onionsare considered the best by experienced gardeners: early,mid-season and late

Пт, 30 мар 2018 Автор: Юля Бекирова

Onions are an indispensable vegetable for every household. For
growing crops in the garden you must choose the right variety.
They can be early, middle and late. Select a specific
varieties should be conducted depending on when the owner wants
get a harvest.


Early varieties

Onions are characterized by short vegetative
period and rapid maturation. To the most popular varieties

– Early farmer. The fruits are characterized by a round shape, thin
scale and dense structure. Vegetable is quite large
sizes and can be up to 280 grams. Fruits are yellow
brilliant scales. After ripening onions, it becomes white.
This variety is characterized by long storage.

– Ellan. It is an elite early-ripe vegetable. Its underground and
ground parts develop quite quickly. Bulbs may have
oblong or round shape. Fruits weigh up to 300 grams and
characterized by a sweetish taste. For получения хорошего урожая
rare watering recommended. Onion storage
carried out within 8 months.

– Edelweiss. Bulbs are characterized by transversely epileptic
by forms. The coloring of the scales is directly influenced by the richness of the culture. She is
may be yellow or brown. On average, the weight of one
bulb is 85 grams. The variety is characterized by high
yield. Foliage is erect or semi-upright and
has a rich green color.

Early ripening varieties of onions are characterized not only fast
maturation, but also a good percentage of persistence over
a long time.

Mid-season varieties

Mid-season varieties include onions, the ripening of which
observed within 110 days after disembarkation. Most often in
our region is landing:

– Aleko. This is a single-seed variety that is well characterized.
developed ground part. From one set is carried out formation
several bulbs, the mass of which reaches one hundred grams. Fruits have
dense texture and round shape. They have dark purple
color This culture is characterized by a low level.
disease resistance. That is why culture needs
full care.

– Chalcedony. The planting of this plant is recommended in
southern regions of our country. After planting seed culture to collect
the harvest is possible after 95 days. Average weight of one fruit
makes 90 grams. The variety is characterized by resistance to disease and
good persistence.

– Alvina. The cultivation of this variety is carried out from the set or
seeds. After planting, the crop is harvested after 110
days The shape of the bulbs is flattened. Their weight is 85
gram. It has a pleasant semi-sharp taste. Onion flakes
may be purple, red or lilac-pink.
Most often the grade is applied to preservation.

– Snowball. This plant is characterized by white colored scales.
and fairly large fruits. Rarely enough bulbs produce
arrows. The plant is resistant to pests and diseases.

– Veselka. It is a commercial mid-season variety. It has
плоско-округлую форму плодов, которые достигают 120 gram. Dry
Scale has a dark red color. Inside the bow is white and
characterized by the presence of a red-violet hue. Fruit
characterized by semi-sharp taste. Due to the bright color of their vegetables
widely used for making salads. Variety is
annual culture and can be stored for a long time.

– Globe. It is an average grade that reaches
течение 94 days The bulb is oval. Dry scales
Characterized by a light brown or brown color. Inside
the scale has a white color and is characterized by the presence of light green
shade. Средний вес плодов составляет 85 gram. Ripen vegetables
at the same time and can be stored for a long time.

– Markovsky. It is characterized by round bulb, weight
которых достигает 300 gram. After drying the scales, they acquire
yellow color. In some cases, the scales have a pink tint.
A square meter of planted onions has a yield of 3-4 kilograms.
The crop is fully preserved within six months.

– Red Baron. This is a mid-season variety, ripening which
осуществляется по истечению 90 days Fruit характеризуются
flat rounded shape. Despite the relatively small size
луковиц, данный сорт характеризуется стабильной yield.
Средняя масса одного плода составляет 20 gram. For того чтобы
get big fruit, it is recommended to carry out cultivation
culture from seedlings. A distinctive feature of the variety is that
that it contains ascorbic acid in large quantities.
After drozarivaniya there is a good maturity of the culture. Bow
has a semi-sharp taste, it is therefore widely used in cooking.

Mid-season varieties широко выращиваются в нашей стране, что
due to long-term storage and ease of care.

Late varieties

Поздний лук достигает в течение 140 days It is characterized
long storage. In optimal conditions, the crop can be saved
until spring. Наиболее популярными varietiesми являются:

– Volsky. It is a late-ripening variety that ripens for
135 days Выращивание культуры осуществляется из seeds. This grade
characterized by oval-rounded fruits whose weight reaches
150 gram. Dry чешуя имеет темно-песочный цвет. Vegetables
characterized by a semi-sweet taste. Variety can be stored
quite a long time. All fruits ripen at the same time.

– Volzhanin. Ripened fruits have an adjacent dry husk. Weight
одного плода достигает 130 gram. Bow имеет белую приятную на вкус
pulp, which has a pronounced little gun. Вегетация varieties длиться
140 days If appropriate conditions are provided, then
fruits will persist for 9 months. If will be provided
good care and proper watering, it will provide high

– Farmer late. Belongs to the category of late ripening varieties and
характеризуется достаточно крупными плодами, массой в 350 gram.
Dry чешуя характеризуется темно-коричневым цветом. Bow
characterized by resistance to diseases and can be stored
for a long time.

– Setton. The cultivation of this culture is carried out if there is
the need for long-term storage. Bowовицы являются достаточно
крупными и имеют массу до 190 gram. Culture is characterized
spicy taste and yellowish flesh.

– Snowball. This white onion, which is engaged in the cultivation
a large number of gardeners. It can be stored until late
spring With the help of vegetables are preparing a variety of salads. Large
bulbs have the correct form.

Существуют разнообразные varieties лука, которые отличаются между
by color, taste and ripening period. This allows
gardener choose the most acceptable option for vegetables for yourself.

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