The best plants for hedge onhousehold plot

The best plants for hedge on household plot

Расцвет живых hedges в истории пришелся на сады Версаля эпохи
Louis XIV and the palace parks of Suleiman the Magnificent, but even these
precious patterns are inferior to the variety that is available
modern gardeners, moreover, to create and maintain in proper
виде большинства растительных hedges, не требуется больших
expenditure of effort, finances and time.


Why is it needed

Hedge on landscaped design
territory performs several functions:

  1. Zoning sites of various styles (rockeries,
    English garden) or practical purposes (barbecue area, longline
    mini-garden, flower garden, sandbox and swings for children).
  2. Framing flower beds, ponds, garden paths.
  3. Correction of non-aesthetic economic wall
    construction / fence.
  4. The creation of such a fashionable garden object as a maze.
  5. Hiding the site with its privacy from prying eyes.

And of course, the hedge is itself a decoration, a décor for
some elements of garden decoration. But here’s an interesting detail –
despite the fact that theoretically, it is possible to create the most complex
Forms, recently naturalness, minimal
haircut plants, giving them the simplest form. Except that
remain wavy shedding top and decoration with greens

Also, planning this type of landscaping of your possessions is worth
consider that hedges:

  1. They differ in height – literally from 10 cm to 6 meters.
  2. Can be planted in one row or several. Last option
    allows you to create spectacular longline compositions from different
  3. Some species are taken to cut, others allow to grow freely.
  4. It is possible to form from several types of landings in close
    mixing, the main thing is that they are combined with the needs
    ground / care and grew equally intense.

TOP plants recommended by designers and gardeners
для живых hedges

The classic option is not the first decade is considered

The best plants for hedge on household plot

Being evergreen, the plant produces the sweetest visual
impression of deciduous species. There are about two hundred of its varieties and
it is usually used in international competitions for figure
haircut. Not less well gives in to registration and dense glossy
privet foliage (it is worth paying attention to the ordinary and

А вот пузыреплодник растет во все стороны без
haircuts, its leaves resemble maple and there are varieties, purple and
in the summer, as well as yellow and gold all year round and even two-colored –
maroon with gold.

The best plants for hedge on household plot

Also popular are the following representatives

  • hornbeam;
  • snowberry;
  • maple;
  • beech;
  • cotoneaster;
  • acacia;
  • white turf;
  • euonymus;
  • willow;
  • elm elm.

Пышным видом отличается спирея, с собранными в
clusters of small flowers, and leaves, in its various species in the autumn
Often painted long in scarlet, purple and orange

The best plants for hedge on household plot

And if it is flowers that are beckoning, it is worth looking at such

  • jasmine;
  • park rose;
  • hydrangea;
  • weigela;
  • common lilac and hungarian;
  • exochord;
  • cercis;
  • oleander;
  • bauber;
  • Syrian hibiscus;
  • Chubushnik;
  • rhododendron.

Но ничто не сияет так, как форзиция. Thin,
its airy branches are among the first in the season to be decorated
inflorescences and this is pure gold for a whole month.

The best plants for hedge on household plot

If the fence should decorate a rocky garden in Asian style,
a creamy purple bloom can be a great choice
either charming or bold scarlet buds of camellia japanese.
However, they, of course, are good in the garden of any style.

Еще очаровательна керрия японская — махровые
yellow flowers delight with their views from the April warm spring to
late fall.

The best plants for hedge on household plot

And it is also important to note that deciduous plants are diverse and
interesting, but conifers allow to keep hedge all year round in
original form.

Monotony has always been considered the main disadvantage of evergreens.
colors, but there are already on the market varieties with elegant silver,
bluish and golden shades of pine needles.

Часто выбирают для hedges следующие

  • dwarf mountain pine;
  • larch;
  • photinia;
  • laurel cherry;
  • juniper ordinary;
  • Lawson’s Cypress;
  • spruce.

Но лидирует туя западная, очень вариативная по
height and shape of the crown (from the ball to the spiral-shaped variety, branches
which are really twisted this way).

If you create a hedge from a yew berry, then he is up to the first
frost will be decorated not classic for conifer cones, but
red or blue berries. And the yew is interesting because
has a characteristic odor (because it does not emit tar).

But the leader in exoticism can be considered Muriel’s phargesia. it
also an evergreen, but a bamboo growing

You can create a hedge and from cultures, traditionally
perceived in gardening as berry:

  • currant;
  • black chokeberry;
  • hawthorn;
  • honeysuckle;
  • elder;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • viburnum;
  • Irga;
  • blackthorn.

And from barberries one look is especially interesting – Thunberg, palette
the foliage of which includes colors – green, brown with in gold
purple, ruby.

And on his example (generally poisonous) it is important to note –
many ornamental varieties of fruit shrubs are inedible
or tasteless (because when they are selected, the taste is the most
the less that gardeners are interested in).

Что до низких живых hedges (бордюров), то необыкновенно
spectacular lilac blooming heather or almost a copy
his – erica herbal.

With the skillful imagination of a designer who took hold of the landscape, live
hedge can be its significant element, “highlight”,
helping to reveal the essence of the design of the infield.
And in fact it is not as troublesome as it may seem at first
look, because most plants need only 2-3 haircuts for

Finally, another nuance is important – some landings may
become home to birds, very useful not only the beauty of the songs, but
and the ability to feed on pests.

If the birds registered in the hedge – to cut it
fit neatly, adjusting its timing, sometimes bypassing some
plots – all so as not to disturb the nest.

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