The best high-yielding, self-pollinated andlow growing varieties of cherries for any region of Russia. Top 5 bestwinter hardy cherries

Пн, 09 апр 2018 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Cherry is a very healthy berry, rich in vitamins and minerals.
It is used for freezing, processing and fresh consumption. With
the presence of even a small suburban area can grow a tree
on their own, but do not rush to plant the first available variety.
Choose the best cherry that will produce maximum yield and
adapts perfectly to your climate.


Which of the high-yielding varieties of cherries grow better

Withобретая саженец, обратите внимание на показатель его
yield. Gardeners have identified several varieties that, according to their
are considered to be the most productive in the subsidiary farm:

– “Night”;

– “Black large”;

– “A toy”.

The grade “Nochka” is considered the most high-yielding. From one adult
tree can collect up to 70 kg of berries. Harvest ripen in early summer
return friendly. The berries are dark red, large, fleshy and sweet.
The variety is remarkable not only stable yields, but also high
threshold of winter hardiness and disease resistance. Recommended for
cultivation in the Moscow region and central Russia.

Excellent yield has a variety of “Toy.” Tree
vigorous, often exceeds 7 m in height. Begins to bear fruit
three years after landing. Average yield of adult cherries to
50 kg. The berry is large, dark in color, with a pleasant sweet-sour
pulp. The skin is thin, the stone is easily separable. Variety has
high threshold of winter hardiness and is not susceptible to drought, but the flowers
and the kidneys may be affected by a long spring.

No less popular cherry “Black Large”. Tree среднерослое,
fruits in the middle of summer in the third year after planting. Berries
large, dark cherry color, soft and pleasant to taste. Sort
self-infertile, with good pollinators yield reaches 30 kg
from the tree. The advantage of a grade is high frost resistance,
Cherry can withstand temperatures as low as -35 ° C. With должной
agricultural technology can be grown in the northern regions of the country.

The best self-made varieties of cherries for the garden

Recently, self-fertility has become particularly popular.
varieties of trees. They allow you to save space in the garden and
at the same time get a good harvest. Gardeners should pay attention
on the following varieties:

– “Garland”;

– “Youth”;

– “Cinderella.”

Sort «Гирлянда» считается одним из ранних, подходит для
growing in the northern regions of the country. Tree полностью
self-fertile with good yield, withstand a drop
temperatures up to – 35 ° C. On average, for the season they collect from 10 to
20 kg of cherries. Berries крупные, темного цвета, плотные, но сочные.
Harvest tolerates transportation and not for a long time
loses its presentation.

Sort вишни «Молодежная» является не только самоплодныm, но и
undersized with wilted crown. The height of an adult plant is not
превышает 2,5 м. Berries красного цвета, кисло-сладкие на вкус, с
small bone, which is well separated. Dignity grade
is increased winter hardiness and disease resistance.
Tree безболезненно переносит понижение температуры до — 30 °С.
Урожайность сорта до 10-12 кг from the tree.

Among the mid-ripening samoplodnyh varieties stands out cherry
�”Cinderella”. With хорошем уходе удается собрать до 15 кг вишен. Berries
medium sized, bright red, taste sweet and sour. Tree не
needs treatments for pests and diseases, well tolerated
low temperatures in winter.

The best of the undersized varieties of cherries

Low-growing varieties of cherries have always been valued among fans. Special
The following varieties are popular:

– “Chocolate”;

– “Lighthouse”;

– “Brunette.”

Sort «Шоколадница» примечателен своими плодами темно-шоколадного
colors. Tree не превышает 2,5 m, полностью самоплодное. Berries
medium in size, very tasty, sweet. Pulp dark red
colors, a stone small and well separable.

The bush variety “Mayak” is used for industrial cultivation.
The plant does not exceed 2 m, but requires enough space. Crown
it is sprawling, thick. Berries крупные, темно-бордовые, кожица с
characteristic brilliance. The taste of cherries is sweet and sweet. Yield up to 15
kg from a bush. Berries поспевают в начале августа. Sort рассчитан для
growing in Siberia.

Cherry “Brunette” is popular not only a small tree height,
but also by earlyness, self-fertility and regular harvests. Besides
In addition, it is a variety with a high threshold of winter hardiness recommended for
cultivation in the central regions. Berries темные, средние по
size, ripen in mid-summer, the taste is sweet and sour.
Suitable for processing and fresh consumption. Productivity up to 10
кг from the tree.

The most winter hardy of the best varieties of cherries

Sortа для северных регионов и Сибири выбирают особенно
carefully. The gardeners of this area will like the following
cherry varieties:

– “Ashinskaya”;

– “Altai Swallow”;

– “Generous”;

– “Sverdlovchanka”;

– “Blizzard.”

Sort «Ашинская» по праву считается лучшим среди зимостойких.
The shrub tolerates frosts down to – 55 ° C. Its height does not exceed 1.5
m, flowering and fruiting comes in the fourth year of cultivation.
Berries темные, со специфическим вяжущим вкусоm, с мелкой

Sort «Алтайская ласточка» хоть и не дает больших урожаев, но
perfectly tolerates the harsh climate of this area. Bush
вырастает до 1,5 m, плодоносит в середине лета, при хорошем уходе с
He collected up to 5 kg of berries. Cherries of great taste, medium
large, dark.

Very popular cherry “generous” bush type.
The plant reaches 2 m in height, unpretentious, bears fruit on
last year’s growths and bouquet branches. Bush medium term
flowering, fruiting enters 3-4 year of cultivation.
Productivity is stable for many years. The bush is self-fertile.
Frost resistance to – 45 ° С. Berries ярко-красного цвета,
sweet and sour, do not crack on the branches. Suitable for everyone
types of processing and fresh consumption.

Middle-late cultivars include the Blizzard cherry. Bush
вырастает до 1,5 m, плодоносить начинает рано, урожаи стабильные.
Berries средние по величине, красные, с нежной и сочной мякотью, во
There is a sour taste. Yield is average when good
агротехнике собирают до 5 kg from a bush.

Among the late ripening varieties for Siberia, cherry stands out
�”Sverdlovchanka”. Tree рано начинает плодоносить, дает стабильные
harvests every year. Flowers and shoots are not susceptible to return
frosts. Tree не превышает 2 м в высоту, зацветает в конце
May, refers to a partially self-fertile. For better yields nearby
cultivars grow pollinators. Berries крупные, темно-вишневого цвета,
sweet, with thick skin. The transport is well tolerated, not
lose their presentation. Sort предназначен для всех видов

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