The best grapes of dessert and nutmegtype Review of the best grapes for all regions of Russia

Пн, 09 апр 2018 Автор: Константин Ширманов

Grapes have become very popular among gardeners. Large
a variety of varieties only stirs interest in this culture.
It is worth planting a bush of grapes on your plot, and you definitely
want to try the berries of other varieties. That is why the collection
Many growers number more than 200 copies. At the dacha
areas where there are many different berry and fruit
crops, be sure to find a place for three or four bushes


Types and types of grapes

In order to choose the best grapes, you must
determine what type of culture you prefer.
There are several classifications:

1. Purpose grade. There are three large subgroups: table,
technical and raisin grape.

2. In terms of ripening berries grapes are divided into eight
groups: superearly (105-115 days) – the first group … very late
(165 days or more) – the eighth.

3. There is a division according to external features. Grape varieties
divided into three types: black, white and red grapes.
The size of the berries and the weight of the brush are taken into account.

It should be remembered that there are varieties that are suitable
both for fresh use and for processing. Such
grapes are called table-technical or universal. In the world
There are more than 5,000 varieties of this crop, about 2,200 of
which are derived in Russia and the CIS countries.

The best grapes of table type

Variety “Tiny”, despite the name, a very large grape.
Berries weighing up to 16 g when fully ripe become
dark purple. A brush can weigh up to 1.5 kg. Berry – crispy,
pleasant balanced taste, matures within 115-120
days, so the variety belongs to the group very early. Fruit Form –
round, density is average.

Each vine should be left 5-8 fruit eyes to under
the weight of the hands of the vine is not broken. The optimal number of bunches on
one plant – 30-35, then all grapes ripen well.
�”Tiny” – a plant with bisexual flowers, so for
good harvest enough to plant on the site one bush. Sort
covering Sleeping fruit bud withstands temperatures down to -20

The best grape varieties: photos of the variety “Tiny”

The best varieties of grapes include Aksai Legend.
The fruits of this variety are slightly pink in color, their shape is elongated, length
berries over 30 mm. The bunch weight can reach 2 kg. The taste of the fruit –
sweet, but not cloying, with a special, not like any other
grapes smack.

The Aksai Legend is considered to be an improved form of variety.
�”Julian”. Vine grapes stronger, larger berries, and
resistance to diseases is much higher. Bush growth rate
very high. In the first year after landing, it reaches a height of 40-60
cm. In the third year, fruiting begins in full force, and weight
clusters reaches 2 kg and above.

Berry grapes “Libya”

It is worth noting the grape variety “Rumba”. It is considered super early,
withstands temperatures up to -18 ° C, so “Rumba” – covering grade.
A distinctive feature of the variety: the grapes begin to bear fruit on
second year after landing. With proper care, the weight of the brush reaches
1.5 kg.

An interesting feature of the variety is that it exists
two forms. They differ only in color. �”Rumba” can be
completely ruby-colored or yellow, with a ruby ​​tint. Fruit
oval, large in size with a five-ruble coin.
Транспортабельность винограда very high. The taste is slightly tart,
very sweet, crisp and juicy.

Photos of the best grapes: Rumba, yellow

Photos of the best grapes: Rumba variety, pink

The grapes that deserve your attention – “Tason”. Sort
old enough, but does not lose its relevance. Clusters
винограда крупные, их вес составляет от 1 до 1.5 kg. Grapes
white, skin color with a light amber sun tan. Weight one
berries – 7-9 g. The taste is very sweet with pronounced nutmeg
shade. The bones are small, almost invisible.

Bush выдерживает температуру до -22 �WITH. Berries ripen for
100-110 days. �”Tason” is considered one of the most delicious superearly
сортов grapes. On one plant usually leave 30

Sort обладает высокой транспортабельностью. Due to the high
of precocity, he is one of the first to appear on the shelves. because of
“Tason” occupies a leading position in its excellent taste.
среди коммерческих сортов grapes.

Grapes сорта «Тасон» фото

Review of the best grape varieties of raisin type

Recently, the most popular in Russia are gaining rash.
American selection. One of the best grapes
raisin-type raisin – “Spartan”. The weight of the brush reaches 600 g.
Fruit подходят как для переработки на изюм или вино, так и для
fresh use. Grapes белый, вкус его кисло-сладкий
with a touch of nutmeg.

Sort прекрасно зимует на беседке, так как can withstand cold
35 �WITH. The plant is highly resistant to fungal
diseases. Loves sunny places, but can grow in

Kishmishna raisin grape varieties “Spartan”

Another excellent seedless grape variety is Relins pink.
Sydlis. The berries are bright pink, rounded, slightly
flattened bottom. Weight one ягоды составляет 3 г, вес кисти —
400-500 g, on one adult bush you can leave up to 40 brushes.

The taste of berries is sweet, and the aroma with a touch of labrusque. because of
The high sugar content of the berries makes excellent raisins. Also
This variety is used in the preparation of red semi-sweet or
dessert wine to give a ruby ​​color to the finished drink.

The best grapes varieties: photos of the variety Pinks
Sidlis “

Review of the best grapes for winemaking

For the preparation of red muscat wine is ideal
Black Pearl variety. Выдерживает морозы до 26 �WITH. Fruit небольшие,
bright blue. In taste there is a pronounced
nutmeg, the taste is sour, so the grapes are often
used in the preparation of dry wine.

Sort винограда «Черный жемчуг» фото

Excellent dessert wine can be made from grapes
�”Livadia black.” There are light notes of nutmeg in taste.
When fully ripe, the berry becomes dark blue. Wine from
This variety is obtained amazing ruby ​​color. In taste
the finished drink contains fruit notes.

Initially, the variety was cultivated only in the Crimea, but the growers
managed to significantly expand the geography of cultivation. Bushes
can withstand temperatures up to 26 ° C without loss of yield. Important feature
varieties – loss of taste when ripening. Therefore, the crop must be harvested

Wine grapes “Livadia black”

Sort «Дублянский» — один из лучших сортов винограда для
cooking white nutmeg wine. The color of the ripe berry is amber,
sometimes with pale pink tint. The skin is thin, and the flesh is fleshy and

Спящие почки не вымерзают при температуре -31 �WITH. Therefore this
the variety is suitable for growing in cold winters. Bush
хорошо растет в penumbra. Ripe berries can be on the bush to
two weeks, so the harvest is extended in time.

Grapes «Дублянский», фото лучших сортов винограда

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