The benefits of egg yolk: how to use, norms andcontraindications. What is the harm of the yolk to the body

Вс, 25 фев 2018 Автор: Екатерина Темник

The egg, as well as its main constituents, namely the yolk and
protein is a very popular ingredient in many recipes,
from omelet to baking. But few know what
specifically consists of the benefits of yolk, and what this product is harmful.


Description and composition of the yolk

The yolk is a source of nutrients that
accumulate in the body of a living being. They are shaped like plates
or grains, and in some cases this component is mixed into one
consistency. Scientists call yolk deytoplasma and for chemical
composition they are divided into 3 types:

● protein;

● fat;

● carbohydrate.

The yolk in the eggs of various animals is located in different
quantity and in different degrees of uniformity. For this variety
distinguish between isolectic and telolezitalnye eggs.

The energy value of the yolk:

● 16.4 grams of protein;

● 30.87 grams of fat;

● 1.78 grams of carbohydrates;

● 360 calories calories per 100 grams of product.

The benefits of yolk – in detail about vitamins, elements and acids

The nutrients in the egg are in huge amounts
especially in deuteroplasm. The benefits of yolk are mainly based
on vitamins and minerals that abound in it. Composition of this
The product includes:

● vitamins;

● trace elements;

● unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and

● melatonin;

● β-carotene and others.

Vitamins that it contains:

● vitamin A;

● vitamin B6;

● vitamin B9;

● vitamin B2;

● vitamin B3;

● vitamin B1;

● vitamin B5;

● vitamin B7

● Vitamin E;

● vitamin D;

● vitamin H.

Also in the yolk there are such fatty acids:

● linoleic acid;

● palmitic acid;

● palmitoleic acid;

● linolenic acid;

● stearic acid;

● oleic acid;

● myristic acid.

Of the beneficial microelements, the yolk contains:

● calcium;

● potassium;

● zinc;

● iron;

● phosphorus;

● selenium;

● magnesium.

The availability of these trace elements provides beneficial
effects on various organs and tissue connections.

The elements that are contained in the yolks are of great benefit.
for the human body. For example, choline provides normalization
the metabolism of fat and protein, as well as the normal operation
central nervous system. Melatonin is responsible for the occurrence and
renewing new cells, contributing to the rejuvenation process.

Vitamins that belong to group B normalize various
processes associated with exchanges. Vitamin B12 is a preventative
against anemia and supports the overall tone of the body. Retinol
responsible for the regeneration of tissue compounds, and also strengthens
immune system. Calciferol (or vitamin D) provides health
musculoskeletal system, and also removes heavy toxins from

Significant benefits of yolk are noted in the culinary business. Eggs
are the main ingredient of mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.
Due to its unique properties, often the yolk acts as
thickener in many recipes. In addition, it contributes
enrichment of the structure of the dish, various custards, and dough
for baking.

What is the harm from the yolk

Yolk damage is mainly based on the presence of cholesterol and
fat The latter stimulate, at the same time, the production
testosterone. And cholesterol not only harms the body, but also
benefits. Yolk cholesterol practically does not accumulate in
body of a healthy person, and completely dissolved, thanks
what hormones and vitamins are produced.

Problems arise with the arrogant use of eggs for food. Exactly
then the level of cholesterol that forms
plaques on blood vessels.

But in fact, raising cholesterol individually for
each person. Many studies have shown that each
the body reacts differently to the regular use of eggs:
some there have been no changes in the body, the level
other cholesterol significantly increased, and some did
felt an improvement.

Another danger that the yolks hide in themselves is
salmonella. These are rod-shaped bacteria that cause
salmonellosis. It is an infectious disease that
seriously affects the digestive tract, and it is very hard on
throughout the time.

Such a disease is very difficult to treat, since the Salmonella bacteria
very resistant to adverse effects, adverse
conditions, as well as some antibiotics. They are settled in
intestine, attaching to its shell and making an introduction to
tissue connections. However, they release dangerous toxins that
poison the human body, causing a painful condition, diarrhea
and vomiting.

Salmonella bacteria have the ability to infect not only
the gastrointestinal tract, as well, and go beyond. They can
move through the bloodstream to other human organs and tissues.
Liver, heart, and some may also be affected by Salmonella.
shell of the brain. Because of this, the defeat of this type of bacteria can
any moment cause a complication.

This can be avoided by properly processing the product and
the right choice in the store. You need to buy fresh eggs,
which have no flaws in the shell. When used
it is desirable to subject them to heat treatment.

This product is not recommended for people who eat
which have serious diseases with the cardiovascular system, and
also those who are obese. In this case, the use of eggs
can really do harm.

Which yolk is better

Egg lovers may be asked in what form
it is best to use the yolk to benefit. Options
uses can be:

1. In its raw form. Eating raw eggs is much easier.
simpler and faster, since the egg does not need to be processed.
But this variant of the egg is not fully digested, but only by 50%.
In addition, there is a huge risk of contracting salmonella due to
bacteria that may be in the yolk. And the absence
Heat treatment is very conducive to this. But lovers exactly
raw food can eat quail eggs, because there
there are no such bacteria.

2. Fried. The easiest and fastest way to process
This product and cook food – make scrambled eggs. Although at
prolonged roasting of the yolk possibility of contracting a dangerous bacterium
decreases dramatically, but at the same time it contributes to the destruction
all beneficial trace elements and vitamins. In addition, this method
promotes the release of trans fats, which are very harmful for
organism, especially for the liver. But the body learns much better
fried eggs, rather than raw.

3. Boiled. This is the most useful way to handle such
product. The body is almost completely absorbed boiled egg
absorbing all the beneficial substances and trace elements that are stored
during cooking. Also this kind of eggs does not have any traces of fat, therefore
yolk in this form is practically not dangerous.

How much can I eat eggs, in particular yolks?
There is no universal answer that suits every person.
Each organism is individual and for each there is a limit.
It is recommended to use no more than 1-2 eggs per day.

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