Than nuts with honey for men are useful. Composition andmedicinal properties of nuts with honey: men will recover?

Ср, 01 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия TOривенко

What is useful mixture of nuts and honey for men? It’s no secret that in
middle age a strong half of humanity is faced with
sexual disorder, libido decreases, problems arise with
potency. The nut-honey mixture will help to correct the situation,
which has a beneficial effect on reproductive organs


What honey is good for men

Natural honey is not only able to cure some
diseases, but also simply supports the male body in good
form. For the treatment and prevention of problems with potency honey
recommended to eat every day for 1-2 tbsp. spoons.
It is advisable to drink the product with milk.

Important! Contraindications to the use of honey
may be individual intolerance to the product.

The composition of honey has all the necessary substances for men
which increase the amount of testosterone in the blood. As a result
desire increases, a man becomes energetic and sexy,
problems with potency disappear. So, natural product

• enough boron;

• simple sugars;

• B vitamins;

• calcium;

• magnesium and potassium.

Such a rich composition has a positive effect on
репродуктивные withпоwithобноwithти men But to bring delicacy
maximum benefit, honey must be chosen correctly.

The benefits of dark honey for men’s health

As you know, honey varies in color and composition. It depends on the
the plants from which it was collected. Therefore, light and dark honey
brings different benefits to the body.

Dark honey is most useful for male potency and for enhancing
libido. It contains the maximum amount of nutrients.
Fully natural product, viscous in structure, viscous and
bitterness predominates in his taste.

Dark honey varieties are difficult to fake, so, most likely, you
purchase a real product. The most useful is considered to be buckwheat.
honey, it nourishes the body with strength and energy.

The benefits of light honey for men

Light honey varieties are also beneficial for the body, but choose
quality product is difficult. Buying honey is better with proven
supplier, well, if right from the beekeeper. When choosing honey
pay attention to its composition, ask, from what herbs it
was going to. The most useful product that was collected from
following plants:

• jasmine;

• marjoram;

• orchid.

It is the nectar of these plants that has a positive effect on
reproductive capacity of the stronger sex. Honey not only improves
blood circulation that affects erections and duration
intercourse, but also helps to cope with prostatitis.

How are nuts for men useful?

Walnuts are most useful for the male body. In their
The composition contains the following substances:

• B vitamins;

• Vitamins A and E, which contribute to the production of hormones;

• zinc, potassium and magnesium, which maintain the level

In addition, nuts activate brain activity, strengthen
immunity, have a tonic effect on the body. Particular
value in nuts are fiber and essential oils.

The walnut kernel contains enough proteins that has
beneficial effect on potency. You can even eat nuts
vegetarians, as they completely replace meat.

Walnuts can improve sperm quality, since
The composition includes arginine and folic acid. Among the men are nuts
popular as an aphrodisiac, they increase sexual desire, increase
sensations and prolong sexual intercourse.

It is better to buy nuts from friends or collect from your own
the garden. If the core is well separated from the shell, then this is an indicator
good quality product. If you bought already peeled nuts, then
kernels must not smell of mold or other extraneous

In addition to walnuts, you should eat pistachios or
hazelnut. These nuts are no less useful for men.

Nuts with honey for men: a double benefit to the body

The effect of a mixture of nuts and honey is compared with the action of Viagra.
In addition, this mixture strengthens the body and prevents
the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

The nut-honey mixture nourishes the body with fatty acids,
enriches with cellulose and cleans the intestines from harmful substances.

Despite all the benefits of these products, they should be consumed with
caution, if a man is prone to allergies, suffers from excessive
weight or chronic illness.

Remember that allergies do not pass! If a man cannot be honey or
nuts, this is forever. Do not risk your health.
In addition, the nut-honey mixture is quite high in calories. As
medicinal mixtures it is used gradually, 2 tbsp is enough. l
If a man is overweight, you should exclude others.
high-calorie foods from the diet.

In addition, you can use honey only with the permission of a doctor
if there is a risk of exacerbation of the following diseases:

• myocarditis;

• acute heart failure;

• urolithiasis disease;

• gastritis;

• pancreatitis.

It is necessary to abandon the vitamin mixture, if there are problems with
the liver.

TOак приготовить полезную withмеwithь орехов и меда для мужчин

Орехово-медовую withмеwithь готовят неwithколькими withпоwithобами.

Recipe number 1

• гречишный мед — 4 withт. l;

• вода- 100 мl;

• nuts – 10 pieces.

Орехи очиwithтить от кожуры, измельчить ножом или блендером.
Готовые орехи залить горячей кипяченой водой и выдержать 2 чаwithа. TO
withмеwithи добавить мед и хорошо перемешать. Употреблять withмеwithь по 1 withт.
ложке неwithколько раз в день.

Recipe number 2

Очищенные орехи измельчают блендером до withоwithтояния паwithты,
withмешивают with медом и наwithтаивают в течение withуток. Поwithле чего withмеwithь
ready to eat TOушать лакомwithтво необходимо два раза в день
поwithле еды.

Recipe number 3

Из зеленых орехов можно приготовить полезную наwithтойку, которая
не хуже withправляетwithя with проблемами потенции.

• green nuts in the peel;

• buckwheat or acacia honey;

• withпирт.

Орехи измельчить вмеwithте with кожурой и залить withпиртом, чтобы он
полноwithтью покрывал withмеwithь. Наwithтаивать орехи необходимо около четырех
меwithяцев в темном меwithте. Поwithле этого банку with орехи открыть и
add honey to it

Употреблять наwithтойку нужно два раза в день по 50 мl In such
виде лекарwithтво хранитwithя долго.

Recipe number 4

• green nuts – 1 kg;

• honey – 1 kg.

Орехи измельчить вмеwithте with кожурой и withмешать with медом. Смеwithь
переложить в чиwithтую withтеклянную емкоwithть и наwithтаивать в холодильнике
два меwithяца. Готовый withироп употреблять по 1 чайной ложке перед едой

Recipe number 5

• acacia honey – 100 gr;

• lemon;

• nuts – 250 gr.

Орехи измельчить доwithтупным withпоwithобом и withмешать with медом. To add
в withмеwithь измельченный без коwithтей лимон. Такую withмеwithь можно
употреблять withразу. В withутки доwithтаточно 1-2 withт. l Воwithwithтанавливает не
only potency, but also well strengthens the immune system.

The benefits of nuts and honey for men is obvious. Эту витаминную withмеwithь
можно принимать в комплекwithе with другими лекарwithтвенными препаратами.
Однако не withтоит забывать, что предотвратить недуг легче, чем
to heal. Обратите внимание на образ жизни, откажитеwithь от вредных
привычек и переwithмотрите питание, тогда проблемы with потенцией и
проwithтатит обойдут withтороной.

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