Sweet cherry pruning: how and when to trim a sweet cherry.Traditional approach and new methods of intensive gardening

Пн, 20 июн 2016 Автор: Галина Панкратова

Sweet cherry is a tall tree for which height is ten
meters – not the limit.

Enters fructification for the fifth – the seventh year.

Industrial yields begin to give from ten – twelve
years old.

Refers to cultures with weak trigger

Without pruning trees reach enormous sizes. Natural form
crown sparse, with ankle bare branches.

Cherries are usually formed by sparse-tier system. With
joining in full fruition the tree of such construction reaches
5-6 meters. Harvesting from such a height can be quite
is difficult. With этом на макушке урожай остается не
cleaned up.

There are various methods of limiting the growth of sweet cherries. it
breeding undersized varieties, the use of dwarf rootstocks,


How to cut a sweet cherry

Crown formation

Crown formation дерева включает в себя различные приемы:

• pruning;

• correction of branch angles;

• green operations;

• stimulation of regrowth of branches in the right place.

Trimming time

The traditional pruning time is early spring before the buds swell.
This operation should only be performed in warm, dry weather.
It is believed that it is necessary to meet the deadlines.

However, it turns out that the sweet cherry can be cut later. In late
There are many advantages to pruning: wounds are better tightened, wood is smaller
suffers from gum ache. Sweet cherry tolerates summer pruning.
It can be carried out immediately after the harvest. The main thing is to young
The shoots that grew in the summer managed to woody and did not freeze in the winter.

Withемы обрезки черешни

Shortening one-year increment

Common reception. Withменяется во многих формировках черешни, в
including sparse-tiered. Especially often it is used in
the first years after planting trees. However, shortening can
move back the beginning of fruiting. The tree spends no strength on the bookmark
future harvest, and on young branches, as shortening causes
the growth of numerous shoots. In intensive gardening young
trees are pruned minimally to speed up the onset of them

Limiting the growth of trees in height or the Brunner method

Allows to remove or weaken stage by stage without damage to the tree.
strong vertical branches.

itт метод заключается в следующем:

A strongly growing vertical branch is shortened by half;

Horizontally oriented branch below
shortened to two or three buds.

The purpose of this operation – to cause the growth of strong shoots on the top
branches, ottyanuv energy of growth from a thin branch to a thicker. When
on the vertical shortened branch new sprouts reach length
20-25 cm, the growth is removed completely. This technique allows
get rid of too strong shoots without stimulating excessive
growth of newly growing branches.

Anti-aging pruning

Causes the growth of young shoots while reducing the growth of the current
of the year. Along with the old branches, part of the flower buds is removed.
it разгружает дерево и повышает качество плодов.

Trimming with transfer to the side branch

Anti-aging pruning is used in all forms of crowns,
especially when the branches grow up or hang down too much.
Anti-aging pruning позволяет произвести замену старых ветвей в
crown on young. There are two methods of anti-aging pruning:

• If the branch does not have lateral branches, it is clipped to the spike.
length from two to several tens of centimeters. Out again
grown shoots choose the one that will replace the shortened branch.
The rest are removed. itт метод обрезки применим во всех формировках
for receiving quality fruits.

• If the shortened branch has a new shoot, which
left for further growth, the cut is performed a little higher from its
grounds. It is necessary to observe the rule that the growth point is left
the branches were taller than the cut.

Sweet Thinning Pruning

With the growth of trees in the crown many branches are formed,
interfering with penetration of a sunlight into internal and
the lower part of the crown. it приводит к их отмиранию.

To create a better light mode inside the crown spend

With этом полностью удаляют загущающие ветки, волчки или побеги.
Recently, the removal of branches has been practiced.

Thinning can be carried out without removing and shortening the branches.
Pruning interlaced, rubbing, closely spaced,
parallel, vertical branches.

The cut is made over the side branch directed to the free
space. The removal of branches is carried out in order to increase
penetration of light inwards and to the lower branches of the crown. therefore
the thinning of the upper part of the crown is carried out especially carefully.

itт способ обрезки практически не влияет на силу роста новых
shoots and does not delay the onset of their fruiting. Withменяется во
all forms of sweet cherry.

Kidney removal

To prevent shoots from growing in an undesirable place,
kidneys are removed. it, прежде всего, удаление прорастающих
kidney on shtamba with all systems fruit formations

Bending of shoots and branches

Sweet cherry is prone to growing branches extending from the conductor under
sharp corners.

In the fork with such angles of discharge, the fabric dies off, and
connection with the trunk is weakened, which can lead to breaking off
branches. In the branches of the branches, an infection is often settled
capable of causing them to shrink.

To increase the angles of discharge, the branches fold.

This procedure facilitates the penetration of light into the crown and
speeds up the entry of trees at the time of fruiting.

Bend down the branches begin on young seedlings planted in the garden.
Fix grassy shoots about ten centimeters long.
To do this, use clothespins or toothpicks. Withщепки
mounted on the stem, giving the shoots a horizontal position.
Toothpicks are used as spacers between the center conductor and

Bending the shoots with toothpicks

After two weeks, pegs are rearranged at the ends of the shoots to
they continued horizontal growth.

Annual branches to get the necessary angles bent off with
using special tools – weights, delays and

With отсутствии специальных приспособлений, для увеличения угла
branch branches are fixed by tying them with ropes to stakes or
hooks, hammered into the ground or to the trunk of the tree itself. Sure to
need to keep track of the fastening of twine. As the cherry grows
they must be loosened so that they do not damage the boles and branches.

Summer operations

Green operations are widely used in intensive gardening. WITH
their use accelerates the formation of the crown, approaching the beginning
fruiting, increases yield. With летней обрезке черешня не
suffers from gum ache. Wounds grow quickly and well. how
cut sweet cherry in the summer?

List of recommended green operations:

• pinching (plucking or cutting of young shoots);

• pinch (or pinch – removing the top of the green

• summer pruning (full or partial removal of young
lignified growth).

Most of these techniques apply to growing green
shoots, and therefore called “green operations”.

Except as listed, in intensive gardening in summer
The following techniques are widely used:

• deviation of branches and growing shoots to horizontal

• removal of perennial branches for the purpose of thinning crowns for
improve light.

Withменяют также такие методы формирования кроны, как выломка
shoots and their deformation.

Wounds after breaking shoots and deformation well

Many countries with developed gardening have completely switched to
summer pruning.

In the summer, pruning removes significantly less wood than
when pruning in a dormant period. Nutrient consumption is saved
a tree.

Forms of sweet cherry for intensive gardens

The traditional construction of the crown of cherries is sparsely-tiered. AT
Former gardening has been developed in intensive gardening
allowing to reduce the height of the trees, even in vigorous

In addition to the rarefied longline, the following systems are used.
Cherry Formations:

• Vogel;

• stop leader;

• bowl;

• flat palmette;

• Spanish bush.

ATсе виды операций по формированию кроны направлены на скорейшее
tree entry into fruiting and high yield. it
concerns and pruning in the period of peace and summer green operations. how и
what time to cut the cherry, the garden owner decides.

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