Sweet cherry: correct landing and competent care(a photo). Overview of cherry varieties, tree care, preventiondiseases

Чт, 19 май 2016 Автор: Дарья

Sweet cherry is a woody plant famous for
decorative flowering and juicy sweet fruits.

Unlike its cherries, cherries produce more fruit
sweet and large drupes.

The plant is quite thermophilic, poorly tolerates soil freezing
and does not like open, purged habitats; the best thing
survives and gives greater yield in the southern regions of Russia.

But thanks to the work of breeders, some varieties of cherries became
possible to grow in more northern latitudes.


Sweet cherry: planting, choice of variety

When planting it should be borne in mind that the plant prefers soil with
high humus content, does not like clay and sandy soils.
Cherry should be planted in well-lit areas of the estate,
hidden from strong winds. Recommend to plant several
seedlings (different varieties can be), it increases the likelihood
cross-pollination, which has a positive effect on yield.
The tree can also be planted next to a cherry, the pollen of which
perfect for pollination of sweet cherries.

In regions with a mild climate, planting cherries is recommended.
in the fall, and in the northern areas – in the spring. Before landing should
check that the roots of the plant are approximately the same length, with
they need to be cut and lowered for several hours in
water Planting pits are dug out 3-5 meters apart
depth of 50-80 cm and up to 1 m in diameter.

Sapling hole

Then you need to prepare a soil mixture: for this, 2 buckets of soil
should be mixed with 2-3 manure buckets, add 1 kg of ash.
It is also recommended to add potash fertilizers, ammonium sulphate and
superphosphate. The resulting mixture lined the bottom of the landing pit, making
a small mound in the center. The elevation sticks a bar for
sapling supports, a sapling is placed next to it: the roots should
spread, evenly distributed throughout the mound. Plant
tied to the support column, then a little
the soil is poured and lightly tamped.

It is important to prevent the deepening of cherries, its root neck when
the landing should be at the level of the ground or be a couple higher
centimeters. At the end, watering is done (2-3 buckets for each
seedling) and soil mulching with humus, peat or deciduous

The scheme of planting cherries. Root neck – 8

To date, more than 3000 varieties of cherries are known,
differing from each other in color and taste of fruits, as well as
winter hardiness and fruiting.

Early varieties of sweet cherries by the end of May already form fruits. They should
use fresh as an early sweet cherry does not tolerate well
storage and preservation. Popular early varieties – Homestead
May Day, Early Duki, Skorospelka, Valery Chkalov and others. Of
mid-season varieties that begin to bear fruit by the end of June, you can
highlight Oryol Rose, Donachanka, Silvia and others. In July
созревают плоды поздних сортов: Романтика, Ofюмная, Брянская
pink, Leningrad black, etc.

For the central part of Russia, the Iput, Chermashnaya,
Rechitsa. In the southern regions of Russia, Malinovka, Julia,
Assol, Crimean black. By the harsh conditions of the Urals adapted
Fatezh varieties, Astakhov’s favorite, Raditz (frost tolerates well, but
need sheltering during the cold season).

Sweet cherry: care (photo)

Caring for cherries for an experienced gardener is simple, it includes
yourself: loosening the soil and removing weeds; watering; pruning crown;
top dressing.

A tree circle should be formed around the cherry tree.
with a diameter of 1 m and more; this area is loosening and
purification of the substrate from weeds. Every year a circle follows
expand slightly. Water the tree should be 3 times over the summer (in
dry seasons – more often).

Trimming is done every year in early spring (March), not
waiting for the kidneys to swell. This removes the dried and weak
shoots, broken branches. Slices should be covered with special
garden ointment that will prevent penetration under the bark
pests. The shape of the crown should be monitored, since a large
the thickening of the branches will interfere with the penetration to the center of the crown
sunlight and pollinating insects that will have a bad effect on
yields sweet cherry.

When cutting care should pay attention to what is not
It is recommended to leave long boughs. You can not cut the branches and
very close to the carriers as this may cause damage
conducting system of escape – and the twig will dry. How to
prune cherries shown in the photo.

The young tree trimmed lower shoots by 50 cm, choose
the central axis of the tree, and its branches are shortened in such a way
so that the main axis was 6 kidneys higher. To give the tree
sparse-tier structure of the crown, it is necessary for 2-3 years after
plantings choose 4-6 support branches, the other large branches
prune (need to remove those twigs that grow down). Have
three year old sweet cherries form 2 tier consisting of 3-5 bearing
shoots (extra removed). On fourth or fifth year sweet cherry
has 4-5 tiers and enters the fruiting stage, from now on
she only needs spring shortening of the shoots and struggle with
thickened crown.

Sweet cherry: top dressing

Caring for cherries includes various feeding
mineral and organic fertilizers that are applied early
spring or autumn. Feeding trees to increase them.
yield, but it is important to correctly calculate the dosage, because unnecessary
doses may lead to the opposite result.

In the first spring after planting 120 g is piled around the trunk.
mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers that are embedded in
substrate to a depth of 10 cm.

Urea can also be added at the beginning of May: up to 30 g per 10 l of water
under every tree. Before this, it is recommended to loosen a little
soil that will ensure faster penetration of substances to the root
system. With age, the amount of fertilizer when feeding
increases: So, by the fourth year, the urea dosage is already
up to 150-200 g (depending on the size of the tree).

Reaching 5 years of life, plants begin to need phosphorous
fertilizers. In the autumn, a solution is applied to the soil of the tree circle.
superphosphate (up to 60 g per 1 m2).

Wood ash is one of the most affordable and useful fertilizers.
To feed the cherries you need to dissolve 1 kg of ash in 10 liters

Organic fertilizers use slurry (1 kg per
a bucket of water).

Green fertilizers are very popular. Between the trees can be done
beds and plant on them legumes by midsummer. In the autumn
grass mowed and embedded in the soil of the circle of the trunk.

Sweet cherry: pests and diseases

The main diseases of cherry trees are diseases
bacterial and fungal nature.

Bacterial ulcer plants are more susceptible in the spring,
when along with flowing rainwater throughout the plant
bacteria are also transmitted. The symptoms of this disease are
sores on the sprigs, dying off of the bark, brown spots with golden
edging on the leaves, which may fall to the middle of the growing season
period To protect the cherry orchard from bacterial infections,
it is necessary to handle wounds and cuts in trees in time
special garden pvvarom, do not allow excessive watering. Also
You can pick up disease-resistant varieties.

One of the fungal diseases is coccomicosis, which
first affects the berries and leaves, and in subsequent years may
lead to the death of sweet cherries. Small leaves appear on the leaves.
brown specks (pinkish on the back
mushroom mycelium plaque). By mid-June – early July leaves
fall off, stops photosynthesis, which leads to a stop
development of fruits that dry and showered. To warn
fungal infection, need during the swelling of the kidneys to process
the plant is a solution of copper sulphate, and before flowering – a beard
with a mixture.

Another fungal disease – cherry decay. On the fruits appear
brown specks that grow rapidly and become covered with greyish
mold mycelium (shown on photo). These berries infect
neighboring, the infection spreads very quickly, especially in the warm
wet weather. You must carefully remove all affected

Cherry Rot

Moniliasis cherry falls during flowering. Fungus spores
get on the flower and through the pestle let infectious hyphae inside
shoots and reach the trunk. The fungus produces toxins
destructive wood. Externally, the disease is expressed in russeting
young shoots and buds. To save an infected tree, you need
cut down a sore branch, capturing 10-15 cm of a seemingly healthy area,
and burn. Place saw cut sanitized.

Powdered mildew causes a delay in the development of seedlings and
drying of the leaves. Mycelium has the appearance of whitish plaque on the leaves.
To combat and prevent the use of a solution of potassium permanganate or
drug “Topaz”.

But the main pest of cherries and cherries is the cherry fly.
It feeds on sap of young leaves and fruits, and also lays on
egg plants. In a week, larvae come out of eggs and feed.
damage the pericarp, causing the side of the stone is falling. Fetus
rotting and falling off, and the larva goes into the soil and turns into
little doll. To combat the cherry fly you need to regularly clean up
sprinkling and spraying several times since the beginning of flowering
cherry planting insecticides.

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