Strawberry transplant: when and how to do it.Transplant strawberries in spring, summer and autumn

Чт, 21 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

For summer residents who want to get a good harvest of strawberries
every year, shrub transplantation and plantation rejuvenation are the same
need, like pruning or dressing.


Why transplant strawberries

Одна из особенностей клубники — это процесс ее
development. The thing is that the bushes grow well and develop on
throughout the first four years, the yield is further reduced, and
the plantation is gradually reborn. For further fruiting
strawberries should be transplanted.

Properly performed procedure helps to rejuvenate the fit and
significantly increases the yield. In addition, during the development
plants in the soil accumulated a lot of pests and bacteria. Transfer
helps get rid of parasites and diseases.

When and how to transplant strawberries?

Experienced gardeners successfully transplant strawberries throughout.
of the season. How to do it?

Transfer клубничной плантации весной

The best time for a spring transplant is early April. In it
time begins active vegetative growth of the bush and root
system. Finish all the work you need before flowering, then
the plant will tolerate the transplant painlessly. What do you need
to consider in the spring of the work?

  •  First you need to thin out the landing: to identify those who died during the winter
    lagging and diseased plants. Such bushes need
    to remove.

  • All plants that are selected for transplanting to a new place,
    need to dig under the root.

  • The pits for planting young bushes should be made spacious and
    deep. Sand is poured on the bottom of each landing pit.
    about 10 cm. This method allows watering strawberries more often, not
    fearing for the condition of the roots.

  • When transplanting you need to follow the “heart” of strawberries. It is not
    should be too deep into the soil or raised to

  • The soil around the plants is compacted, after which the top is slightly
    loosen up. This allows moisture to quickly reach the roots.

  • The first time you need to feed the plants transplanted in the spring later
    14 days. This will help the strawberries to get stronger faster and grow.

Important! Strawberries transplanted in spring will give
very poor harvest of small berries. Full bloom and large
the number of fruits will appear with good care only the next

How to transplant strawberries in the summer

If the plantation needs rejuvenation or want to plant
young sockets, expand the garden bed, then you can do it
summer. It’s enough to stick to some rules not to
ruin the plants.

  • In the summer, strawberries are transferred to a new place immediately after
    fruiting The optimal time is July – August.

  • For work choose not hot day or evening. After landing
    young plants need shading.

  • On the selected mother bushes leave several shoots,
    the extra ones are removed so that they do not take away power from the plant.

  • Next, you need to intensively feed the young and only
    then well-developed young sockets drop that maternal

  • Beds for planting need to prepare in advance. To do this, make
    rotted manure or compost and dig up the soil. Only after
    the second digging begin to plant young plants.

  • Planting material must be fresh, must not be allowed
    drying roots of strawberries.

  • The main work after planting comes down to proper care and
    preparing for the first wintering.

The best time for a transplant will be the end of summer, when
the weather is not so hot and drizzles more often.

The best time to transplant strawberries is autumn.

Indeed, autumn is the “right” time of year when
It is necessary to engage in transplanting strawberry beds. Frequent rains
allow you to minimize the care of strawberries. Humidity level
soil sufficient for rooting of young plants. Optimal
September is the deadline for work, and in some regions
you can wait until October. It all depends on the climate and the very

Young outlets landed in September have time to increase
sufficient leaf mass for a full wintering. Therefore,
transplanting strawberries in the fall gives the plant a good opportunity
settle down and overwinter.

Another indisputable advantage of the autumn transplant is spring
цветение plants. Already with the onset of heat young bushes will go to
growth and give the first harvest. Of course, it will not be yet
abundant fruiting, like biennial plants, but the fruits will grow
good ones.

What to consider when transplanting strawberries

The first step is to prepare the soil and choose a place to plant.
young plants.

Choosing a place to land

This issue must be approached responsibly. Since from
allotted for beds beds depends on the health of the bushes and harvest.
Choosing a place you need to remember about crop rotation.
Good predecessors for strawberries will be:

  • legumes;

  • parsley;

  • garlic;

  • leaf salad;

  • radish;

  • beet;

  • carrot.

Well planted strawberries after sideratov. But not worth it
forget about those cultures, after which the landing
strawberry is not recommended, the risk of infection is high verticillary

  • tomatoes;

  • cucumbers;

  • potatoes;

  • cabbage.

But if the territory does not allow to transfer landings to
favorable place, then be sure to hold
soil disinfection. For this, fungicides are used.

The plot for strawberry beds should be located in
windless, but well lit.

We prepare the soil for planting

Strawberry is unpretentious to the soil, but grows well and bears fruit on
looser soils with a weak acid reaction. Before landing
need to prepare a garden bed. Well fertilized the ground at this moment, you can
provide strawberries with all the essential nutrients not
for one season.

Under digging on the bed make humus or rotted compost,
chicken droppings. Fertilizer consumption is calculated as follows: per 1 sq. M. m
beds use 1 top dressing bucket.

In the evening, the day before planting, the bed is well watered. Holes
make immediately before planting strawberries. Distance between
растениями должно быть не менее 20 — 25 сm Между рядами нужно
оставить более 50 сm Такая схема посадки обеспечит полноценное
plant development.

Correct strawberry transplant rules

1. Strawberries are propagated by young rosettes, which are formed
on the antennae. Some varieties are bred by dividing the bush when

2. For planting, plants with a well-developed root are selected.
by the system. Мочка корней должна иметь длину не менее 5 сm У растения
well developed 4 – 5 leaves.

3. Replacing old bushes to a new place does not make sense, so
how plants will not bring the desired results.

4. Using purchased planting material you need to be sure
sanitized, so as not to bring the disease on your site. For
before planting the roots of this plant is dipped in hot water,
the temperature is about 50 degrees for 15 minutes. Then
maintain seedlings in cold water for about 10 minutes. After such
pathogens of many diseases and larvae of pests

5. If the transplant fails on the same day, then
the roots of the plants need to wrap a wet cloth and put in

6. If on the site grows several varieties of strawberries,
they must be planted separately, otherwise they will be pollinated.

7. Accelerate the survival of plants will help dipping roots in
a mixture of water, manure and clay.

8. After transplantation, the ground is mulched with sawdust or straw.

9. It should be remembered that strawberry is a tender plant. Water for
watering need to take a distance, heated in the sun.

10. The landing pattern can be two lines. With this distance
between the bushes about 25 cm, between the lines – up to 40 cm, and the width
самой грядки в пределах 80 сm

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