Storing cranberries at home: fresh,wet, frozen. How to store cranberries in the winter at homeconditions

Ср, 12 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Stunningly healthy berry, cranberry has a unique
ability to retain all their properties during freezing. Besides
Moreover, it is stored for a long time in the cold without freezing. But what if
no cellar or basement, and the fridge is too small? How to store
клюкву в домашних conditions?


How to prepare cranberries for storage

Before processing the berry, you need to collect it and properly
prepare for wintering. Harvesting can begin as early as September. AT
this time the cranberries are dense, large. This is beautifully kept in
freezer or soaked.

ATторой сбор клюквенного урожая проводится в ноябре. November
the berry is filled with juice, and it is better to keep it fresh on the shelf
refrigerator, or grind with sugar. The third time cranberries can
collect in the spring, in March or April days. Collected after
the natural wintering berries can not be stored at all, it must be immediately

Collected for the winter storage of berries should be sorted,
throw garbage leaves. Wicked cranberries (crushed, green,
spoiled) remove, leaving for processing only healthy, clean

Storage conditions for fresh cranberries

For storing cranberries without special treatment needed
following conditions:

• a darkened room without access to direct sunlight;

• working ventilation (if the indoor air is musty,
motionless, the harvest will disappear);

• coolness (not below zero, but not higher than 5-8 degrees Celsius).

Containers for storing cranberries should not only be clean, but also
dry. ATлага способна погубить весь урожай. If in the basement berry
feels best in wooden well ventilated
ящиках, то в домашних conditions ее нужно раскладывать по пластиковым
containers and keep in the refrigerator.

AT таких conditions без всякого вреда клюква останется свежей в
for three months. The berry may darken, but the beneficial properties and
taste will retain completely.

How to store замороженную и моченую клюкву

Special processing will save the berry for more
a long time. ATсю зиму может храниться, например,
frozen cranberries. Part of the vitamins after deep freezing
collapse, but it will be a very slight loss. To
prepare a delicious vitamin compote or frozen meat sauce
cranberries fit just right.

How to store клюкву в морозильнике? To wash
cold water, spread out thinly on paper or woven
napkins so that all moisture is absorbed. Dried berries lay out
in the same thin layer on a baking sheet and send in the freezer.
After two or three hours take out the baking sheet, the frozen berries in portions
lay in strong freezing bags or small plastic
containers. Large amounts of frozen cranberries can not be, because
she will not suffer secondary freezing.

Another way to keep a maximum
vitamins and beneficial properties, is urination (or
Moreover, it is the soaked cranberries in composition
almost identical to fresh as a percentage of destroyed vitamins
is minimal.

For urinating, take any non-oxidizable container (glass
jars, plastic bottles, enamel pots). ATымытые ягоды
lay in prepared clean containers and fill with cooled to the top
boiling water. Due to the presence of antiseptic substances, the berry itself
will save. True, you need to keep the container in the cold: in the refrigerator or
on the balcony. If there is a cellar or basement, you can lower the tank with
soaked cranberries there.

Bait and frozen cranberries are easily stored for a year.

How to store клюкву зимой в сушеном виде

If it is necessary to preserve the cranberry harvest for a longer
time or no space in the refrigerator, freezer, you can
заготовить сушеную berry How to store клюкву в домашних conditions
in this manner?

For drying berries, special devices are used or
ordinary household ovens.
Besides того, клюкву можно высушить
and naturally outside. But autumn weather is hardly
allows you to do this: drying in the sun and in the open air requires
at least 3-4 weeks of dry and warm Indian summer.

Therefore, it is easier to turn on the oven at 50-70 degrees, scatter
on a baking tray a thin layer of cranberries and keep the berries warm while
open the door for several hours. Periodically agitate the layer to
berries did not stick.

ATысушенную клюкву следует пересыпать в стеклянные банки,
canvas bags or paper bags. Keep them in the dark
dry room. Properly dried cranberries do not spoil as
at least three years.

Other Cranberry Storage

To сохранить урожай клюквы, можно ее просто перетереть с
sugar. Get fresh sweet berries. This storage method is very
good, besides it allows you to get ready-made tasty medicine,
which is not just help out in the winter.

ATымытую клюкву нужно прокрутить в мясорубке или измельчить
blender and mix with sugar in equal proportions. Finished product
will be decomposed into sterilized dried jars, put on
capron caps and refrigerate. Until spring the jar will stand
no problem.

The last way to store useful berries –
How to store клюкву таким способом, знает
any hostess: you need to cook the jam and send it to cool
a place. Another thing is that after cooking the benefits in berries are practically not
will remain. But you get a tasty delicacy.

Cranberry Storage Tips

For freezing, it is better to choose unripe cranberries. AT спелой сочной
berry too much moisture. After defrosting its taste
will be pretty low.

Well-dried berries can not be rubbed with your fingers in the dust or
break when pressed. They retain sufficient elasticity,
but do not get sticky. However, juice in cranberries is practically not
must, otherwise everything will be moldy.

ATоду от моченой клюквы выливать нельзя, в ней много витаминов.
Infusion can be drunk, make foot baths (they are good for
sweating, help cure the fungus on the feet).

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