Storage of onions in the apartment and in the cellar. howstore onions in the winter at home: for food and landing

Ср, 05 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Onion is a very capricious vegetable.

Grow it is not easy.

All the more insulting, if part of the crop due to improper storage
will be gone. That is why it is very important to know how to store onions.
in the winter.

When properly laid, the bulbs will remain edible 7-8


how подготовить лук к зимовке

Incorrectly harvested and unprepared for the winter bow can
die even under optimal storage conditions. Harvesting
start depending on the variety, usually already in the beginning-middle
August The bulbs are carefully dug out of the ground, trying not to
damage tight scales and thin skin. Knock
onions, to shake off the earth, it is impossible, otherwise the bulbs

Fully matured onion, fit for bookmarking, has a dry
thin neck. Thick too wet stem with an excess of moisture with
a large degree of probability will spoil the whole bookmark.

Onion harvest should be scheduled for dry sunny
Dug onions must be dried, laid out
stalks on a bed or field in a single layer. The roots are cut to the ground,
feathers are cut at a distance of 2 centimeters from the bulb. Dry onions
need quite a long time, at least five days, periodically
turning the vegetables over. If there is a carapace mesh and the bow is laid out on
it is not necessary to turn it over.

After the bulbs have dried, they need to be carefully bruised,
throw away spoiled. Separately selected instances that need
eat first (with thick necks and lesions).

Drying of onions is possible under a shed at the cottage, in the entrance hall or on
city ​​kitchen, if there are no other conditions. The crop needs to be scattered on
newspaper by placing next to the battery. Small crop can be dried
in the oven, setting the temperature to 50 degrees and leaving the door

Ideal storage conditions for onions

Asleep bulbs are very sensitive to environmental conditions.
To preserve the harvest, you need to provide ideal conditions for the vegetable.
storage. It is very important to avoid temperature fluctuations, otherwise
the bulbs rot or germinate.

In the winter you need to send fully matured, golden color
solid onion with well-formed and easily separated
scales. There should be no damage on the bulb. Good,
if it is a late grade.

The storage temperature of the bulbs is from 0 to 20 degrees Celsius.
Humidity should be average, from 50 to 65 percent. With more
high moisture content in the air onions will germinate or rot.
To reduce the humidity can be using boxes filled with lime,
shavings or ash. You can pour the vegetables remaining dry

Mandatory condition for the safe storage of onions – current
ventilation. It can be natural or forced.
The main thing is that the air flow should be provided.

how хранить лук в квартире или частном доме

Storage onions at home is varied. Post a vegetable
wintering is possible in a room or on a warm, covered balcony,
laying the harvest in breathable packaging: wicker baskets,
wooden boxes, breathable bags. Popular way – bookmark
bulbs in nylon pantyhose.

how хранить лук в домашних условиях? Vegetable can
perfectly stored in wooden, plastic or cardboard
boxes, but their height should not exceed 30 centimeters. Besides
addition, be sure to need vents. Bags also
should not be too big. Tara can be labeled directly under
bed, put in the pantry or loggia.

There are other ways to preserve onions.
For example, drying. how хранить лук в домашних условиях этим необычным
in a way? With a vegetable need to clean off the scales, cut thick
rings, disassembled into separate rings and put on a sieve. Dry
at 50-60 degrees in the oven for 3-4 hours. Dried onions
Store in a glass or tin, tight-fitting jar.

Salt is usually spoiled and small
They are cleaned, washed, placed in pickling containers and
pepper peas and bay leaf to taste. Then cook
10% brine, poured onions and set the oppression. Bow
salted during the week, then decomposed cans and stored in
refrigerator or cellar.

how хранить лук в погребе

The best way to store an onion crop in the cellar is braiding
or wreaths. Need to keep the feathers long enough and easy
intertwined. Onion woven braids should be hung from the ceiling

It is convenient to create from the onion stalks “cob”. how хранить лук
in the winter using this method? First, the stems should be cut,
leaving a stump the size of about 3 centimeters. If the onion
large, the length of the tail should be longer. Several bulbs
put together and tightly tied hemp twine. Captured
following stems and increase the “ear” to the desired length.

Old nylon stockings or tights, jute bags, boxes with
vents, baskets – all this can also be
An excellent option for winter storage of onion harvest. If a vegetable
dry healthy he lie until spring.

how хранить лук: полезные советы

Fully usable, ripened and fully dried onions
have dense rustling scales that protects them from drying out and

If the onion поцарапана, ее можно обобрать до целой чешуи и
dry thoroughly. The top layer will turn into strong healthy
the scales.

Bow нельзя закладывать на хранения в полиэтиленовых мешках, не
air permeable. In them the crop will rot and die.

About once a month onion bookmark need to sort out
put out the rotten copies.

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