Storage of corn at home: where, howand how many. Ways of storing grains and cobs of corn in the winterperiod

Вс, 09 окт 2016 Автор: Евгений

Corn – delicious, healthy, nourishing and healthy.
pretty affordable product. That he was on the table, no
need to buy canned corn, there are many
methods that will help store the harvested grain or corn in
cob at home. Not all people know that this product
You can not only preserve, but also freeze or dry.
Compliance with storage technology allows you to save taste
quality, smell and all the beneficial substances stored product.


Fresh Corn Storage

To preserve the sweetness of this product you need to maximize
quickly remove the cob from the grains and process them for
minimum term in accordance with all rules. Thereafter
harvesting for about three weeks will retain its natural flavor
and taste.

Processing at home produce

• It is necessary to remove dirt from the corn cobs, remove them
leaves and fibers, then put in a wide saucepan;

• Take another container, pour water into it and add a little
crushed ice;

• Thereafter в воду добавляют соль и лимонный сок на каждый
liter of water per teaspoon;

• The solution is mixed and poured the cobs in a large saucepan,
so it must be kept for 20 minutes;

• Then, directly in the water, remove the grains from the ears,
throw away the residue, drain the water, and the treated grain is poured into

• After all the water has drained, the grains are lightly dried and
Packed in plastic bags with locks. Not desirable them
fill too tight, but keep in mind that the bags should remain
as little air as possible;

• The packaged product is placed in the refrigerator.

The product stored in this way can be added to various
dishes, canned or just boil.

How to store young corn cobs

Нередко для использования в зимний period заготавливают початки
corn. This method allows you to save the natural sweetness.
product, but requires more storage. Technology
choose taking into account the required shelf life at home

• Cold storage. First, clear the cob from the cover
leaves and fibers on a cocoon, then laid in
plastic bags. Packed product is placed in a separate
tray in the fridge. Preferably stored corn
use for three days. Heads of course will stay fresh
longer, but the original taste will not be;

• Drying the product. Corn sorted, cleaned of dirt, removed
fiber and slightly cover the leaves. Prepared by
cobs are placed in a well-ventilated and dry place. Can
save space if we weave them braids;

• Frozen corn. Thus, you can store corn to
one and a half years. Before freezing the product, you must first
prepare, if you freeze the fresh product, as a result
rubber grains of uncertain taste will be obtained.

How to store corn and corn cobs in frozen form

Before freezing the product, you need to decide in what form it will be
frozen This can be done in separate grains or as
cobs. This does not affect the technology, but the cobs will give the product
special sweetness and juiciness, and grains easier to store.

All the work is done this way:

• Remove cover leaves and remove fibers from cobs;
off-grade grain from the product, cutting the tip of the head;

• Pour hot water into one saucepan and

• The cobs are first immersed in heated water, and after a couple of minutes
put it in the cold and still stand for two minutes;

• Such an operation is performed 3-5 times;

• Thereafter початки размещают на тонком гладком полотенце и
leave so until the cabbages are dry;

• Thereafter каждый плод оборачивают пищевой пленкой и
placed in the freezer.

Corn cobs frozen in this way are necessary before
cooking properly defrost. Frozen product, by no means
the case should not be dipped immediately into hot water, as a result of the grain
will be rubberized to taste.

Storing individual corn kernels with freezing,
differs from the above described method only in the final stage.
From the cooled and dried cobs I remove the grain, and pack it in
plastic bags with locks, then laid in the freezer
the camera. Container with product during storage is sometimes desirable.
shake so as not to freeze the grain.

In addition, corn is stored in canned form there are many
recipes with which you can save corn in its purest form
or as a component of blanks for different dishes. Currently
popular corn, canned in the form of corn cobs, their
can be used for food directly with a kochanchik.

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