Stars submitted their options to the competitionthe performance of the hymn of Novorossia

W, Oct 21, 2014

The famous Serbian composer Ninoslav Ademovic, in
professional piggy bank whose work with such giants as
Goran Bregovic and Gipsy Kings, wrote the anthem of New Russia. Under the project
It was used by the Italian studio Adriano Celentano.

Ukrainian politician Oleg Tsarev was present at the anthem recording,
who thanked all the musicians who took on the project, and
confessed that he likes most of all the version of the hymn by Vadim and
Vicky Tsyganova, who first visited the Crimea with concerts.

Tsarev said that the approval of the anthem will take place at the meeting
Parliament of New Russia before the new year. Now in the competition
about 30 variations of composition are presented. However, in his points
Vika Tsyganova’s view of the anthem performed the anthem most interestingly and it’s for
she will vote for her.

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