Spots on strawberry leaves: brown, rusty,brown – why did they appear? Measures to combat brown spots onstrawberry leaves

Пт, 01 июл 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Пятна на strawberry leaves являются признаками поражения этого
plants of various fungal diseases.

Their pathogens overwinter on plant debris, and in spring when
high humidity and positive air temperatures begin
actively develop.

Depending on the type of pathogenic fungus and growing conditions
strawberries are different signs of disease and methods of combating
by him.


Коричневые пятна на strawberry leaves

With the defeat of strawberry angular (brown) spotting
characteristic is the appearance of rounded purple spots on the leaves, which
further turn brown. As the disease develops in spots
a darker border appears, visible from the bottom
sheet. First, the spots are localized at the edges of the leaf blade,
gradually merging and spreading between the veins of the leaves. Their
форма приобретает угловую конфигурацию, сужаясь к центру sheet.
The affected tissue is necrotized. In wet weather on the spots
sporiferous pycnidia of the fungus are formed.

Brown (corner) spot on leaves

Due to the fact that the angular spotting develops in
August-October, many inexperienced gardeners and gardeners take this
the process of natural extinction of foliage before the advancing
chills and do not take appropriate measures. In this and
An error is made: during this period the laying of fruit occurs
kidney the next year, and the mass dying off of foliage weakens
plants, reduces its winter hardiness and the value of the future harvest.

Ржавые пятна на strawberry leaves

Common and dangerous disease of plants, including
strawberries, является ржавчина, возбудителем которой является
rust fungus. The symptoms of this disease are of various forms.
and size of orange or yellow pustules (“pads”) on the leaves. By
as the disease progresses, the pads merge to form strips of rusty
colors, leaves turn yellow and fall off. When cracking from pustules
fungal spores are poured. Rust promotes enhanced evaporation
moisture from the leaves, resulting in disrupted intake
nutrients and photosynthesis, the quality and quantity deteriorates
berries If you find the first signs of rust, you must immediately
take action without delaying treatment for later. Early on
зараженные части strawberries необходимо удалить и обработать посадки
fungicides (Topaz, Abiga-Peak, Fitosporin, etc.).

Rusty stains may also be the initial indication.
anthracnose – diseases of fungal etiology, widely
common in both southern and temperate latitudes. Anthracnose
characterized by the appearance of small leaves (up to 2-3 mm in diameter)
rusty or brick red stains with thinner darker
border, which subsequently dry up. Leaf blade fabrics
around spots continue to grow, so dead spots
crack and tear.

Проявление антракноза на листе strawberries — омертвевшая ткань

Leaves do not die, but are a source of infection. Byэтому
At the first sign, it is important to begin processing plants for
prevent the spread of the disease.

Often, leaf damage starts at the edges, because here
moisture accumulates from the surface of the leaf blade. Have
such spots clearly expressed purple-maroon fringe. On the petioles
leaves and peduncles anthracnosis manifests itself in the form of an elongated shape
dark brown ulcers. When they are ring-shaped merge sheet or
the stem dries out.

Anthracnose кроме зеленых частей клубничного куста поражает и
berries at all stages of their development. On the ovaries, it appears as
depressed black spots, and on ripe berries – in the form of brown
watery spots with a dry surface, immersed in the pulp of the berries.
Byраженные завязи и ягоды мумифицируются, становятся источником

In order not to confuse anthracnose with other types of spotting, you can
conduct a simple self-diagnosis. For this any
зараженную часть strawberries поместить во влажную среду (например, в
greenhouse or in a glass container to put in a warm place). Through
5-7 days on the plant tissue will grow mold (fungal mycelium),
on which you can see spores in the form of pollen. By ее окраске можно
determine the type of pathogenic fungus. For anthracnose pathogen
Colletotrichum acutatum has a pinkish-orange color.
various shades of saturation.

Бурые пятна на strawberry leaves

Byявление на strawberry leaves различной формы и размеров бурых
stains suggests that the plant is affected by the pathogen
brown spot. The first wave of this disease begins at
April-May, and the peak of its development reaches in July-August and
leads to the extinction of up to 80% of the surface of leaflets, which
greatly weakens the plants. At first small spots on both sides
leaves have a brown-red color. By мере прогрессирования болезни
the area of ​​the lesion increases as a result of the fusion of the spots, their
the color becomes almost black. Leaves look dried.

Brown пятнистость на strawberry leaves

The spots on the whiskers and leaf stalks are smaller (they look
depressed small points).

The first leaves are affected first, especially if
strawberry beds are not well-kept: thickened, weedy clogged.
Favorable conditions for the development of fungi are increased
влажность воздуха, плохая вентиляция листвы strawberries, теплая

Other parts are also susceptible to brown spot infection.
strawberries: плоды, стебли, плодоножки, чашелистики. The berries while not
have time to mature: they become small and “bony.”

The disease is insidious in that it creates
the illusion of “recovery”: the leaves are lagging in growth, begin to grow,
sporiferous pads disappear, and dwarf bush inexperienced
Gardeners associate nutrient deficiencies. If this
period not to process strawberry beds with fungicides, then during
the second half of August, brown spotting again attacks the young
growing leaves.

Бурые пятна на strawberry leaves могут быть причиной и такого
diseases like white spot. In the initial stage of the disease spots
rounded, reaching a diameter of 2 mm, have a brown color. AT
further they have a burgundy fringe. Byсле того как середина
the spots will brighten, it collapses – holes remain on the leaves.

Белая пятнистость на strawberry leaves

White spots affect not only the leaves, but also others.
parts of the plant: stalks, leaf stalks, berries. Stains at the same time
have the oblong extended form. On berries about seeds
black dots appear and then the disease penetrates the soft tissues
berries, they are covered with dark brown skin. Massive defeat
strawberry planting white spot starts in the second half
of the season. Spores are dissipated by wind and raindrops, they germinate
may even at + 8 ° C. Although white spotting does not lead to death
strawberry bushes, but significantly affects the presentation and taste
качества berries

Методы борьбы с пятнами на strawberry leaves

Для профилактики грибковых заболеваний strawberries важно
observe the following agricultural practices:

• use healthy fungal resistant seedlings
variety diseases;

• grow strawberries in open dry areas, preferably in
high or vertical beds;

• destroy plant residues of diseased plants and

• plant strawberries correctly in beds – thickened plantings
poorly ventilated, resulting in an environment with increased
humidity actively develop spores of pathogenic fungi;

• Comply with fertilization regulations – mycelium is actively
develop on plants “overfed” with nitrogen;

• control pests that are
carriers of mushroom spores and viral infections;

• observe crop rotation – after infection, strawberries are returned to
old place only after 4-5 years. The best predecessors for her –
carrots, onions, garlic, beans, leafy salads or pure steam. Not
It is recommended to plant strawberries in the areas after the nightshade.
(potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants), cucumbers, corn;

• обрабатывать кусты strawberries препаратами с содержанием меди
(Fitosporin-M, copper oxychloride, 1% Bordeaux mixture, Ridomil
Голд и др.) дважды за сезон — до цветения и после сбора berries


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