Spathiphyllum – growing, care, transplanting andbreeding

Fri, 26 Feb 2016

Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) is a genus of perennial
plants of the aroid family, some of whose representatives
are popular indoor plants. In nature this
perennial evergreen plant that grows in the South
America, East Asia, Polynesia.

There are 36 known species of this representative flora. To the main
its ornamental species suitable for growing in greenhouses or
room conditions, spathiphyllum cannelisation, spathiphyllum
blooming, spathiphyllum, helical gelatine, spathiphyllum


Spathiphyllum – growing and care

Spathiphyllum is considered a light-loving plant, however, fine
feels like a penumbra and even in the shade. The best place to
its placement is the north side. However, when grinding
leaves, or pulling them, should provide more flowers
intense lighting

In addition, this plant loves warmth and successfully breeding it.
can only provide a temperature of at least 18 ° C, and ideally –
22 ° C – 23 ° C. This flower is very suffering from drafts. To
provide re-bloom, it is necessary for 2-3 months to ensure
his content in the room where the temperature is not higher than 20 ° C
and not below 16 ° C.

Proper watering is also essential for good
plant growth and development. In the spring and summer periods, when
blooms, watering should be abundant, in winter – moderate, however, without
overdrying earthen coma. Watering should be done only
settled water (settling time not less than 12 hours).

In addition, spatifillum very grateful
spraying, because they like high humidity. For her
ensure you can also use a wet moss pan or
sand or aquarium atmosphere. Whichever way you choose, this
will be very beneficial for a flower who is a native
humid climate. But we must remember that in the period of winter dormancy for
he will benefit from more dry air.

In the period from spring to autumn, the plant should be once a week.
feed up using universal fertilizer or
fertilizer for flowering plants. At another time you need fertilizing
produce no more than once every 2-3 weeks. Sufficient feeding
at the end of winter or early spring is the second factor from which
depends on whether the flower will bloom again.

In the few months when the plant blooms, you need not forget
cut off old inflorescences that have lost their decorative appearance.
This activates the formation of new inflorescences and allows them to
last longer.

Спатифиллум – пересадка и breeding

Every year the flower needs to be transplanted into a slightly larger pot.
For this you need to take the mixture, which consists of two parts of turf and
taken on one part leafy, peaty, humus soil and one
part of the sand. Also in this mixture should add a little woody
coal and brick chips and take care of good drainage. For
transplants do not need to take the pot, which is much in size
exceeds the previous one, since in this case it will not be

If you notice that after transplanting the leaves will start to fade, then
should start it plentifully, several times a day,

Propagated by division and seed (the first method
use more often). After rooting, the plants need to be planted in pots.
with a diameter of about 9 cm in the earth mixture consisting of leaf and
peat land, taken one by one, as well as sod land and
sand, taken in half.

When transplanting and reproduction by division should be avoided.
damage to the roots, which can lead to wilting of the plant.
After transplantation, the plant needs abundant watering and

Spathiphyllum – possible diseases and pests

If the plant care is not correct, it may appear
various problems in its growth and development. For example, with excessive
dry brownish yellow spots appear on the leaves when wet,
or they will turn black and dry around the edges.

If the spathiphyllum does not bloom, then most likely the pot is too
spacious for him. For цветения необходимо, чтобы корни заполнили
the entire container in which it is contained.

Poor plant growth can be caused by excessive light and
over-wetting the earthy coma leading to root problems
by the system.

With a weakening of the plant or insufficient air humidity
it can settle parasites. To one of its main pests
It includes shield aphid, which sucks the juice from the plants. About her
appearance will tell the dark spots on the shoots and leaves of the plant.

Spathiphyllum may also be affected by arachnoid
tick. It is almost invisible to the naked eye, but its
presence can be guessed by a thin whitish spider web, which
appears between the leaves.

For уничтожения вредителей растение опрыскивают готовыми
systemic insecticides or wash its leaves with weak tobacco
infusion with soap. It is possible to pollinate a ground ground flower, but to do so
follows only outside the dwelling. 2-3 hours after treatment
plants its leaves wash with warm water.

We found out that this plant suffers most from overdrying
earth coma, too low temperature in the room where
contains flower, and direct sunlight. If you follow the main
spathiphyllum growing conditions, he will answer you abundant
flowering and beautiful appearance that will decorate any
the room.


Alina 05.23.2016 I have grief. Please tell me that I can
be. The pot is already 7 days and during this time it has been watered 2 times and today
the third. 2 days ago the leaves became sluggish
green and also withering, leaves away down .. what to do? worth
Spathiphyllum on the table, far from the window, light enough, temperature
air 20-23

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