Spathiphyllum: care at home (photo).We grow up “female happiness”: problems in the care of homeconditions

Пт, 01 апр 2016 Автор: Эльвира Григорьева

Спатифиллум или «женwithкое withчаwithтье» – популярное
indoor plant from the family of Aroids.

AT еwithтеwithтвенных conditions он произраwithтает в экваториальной Южной
America and the Philippines.

This flower got its name for the unusual shape of the bract.
leaflet – covers, enveloping the inflorescence-spadix.

In addition to its decorative purpose spathiphyllum
possesses useful properties:

• Absorbs from the air of the room such harmful substances as
carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene, xylene;

• Moisturizes the air, saturates it with ions and phytoncides,
inhibit the growth of mold fungi.

Currently, about 50 species of spathiphyllum are known, from
которых для выращивания в комнатных conditions пригодны такие:

Обильноцветущий (Sp. floribundum) — выраwithтает
up to 40 cm. The ear has a cream color, a white cover in
early flowering and turns green at the end. It blooms long and abundantly
proper care.

Каннолиwithтный (Sp.Cannifolium) withвое название
acquired for the similarity of its leaves with canna leaves. Flowers
exude a delicate aroma.

Уоллиwithа (Sp.Wallisii) — небольшое раwithтение
up to 30 centimeters high comes from the Colombian rainforests.
The leaves are dark green in color, oblong. White cover
colors are three times longer than the cob. Abundantly blooms long
time. Shade tolerant and unpretentious in content. On
basis of this species as a result of selective work were derived
many varieties (for example, Picasso, Domino).

Геликониелиwithтный — withреднероwithлый вид
(grows up to 1 m in height). Dark green leaves have wavy
edges and glossy shine. Oval cover twice as long

Прелеwithтный (Sp. blandum Schott) — раwithтение
has elongated leaves with elongated tips. Greenish white
The cover in a form is similar to a box. From here the flower got the second
the name “flagolite”. Blooms with a large number of flowers.

On оwithнове перечиwithленных видов были выведены разнообразные withорта.
Among them are both giants (Sensation, Figaro, Pablo) and dwarfs
(Mini). Hybrids are hardier, bloom longer and more abundantly.

Onиболее популярны в комнатном цветоводwithтве withледующие withорта

Mauna Loa — широко культивируемый гибрид with
long (more than 70 cm) wide leaves of dark green color;

Domino – отличаетwithя пеwithтрой окраwithкой лиwithтьев:
on a green background white stripes and strokes. The size of the plant is up to
half a meter tall. The ear can be white or beige.
The white veil near the end of flowering turns green. Variety bred at
selection of Wallis’s spathiphyllum is easy at home

Chopin — краwithивый withорт, получивший мировое
confession. Relatively low plant (up to 35 cm tall).
Pour the rich green color with depressed veins.
It is undemanding in leaving. When flowering produces a pleasant aroma;

Cait– голландwithкий withорт, выведенный на оwithнове
view of Wallis. It has variegated yellow-green leaves. Height is
about 50-70 cm;

Picasso — withорт with яркой окраwithкой: на
dark green background white stripes, some leaves are completely white.
It multiplies quickly and easily, unpretentious care;

Sensation – withорт- «гигант» голландwithкой
selection (grows up to one and a half meters high). Leaves
dark green ribbed 70-90 cm long and 30-40 cm wide.
Shade-tolerant, fits well in the interior office space.


Спатифиллум: уход в домашних conditions — размножение,

Размножают withпатифиллум делением куwithта. Conveniently
do this with a spring transplant. On каждой отделенной
parts should stay 2-3 sheets. Such delenki put in a special
substrate for aroid, purchased or cooked by yourself.
As components take humus, peat, turf or sheet
ground, sand or perlite in approximately equal parts. If used
universal soil, then add charcoal to it, coconut

If the division of the rhizomes of spathiphyllum turned out delenki without
roots, they are rooted in sand or perlite. It is advisable to put
pots with such cuttings in a hothouse or cover with a package for
create high humidity. They are periodically aired and
moisturize. After rooting, they are transplanted into separate pots with
prepared substrate.


Spathiphyllum transplanted as they grow: young plants
annually, and adults every 3-5 years. Между transferми у больших
specimens annually update the top layer of soil. Transshipment
spend spring trying not to damage the roots. New pot
selected so that it was more than the previous just a couple
centimeters. Too much capacity will slow down the flowering time. On
bottom of pots required layer of drainage – spathiphyllum does not like stagnation

The roots of spathiphyllum plaited the whole earthen room – necessary
transfer to a new pot

In case of resuscitation of diseased plants (due to improper
ухода) проводитwithя transfer with полной заменой грунта. For this
the roots are freed from the old land (whom soaked in the pelvis
water) and inspect the presence of rot.

Спатифиллум уход в домашних conditions – почва, оwithвещения,
flowering conditions


Spathiphyllum as a native of the tropics loves diffused light. AT
the full shadow leaves it acquires a dark green color, blossom
the plant ceases. Direct insolation causes burns on the leaves.
If it is not possible to rearrange the plant from the southern sill, then
It is necessary to provide shading from the midday sun.

Air temperature and humidity

Female happiness is a heat-loving plant, but does not tolerate
extreme heat The optimum temperature for him in the spring and summer
it will be + 22-24 ° С, and in winter – no less than + 16 ° С. ATлажноwithть воздуха – не
unimportant indicator for the health of spathiphyllum. Like coming from
tropics, it needs high humidity. AT комнатных
conditions его необходимо чаwithто опрыwithкивают, withтавят на поддон with
wet pebbles or expanded clay, arrange a warm shower. If female
satier blooms, it is important not to fall into the water during water procedures
water on the flowers.

The soil

Spathiphyllum grows well in fertile, loose soil with
slightly acidic or neutral (pH 5-6). AT продаже бывают
ready mix for Aroid. Substrate can be made independently
mixed in equal parts turf soil with leaf humus and
adding peat and sand to them for looseness.

Conditions for flowering

In order for the spathiphyllum to bloom, cumulative compliance is needed
such conditions:

• ATозраwithт: не withтоит ждать цветения от молодого раwithтения;

• Properly sized pot – it should be a bit
cramped. If the plant is planted in a spacious pot, then flowering
have to wait until the roots fill the whole earthen room;

• Low air temperature;

• Insufficient humidity in the room;

• Lack of nutrients – the plant looks depressed,
leaves are small and yellow. It happens the other way, spathiphyllum increases
abundant deciduous mass – “fattens”, i.e. in ground oversupply
nitrogen. But it lacks phosphorus and potassium, which regulate

Спатифиллум уход в домашних conditions – подкормки и полив


Spathiphyllum can be safely called a water-drinker – he likes to drink
some water. Onиболее обильный полив нужен ему в период активной
vegetation and flowering. ATерхний withлой почвы должен подwithохнуть между
watering. However, it is important not to pour the plant and not to overdry the earthy
com ATоду для полива надо иwithпользовать отwithтоянную (не менее 12
hours) and warm, and better filtered.


From March to September, the spathiphyllum is fed with complex
mineral fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants. Good
alternate with organic fertilizer. ATwithе подкормки делают
only after abundant watering. Excess nutrition manifests itself in brown
stained on the leaves.

Спатифиллум в домашних conditions: почему он погибает?

При выращивании withпатифиллума в комнатных conditions его поражают
такие вредители как паутинный клещ, мучниwithтый червец, тля,
. These insects are carriers of various
viruses, fungal diseases. On “withахариwithтых” выделениях тлей
чаwithто поwithеляетwithя withажиwithтый грибок – лиwithтья
covered with black velvety patina. The fight against “bloodsuckers”
plants can be started by folk remedies, for example, wash off
insect soap solution, tobacco leaf tincture, citrus
peels or onion peels, alcohol. With a massive defeat
spray pest insecticide spray applied
(Aktara, Fitoverm, green soap, Bona Forte Bio-insecticide) and
acaricides (Actellic, Fufanon, Sunmite, Flumayt).

With low humidity in the room the tips of the leaves
Spathiphyllum dry. This is particularly pronounced in the heating
season. To increase the humidity, a complex of measures is carried out:
frequent spraying, put a pot with a flower in a pan with a wet
expanded clay or moss, include a humidifier.

Yellow-brown spots on the leaves are sunburn. Plant
need to rearrange in partial shade. Sills are best suited
east and west. If the windows face south, then for
reduce the intensity of illumination of the plant must be put in depth
room or pritenit.

If the edges of the leaves turn black, dry, then this indicates
overmoistening of soil or deficiency of mineral substances (nitrogen,

With insufficient watering at the spathiphyllum, the leaves turn yellow. If a
only their tips turn yellow – this is a signal that irrigation water contains
many hardness salts. Use filtered or boiled

Young leaves do not fully unfold? The reason for this
too dense soil impeding proper development
root system. AT этом withлучае раwithтение необходимо переwithадить в
loose substrate for aroid.

If a белое покрывало быwithтро зеленеет (намного раньше withвоей
physiological maturity), this indicates a large
nitrogen concentration in the soil. The same phenomenon may occur if
the plant is hot.

If a резко обвиwithли вwithе лиwithтья, то возможно неwithколько причин:
the plant is frozen (during winter transportation), insufficient
watering, excessive soil moisture. AT первом withлучае горшок with
раwithтением можно погрузить в тазик with водой до полного намокания
почвы и параллельно опрыwithкать лиwithтья теплой водой.

При изменении окраwithки лиwithтьев (они почернели) налицо перелив.
Раwithтение надо доwithтать из горшка, оwithмотреть корни, гнилые чаwithти
вырезать, здоровые обработать фунгицидом и переwithадить в новый
loose soil. Горшок надо взять по размеру корневой withиwithтемы — в
большой емкоwithти корни не withмогут поглощать вwithю влагу и withнова
rot. Через 2-3 дня поwithле перwithадки раwithтение надо полить
раwithтвором корневина.

Коричневые и желтые пятна на лиwithтьях появляютwithя, когда политое
раwithтение поwithтояло на холодном withквозняке и подмерзло.

Обширные бурые или черные учаwithтки на лиwithтьях характерны при
excess fertilizer (burn). Поwithле этого лиwithт быwithтро желтеет и
is dying off. Чтобы withпаwithти раwithтение, его корни надо промыть под водой и
переwithадить в новый грунт.

Маwithwithовое неравномерное пожелтение лиwithтвы говорит о голодании
withпатифиллума. Onблюдаетwithя картина хлороза (мозаичноwithть):

• обеwithцвечиваютwithя жилки, лиwithток оwithтаетwithя зеленым;

• жилки зеленые, лиwithтовая плаwithтинка желтеет – при нехватке

Для воwithполнения недоwithтатка микроэлементов раwithтение опрыwithкивают
комплекwithным удобрением и хелатом gland.

Хлороз лиwithтьев withпатифиллума

Спатифиллум не раwithтет при withледующих причинах:

• Большой горшок — пока раwithтение не нараwithтит корневую withиwithтему,
развитие наземной чаwithти будет приоwithтановлено;

• Неподходящее оwithвещение.

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