South Beach Diet

One of the most popular among the rich and famous today is considered
South Beach Diet. By the way, recently tried this diet
ex-US President Bill Clinton. Amazing transformation of the former
politics have noticed everything. Clinton dropped a few pounds and even

South Beach Diet is easy to follow. No need to count
calories and carbohydrates, no need to weigh the ingredients. There are a few
simple rules that determine exactly what foods you can eat at
each of the steps of this diet. If you keep within these rules,
You can feel quite free and lose weight.

South Beach Diet

The first two weeks you can eat lean meat, fish, eggs,
monosaturated fats, starch-free vegetables, and nuts and
cereals. Due to the fact that the diet is present in sufficient
the amount of fresh vegetables, losing weight does not occur Ketosis, as with
Atkins diet, and insulin levels return to normal.

The first stage of the South Beach diet should not last longer
two weeks.

In the second stage, you can include in your diet cereals, fruits,
brown rice, cereal, oatmeal and cereal bread, and sometimes you can
allow yourself and a glass of red wine.

You do not need to weigh yourself during the South Beach diet. You must
understand by clothes that your volumes have decreased. Losing the excess
centimeters, go to the third stage, which itself
is your usual food system. If after the transition
to the second stage it seems to you that you have typed slightly, go back
ненадолго к режиму первых two weeks.

Итак, диета Южного пляжа:

First phase
Can eat Can’t eat
Lean beefWhite skinless chicken meatFish and seafood

Low fat cheese

Pistachios, Peanuts

Egg white, tofu

Non-starchy vegetables

olive oil

Fatty Meat Chicken Legs, Duck, Goose Fat Cheese, Carrot,
corn, potatoes

Fruit and Fruit Juices

Bread, rice, pasta

Yoghurt, milk, alcohol

Second phase
Can eat Can’t eat
Most fruits are Low Fat Yogurt and Milk Flakes,
Oatmeal Brown Rice

Durum Pasta


Red wine

Multigrain Bread


White ricePotkin White bread and flour

Cakes and Cookies

Carrots, corn

Bananas, Pineapples

Fruit Juices


Honey jam

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