Son Sergey, suffering from cerebral palsyBelogolovtseva become TV presenter

Tue, Mar 25, 2014

The son of TV presenter Sergei Belogolovtsy, Eugene, who with
birth sick with cerebral palsy, may be an example for
many people suffering from this affliction. To his twenty-five
Zhenya achieved a lot over the years: he graduated from a theater school,
took part in the filming of the transfer of his father. And here is the TV channel
Razvt offered Evgeny an unusual experiment – a role in a special
the program “Diverse news”.

At first, the young actor himself doubted himself. However later
made up my mind. Together with his father, they learned the text in three days, then his wife
purchased a costume in which he acquired a very impressive

Arriving at the studio with my mother, Eugene, in the end,
asked her to leave. Having seen how the shooting process goes,
Zhenya started his part of the speech, which was more than
well Filming will bring Eugene his first acting fee that
can not but rejoice both the novice actor himself, and
definitely his parents.

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