- 1 Dr. Atkins Diet
- 1.1 Principles of nutrition
- 1.2 Pros and cons
- 1.3 Меню на неделю
- 1.4 Recipes
The diet of Dr. Robert Atkins today can be considered legendary
a phenomenon. Appearing, a long time ago, more than 40 years ago, this technique
was a real breakthrough, the first of its kind diet built
on maintaining a low level of carbohydrates in daily nutrition.
With brilliant results, the program has earned enormous
popularity in the west and in many European countries.
The above dietary limit is the key to success.
many foreign celebrities. But is this diet really
so beautiful? Of course, the technique has its drawbacks and
contraindications, which will be discussed in more detail in the following
the material. And also consider the basic rules for compliance.
Dr. Atkins Diet
Atkins diet appeared in the 60s of the last century and was
tested by the doctor himself. As the story goes, a famous cardiologist
weighed over a hundred kilograms and 30 of them managed to lose thanks to
the above dietary restrictions.
This diet is also called low carbohydrate, as “built”
on reducing the percentage of carbohydrate intake. With regards to the rest
nutrients, no restrictions were applied to them.
Let’s take a closer look at the principles of nutrition diets doctor
Principles of nutrition
Dr. Atkins Nutrition Technique for Weight Loss
рассчитана на 14 дней и делится на 4 фазы:
В особенности первой фазы диеты входит
eating no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. Thanks to this
a sharp decrease in this substance, the body will lack
glucose. In this regard, he is forced to expend energy,
accumulated earlier. In this mode, observe the 4-time
nutrition. The maximum interval between meals is 6 hours. In that
period is especially important to drink plenty of clean non-carbonated water,
giving up potatoes, baked goods and coffee.
Вторая фаза диеты Аткинса допускает превышение
carbohydrate norms in the menu at 5 grams. With this change in nutrition,
watch your weight carefully. If the process of getting rid of extra
kilogram will not stop, you can increase the permissible rate
carbohydrate-containing products up to one hundred grams.
При фазе номер 3 количество допустимой нормы
carbohydrate increases by 10 grams. Each meal should be
add no more than one carbohydrate product.
Четвертая фаза методики доктора Аткинса
implies the presence of extremely useful carbohydrate in the menu
products. Banned sweets, fried foods and potatoes.
Теперь ознакомимся подробнее с главными правилами
Nutrition on Dr. Atkins diet:
- minimize the amount of carbohydrate containing
food per day; - food containing calorie foods is allowed, but in
moderate amounts; - starch-containing and sugar-containing products are excluded;
- should drink at least one liter a day
still water; - so once again not to burden the stomach, try not to
overeat; - It is recommended to combine a diet with lungs physical
При соблюдении диеты доктора Аткинса, в меню ни в коем
The case should not include the following list of dishes:
- sweet;
- flour products;
- alcohol;
- nuts, seeds;
- caffeine-containing beverages;
- sweet fruits: bananas, persimmon, grapes and pineapples.
Методика Аткинса рекомендует в меню следующие
- pork, rabbit and beef meat;
- all types of fish;
- mussels, shrimp;
- eggs;
- olive and sunflower oil;
- mayonnaise in moderation.
Advantages and disadvantages
Despite the brilliant final results, the menu
The above technique has its drawbacks. Next, consider
плюсы и минусы диеты Аткинса.
Положительные стороны данной методики
Weight loss are as follows:
- No feeling of hunger;
- The duration of Dr. Atkins limited nutrition is not
installed, you can pick it up yourself; - The first results will appear a week later.
Из недостатков методики Аткинса можно
- Due to the lack of glucose in the body, to some extent
brain activity decreases. This is manifested as follows:
low concentration of attention, light lethargy; - Great the likelihood of weakness of the body and increase
irritability; - Lack of calcium contributes to the development of heart disease and
Because of the possibility of the above unpleasant
consequences for your body, the Atkins diet menu should
Combine with taking the vitamin complex of medicines.
Меню на неделю
From the permissible products of the diet of Dr. Atkins can
составить следующее меню на неделю:
- Breakfast: scrambled eggs with two slices of lightly roasted
meat; - Lunch: two slices of ham and cheese with greens;
- Dinner: beef chops with spices.
- scrambled eggs with onions;
- several milk sausages;
- boiled chicken fillet with greens.
- omelet with cheese and ham;
- pork cutlets;
- roast beef and broccoli.
- 250 g smoked fish;
- salad of boiled eggs, mayonnaise and greens;
- fried chicken and cabbage with cucumbers.
- pancakes with syrup;
- slices cheese and salami;
- chicken ribs with vegetables.
- две сосиски и жареные eggs;
- lettuce and rabbit stew;
- stewed turkey with green vegetables.
- scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach;
- tuna steak with vegetables;
- fried chicken breast fried with lettuce leaves.
Observing the menu, remember that this technique in no way
allows for overeating.
According to the Atkins diet, there are plenty of acceptable foods.
разнообразных и полезных рецептов. let’s
let’s get acquainted with the most delicious of them:
Bacon Omelet

Ингредиенты: два куриных яйца, 100 мл молока, 300 г говяжьего
meat, a tablespoon of olive oil.
- взбить eggs;
- mix with milk;
- finely chop the beef and add to the egg-milk mixture;
- mix the ingredients thoroughly and place in the pan;
- fry in olive oil.
Salad Leaves Stuffed with Meat

Ингредиенты: 400 г свинины, несколько листьев салата, две
tablespoons of olive oil.
- skip meat through a meat grinder;
- fry in oil;
- rinse the leaves thoroughly;
- put the prepared minced meat inside.
Health salad

Ингредиенты: 200 гамм огурцов и столько же помидор, щепотка
greens, 2-3 olives, 100 grams of cheese, 100 ml of olive oil.
- cut vegetables;
- cut into cubes cheese;
- mix ingredients with herbs and olives;
- season with olive oil.