Slimming and healthy bowels – diet

  • 1 Diet for healing the intestines and stomach
    • 1.1 Principles of proper nutrition
    • 1.2 Menu for the week

Often the cause of many diseases, overweight, weak
immunity, fatigue are disruptions
gastrointestinal tract. Eating junk food (fried
dishes, sweets, fast food, etc.) leads to accumulation in
body slags and toxins. Therapeutic diet aimed at
bowel cleansing will help to improve the body as a whole,
normalizes metabolic processes, and as a result will help effectively
lose weight by 5-7 kg in just a week.


Diet for healing the intestines and stomach

The following problems are often reported to a person with intestinal problems
symptoms: bloating, frequent constipation, indigestion,
skin rashes, headaches, chronic fatigue and
weakness, frequent cold diseases.

A cleansing diet will help remove harmful toxins from the body and
slags, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve
metabolism. This diet helps to lose weight by 5-7 kg per week,
strengthen immunity, relieve chronic fatigue, improve
complexion and condition of hair, nails. (Slag-free diet before
colonoscopy – a great option for cleansing the body).

Diet for healing the intestines and stomach заключается в
organization of proper nutrition. Eat regularly, not
less than three times a day. Food must be carefully
chew and do not drink water. The diet includes exclusively
healthy foods (cereals, vegetables, fruits, lean meat,
poultry and fish, dairy and dairy products of low fat content)
способствующие очищению gastrointestinal tract. In most
cases, the diet for weight loss and bowel cleansing is easily tolerated,
because it eliminates starvation.

Diet for healing the intestines and stomach, а также
weight loss – contraindications:

  • Chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children and adolescents (up to 14 years).

Important after a diet for weight loss and bowel cleansing
the right way out. In no case can not immediately use
junk food (fried, smoked, sweet). It is necessary gradually
introduce healthy foods into your diet (meat, fish, cooked
steamed or grilled, stewed, baked, boiled), broths,
quiche, legumes, all kinds of vegetables and fruits. Need to limit
salt and sugar intake, and wheat bread to be replaced with rye or
wholegrain. The correct way out of the diet will save
the achieved result of losing weight, as well as prevent the repeated
slagging of the intestines.

if you have high blood pressure pay attention to
Dash Diet!

Principles of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition for improving the bowel and slimming
is to eliminate from your diet fatty, fried,
smoked, sweet dishes, pastries and flour products. Prohibited
dietary salt, sugar, bread, alcohol, and
carbonated drinks. In the diet should prevail porridge (oatmeal,
rice, buckwheat), boiled in water without salt. Allowed
lean meat (beef, chicken) and steamed fish or
in boiled form without salt and spices. You can use non-starchy
vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers), greens and
savory fruit (apples, pears, oranges, grapefruits).
Vegetable vegetable soups, dairy and sour milk products are allowed.
low fat content (cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir).

Nutrition during a diet for weight loss and bowel cleansing should
be three times a day. In between meals, you can
drink tea with a teaspoon of honey, a glass of kefir 1%, water with lemon
juice or fresh orange juice. Last meal
should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Between main meals
3-4 hour break is required. It is forbidden to drink food, it is better to drink
1 cup of purified water 30 minutes before and one hour after

A diet to improve the bowels and slimming helps to improve
the work of the gastrointestinal tract, excreted
accumulated slags and toxins, lose 5-7 kg of excess weight.

Menu for the week

To achieve maximum weight loss and
bowel cleansing, recommended for two days before
diets use only green apples in your diet, and
in the evening drink a cup of tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Menu for the week для оздоровления кишечника и похудения
(breakfast lunch dinner):


  • Oatmeal. Green apple;
  • Boiled beef 200 gr. 1 Tomato;
  • Salad “Brush”.


  • Fat-free cottage cheese 150 gr. 1 orange;
  • Steamed beef cutlets 150 gr. Cucumber Salad and
    Tomatoes, dressed with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • Rice seasoned with soy sauce. Shredded carrot salad
    seasoned with lemon juice.


  • 2 hard boiled eggs. Tea with 1 tsp. honey;
  • Green borsch 150 gr. Steamed fish 150 gr;
  • Cottage cheese with herbs 150 gr.


  • Hercules porridge. 1 cup of kefir 1%;
  • Meatballs from beef 200 gr. Baked potatoes 100 gr;
  • 2 hard boiled eggs. Orange juice.


  • Omelette on a pair of 2 eggs. Grapefruit;
  • Salad “Brush” 250 gr;
  • Vegetable broth 200 gr. An Apple.


  • Fat-free cottage cheese, seasoned with natural yogurt 200
  • Vegetable soup. Beetroot salad, seasoned with lemon juice;
  • 1 cup of kefir 1% with greens.


  • Oatmeal. Pear;
  • Omelette steamed from 2 eggs with tomato;
  • Rice seasoned with soy sauce. Cucumber, Tomato and Salad
    Bulgarian pepper, dressed with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 200

During the diet for weight loss and bowel cleansing
it is necessary to drink daily at least 1.5 liters of pure water without
gas. Supplemental Vitamin C supplementation is recommended.
feeling hungry you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice
or water with lemon juice. Tea consumption is also shown.
(green, herbal) with 1 teaspoon of honey.

By sticking to this diet for only a week, you can clean the intestines,
normalize metabolic processes in the body and lose weight by 5-7

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