Simple indoor plants protect against colds.and flu

Simple indoor plants protect against colds. and flu

Spanish researchers have found that simple
комнатные растения уменьшают риск возникновения простуды and flu.
According to research, people who have large houses
plants, 30% less likely to suffer from viral and bacterial


What plants have healing properties?

The healing properties of plants are known to mankind for
millennia. Until the beginning of the 20th century, phytotherapy was even the only
way to get rid of discomfort and cure diseases. Knowledge,
that help resist disease based on a wealth of experience
many generations.

Over the past 30 years, phytotherapy has evolved in two
directions: traditional and rational. While
traditional herbal medicine relies on years of experience
rational works according to strictly scientific

In European herbal medicine alone, more than 3,000 are known.
about 500 herbs are used today for
production of drugs. Their flowers, leaves, fruits, seeds, onions, roots,
bark or wood turns into teas or ready-made preparations. Application
herbal medicine is as diverse as the plants used.

Many people have indoor plants in their homes because
they look good and improve air quality. Experts
found that plants in homes can protect against colds and
the flu. Various plants can reduce airborne contagion.
viruses, increasing the humidity in the room.

Researchers at the National Institute for Safety and Hygiene
Labor (NIOSH) and the University of West Virginia came to such

Especially ferns and palms can reduce
airborne viral infectivity or

Doctors have published the results of their research in English
PLOS magazine.

Что обеспечивает защиту от простуды and flu?

Есть несколько способов защитить себя от простуды илand flu.
Some people are vaccinated against the pathogen, others
rely on the positive impact of sports or use

According to experts, the humidity and virulence of the virus
Influenza can be significantly reduced when moisture content exceeds 40%.
Higher humidity also means less infectivity.
viruses in the air.

Because of this, indoor plants are really able to protect
от инфекций the flu. All plants, except succulents and cacti,
increase humidity through a process called

What is transpiration?

Transpiration occurs when direct sunlight falls on
leaves, and water evaporates from them into the air. Plant in its
turn, pulling water out of the ground to compensate for the liquid,
lost during evaporation.

The larger the plant, the more transpiration occurs and the
more water enters the air. Humidity increases with
increasing the intensity of sunlight. If put in
the premise more large plants, the humidity will increase even

What plant works in which room?

It is recommended to place a specific plant in each room.
In order for them to be fully effective, they must be
located in different rooms. Houseplants should not
too warm, cold, sunny or dark

  • Гостиная: филодендрон и папоротники
    provide good moisture, industrial hemp binds
    cigarette smoke and cleans the air.
  • Спальня: зеленая лилия, плющ и настоящее алоэ
    convert carbon dioxide to oxygen at night and
    improve the quality of sleep.
  • Кухня: рекомендуется использовать растения,
    which neutralize bad odors – rosemary and thyme.
  • Офис: в дополнение к вирусам гриппа в офисе
    contains other pollutants. Toner and plastic films contain
    formaldehyde and benzene. Betel nut, fig, dragon tree and aralia
    up to 80% of these toxic substances are filtered in the room.

Clinical efficacy of individual plants
tested in research. Most large plants reduce
30% risk of developing predominantly viral infections. For
bacteria, this figure is 15-20%, which is clinically

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