September 11: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthday September 11th.

W, 13 Sep 2016


Holidays September 11

Glass cup day

Indeed, such a holiday exists, and this is no joke! AT
1943 in the city of Gus-Khrustalny the first faceted was released
a glass of Soviet production. The author of the design is a sculptor
statues “Worker and Kolkhoz Woman”, but documentary evidence
this fact is not. По некоторым данным ATера Мухина разработала такой
design specifically for the Soviet catering, and he met the expectations –
For many years I registered in carbonated machines, canteens, on
by rail. Classics of the genre – a glass of 16 facets, the very first
the output of the plant. You can meet 12-14-18-20 faceted
glasses At the bottom of the first glasses the price was melted: 7 or 14 kopecks,
depending on the size. It should be noted that ordinary glasses
without a smooth upper rim known since the time of Peter 1 – the king
gave such a glass for drinking alcohol on the ship.

Enkutatash — New Year in Ethiopia

The only state in the world that uses the Julian calendar
lives by its own rules, and today it celebrates the New Year –
beautiful secular holiday. The date of the holiday is determined in the distant
Antiquities of the Queen of Sheba, returning from Jerusalem. Celebrated
holiday in the old church of the 14th century, the church of St. John.
Priests conduct services, read psalms and sermons, hymns. BUT
fires are made in the evening from exotic for us eucalyptus and such
habitual ate. Another church is located near the capital
Эфиопии BUTддис-BUTбебы. According to Ethiopian beliefs, fire is a sign of warmth
therefore, the whole celebration develops around fires. After
Ethiopians are served as an engineer at home
(white flat bread) and uat (stew). ATечером все идут в
Guests visit friends and relatives, and children spend the money they earn.
In addition to a religious festival, Enkutatash shares the rainy season and
marks the arrival of spring.

Дни Кшарта-ATарьи (Шахревара) в Индии

AT этот день поздравляют настоящих мужчин – воинов, кузнецов и
masons. Indians are special people and their entertainment is special.
So, for example, the horde: on the really strong man cast on
chest tin, and he, possessing a powerful etheric body, does not even suffer
from pain. They light the ritual 14 candles and eat coarse food.

День учителя в BUTргентине

BUTргентинская нация очень любит этот праздник, он является выходным
for the whole country and very significant. ATсем учителям выражают
recognition and gratitude, give gifts and honor the memory of the deceased in
this day, President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, who entered
history as a great enlightener. It was he who reformed in the 19th century.
Argentine education system, founded two state
школы – Морскую и ATоенную, а также агрономическую и лесную
Academy. He also became the founder of training schools for
teachers. AT BUTргентине учителей почитают не только за обучение
knowledge, but also for the education of the younger generation.

Folk calendar September 11

Ivan the Fast

Today, the Orthodox Church commemorates the beheading of the head.
John the Baptist. It was he who predicted the coming.
Messiah, baptized Jesus and ended his life martyred by
the whim of one of sinful women. King Herod, ruler of Galilee,
immersed in sins and instead of his wife got himself a mistress. The righteous
The old man was given as a reward to Salome, the daughter of Herod’s mistress.
His head was beaten, but even in this form he continued to denounce
sinners. The wrath of God overtook those guilty of the death of the saint – Salome
cut off the head of the ice floe, and Herod and Herodias were consumed
open ground. AT этот день обычно у православных христиан
fast. You can not eat anything round, even bread trying to bake another
forms. Do not dig potatoes, do not eat tomatoes, in honor of the fallen soldiers
those who died in the battles perform the rites of remembrance. After этого дня
continue to harvest pickles for the winter. Sometimes arranged
fairs, but the post did not allow many temptations, so bidding
endured very hard. The first frosts brought “greetings” from
winters Crane observations can show what winter should be
wait – flocks are flying, which means that autumn will be short and early winter. On
Lenten clean turnips – simply, without feasts. Give beggars and

Historical events of September 11

11 сентября 1825 года — в этот день в Петербурге
The famous Mikhailovsky Palace was consecrated, located on
Arts Square. The construction is a real masterpiece
created in the best traditions of the Empire style. AT настоящее время в
Михайловском дворце находится Русский музей.11 сентября
1832 года
— была установлена BUTлександровская колонна
(BUTлександрийский столп) — один из главных символов
St. Petersburg. Grand Opening of the Famous Object
held in 1834 year. BUTлександровская колонна находится на
Palace Square, its height reaches 47.5 meters, the top
crowned angel. The construction was erected in honor of the heroic
victories of the Russian people in the Patriotic войне 1812 года.11
сентября 1854 года
— в борьбе за Севастополь были
flooded seven ships of the Russian fleet, which blocked the way
the Anglo-French conquerors to the city through the sea route.
Crew members and sailors left sailing ships and opened them
fire from the shore. Sevastopol Bay became impassable and the enemy did not
able to approach the city. On причале Севастопольской бухты был
erected a monument to the flooded ships, it symbolizes the glory and
the courage of the Russian fleet. For many years, Sevastopol Bay was cleared
from ships that are on the seabed at the very approaches to the city,
однако их обломки можно найти здесь и сегодня.11 сентября
1943 года
— на заводе в Гусь-Хрустальном произведен первый
Soviet faceted glass with 16 facets and a volume of 200
milliliters. In fairness, it should be noted that the story
cut glass began long before 1943, there are
assumptions that it was invented during the reign of Peter I,
причем, тоже изготавливали в городе Гусь-Хрустальный.11
сентября 2000 года
— одна из вершин Центрального
Caucasian ridge, by decision of the leadership of North Ossetia, was
named after the heroic crew of the Kursk submarine,
who, performing a responsible educational task, died in the waters
Barents Sea. The initiators of the event were climbers who
conquered this peak.

September 11 were born

Джеймс Томсон (1700-1748 годы) – автор английского
Britain’s anthem Despite the many more complex works,
James Thomson is famous for his anthem “Britain”. He worked in such
a time when there was a decline in the requirements for dramatic art.
His works – white poems – the poem “Freedom”, an allegory,
written by Spencer’s stanza “The Castle of Idleness”, love poems for
nature. Иосиф Кобзон (1937 год) — советский певец
pop The popularity of Joseph Kobzon came a long time ago. Still would!
Singer on stage for over 50 years. He conquered his listeners
unique manner, deep voice and beautiful songs
composers who wrote them just for him. Multi-genre
The repertoire contains patriotic songs, about the Motherland and nature, about
the war that the singer survived as a child, and the old Russian songs
times. The singer traveled almost the whole world with a tour, and today,
having finished his concert activity, he appears in public
rarely, but still does not disappear from the TV screens. Felix
(1877 —1926 годы) Его имя ассоциируют на
West with the Red Terror, and in Russia he is still a prominent figure,
fanatic of his craft, always going to the end. AT государственной
activities after the revolution it was he who paid attention to
structure of the state apparatus, proposing to change it to
Do not allow the dictatorship of one person. Felix Эдмундович скончался
right during the plenary session on the state of the country’s economy –
A nervous breakdown and an attack ended with a heart beat. Hermann
(1935 — 2000 годы) — Летчик-космонавт СССРHermann
Titov went a long way from simple projectionist to
professional pilot who graduated from flight school. AT отряд
cosmonauts he was adopted in 1960, and already in the next, 1061
году он провел полет на космическом корабле «ATосток 2», пролетев
over the Earth more than 700 thousand kilometers in less than a day. Name
Hermannа Титова носит один из кратеров, расположенных на обратной
side of the moon.

Nameday September 11

Name day on this day notes only Ivan.

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