Separate meals

Мы подумали, что удобнее всего будет иллюстрированная
таблица раздельного питания
, где сочетания продуктов
divided into “lose weight” and “fat.”


The basic principles of separate nutrition:

1. Never eat flour in the course of a single meal.
protein products. That is, do not combine carbohydrates with
squirrels. Do not combine meat with potatoes, bread, peeled white.

For digestion of these types of food need different gastric juices.
And if you want your digestion to go well, then
Do not artificially impede the work of the stomach. Good
one kind of food is digested (or combined with each

Proteins are digested in the stomach by high acid
gastric juices, those that impede the digestion of amidones.
Flour same foods in such gastric juice can begin
to roam.

Avoid combinations

  • fish + rice;
  • chicken + french fries;
  • steak + pasta;
  • ham sandwich;
  • sandwich with cheese;
  • breaded fish;
  • flour based sauces for meat;
  • nut cakes.
It is better

  • fish + vegetables;
  • chicken + salad;
  • steak + salad;
  • ham without bread;
  • a slice of cheese without bread;
  • grilled fish;
  • meat with satsabel sauce;
  • a handful of nuts.


protein + flour

sausagessausages plus breadbread hamham plus breadbread
meatmeat plus breadbread cheesecheese plus breadbread
a fisha fish plus ricerice henhen plus French friesFrench fries
meatmeat plus pastapasta

2. During one meal only
protein products from the same group.
proteins entail the production of uric acid, due to which,
mainly rheumatism and gout.

Avoid combinations

  • ham omelette
  • омлет с cheeseом
It is better

  • broccoli omelette
  • omelet with vegetables


proteins + proteins

a fisha fish plus steaksteak eggseggs plus hamham
eggseggs plus cheesecheese

3. Eat only one flour product at a time.
single meal

Even one flour product is enough to replenish.
energy supply of your body. Too rich food
harmful to the body, and this is especially true for people leading
passive lifestyle.


flour + flour

breadbread plus potatoespotatoes pastapasta plus cakecake

4. Никогда не смешивайте во время single meal
sugar or sugar fruits with animals

This combination leads to fermentation in the stomach. And sugar
interferes with protein digestion.


proteins + sugar

henhen plus prunesprunes duckduck plus honeyhoney

5. Никогда не смешивайте во время single meal
flour and sour fruit.

The levels of digestion of flour and fruit are different. And for
digestion of flour products are not suitable acidic gastric juices,
which are excreted in the stomach for fruit digestion.


flour + fruit

strawberry piestrawberry pie pie with applespie with apples cornflakescornflakes plus wild strawberrywild strawberry

6. Melon and watermelon are best eaten one hour before meals and not with
than not to combine.

These products are poorly digestible, and they are not combined with anything.
Melon finally digested only in the intestines. If her
there is something else, then it remains in the stomach and provokes
all ailments – gastritis pain, gas, belching, etc.

Avoid combinations

  • дыня + ham
  • дыня + bread
  • дыня + cake
  • melon + fruit salad
It is better

  • melon apart from everything

7. Milk is better to drink separately from any combination with
other products.

You can, however, combine it with fruits, salads, fresh or
boiled vegetables.

Milk – a protein-containing product that will be bad
digested with other proteins or flour

If you can not drink milk, then yogurt, kefir, yogurt –
beautiful way out.


milk + proteins

milk + flour

milkmilk plus eggseggs milkmilk plus a fisha fish
milkmilk plus ricerice milkmilk plus potatoespotatoes

8. It is preferable to eat vegetable

not an animal.

масло подсолнечноеOlive, soybean, sunflower, corn
The oil is good for health and contains essential fatty acids.
In addition, soybean, sunflower and corn oil prevent
cholesterol formation.

Vegetable oil goes well with protein
products and flour products, it is important only proteins and flour
eat at the same time.

9. It is advisable to avoid dried fruits.

In dried fruits there are proteins and oxides of carbon (flour), and this
contrary to rule 1 and poorly digested.

If you can not do without them, eat dried fruits along with green
vegetables – fresh or boiled.

In short, what can you eat on separate meals

Ешьте любые крупы на воде — греча, пшено, rice, овсянка, ячневая
etc. with vegetable salads, seasoned with olive oil. And
protein products in the form of meat and fish, too, with vegetable salads. Not
смешивайте углеводы (крупы, мучное) с белками (meat, a fish). Fruits
Eat separately, about two hours after eating, or 40-60 minutes before eating.
Intake of fluid either half an hour before meals or two hours
after taking.

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