Self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers – description,advantages. How to sow seeds of self-pollinated cucumbers, the rulescare

Сб, 09 дек 2017 Автор: Евгений

Any gardener, trying to grow a rich harvest
quality, innovate to facilitate work or
use the latest technology.

There will be an exception to this and cucumbers. As a result of the work
breeders, among them appeared self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers.
For a good harvest, do not need special care, you need
only create a mode for them that takes into account only a few important


What are self-pollinated cucumber varieties?

The answer to this question is in the title itself, they have a special
structure – there is a stamen in each inflorescence (female organ
breeding) and pestle (male reproductive organ). As a result
the plant is able to self-pollinate the ovary,
forming unassisted fruits with seeds.

Beginners are often interested in what is better to sow cucumber seeds on
pollinated by bees and other insects or
self-pollinated varieties, and what is the difference between self-pollinated and
Parthenocarpic cucumber varieties? Need to know what to compare
most pollinated by insects and partocaprique varieties
harvest can be obtained from the kuts of self-pollinating plants. Probability
the emergence of successful shoots and guaranteed large
the number of the ovary they have much more than the usual varieties.

These cucumbers may vary in taste, resistance to
adverse factors and other characteristics but
breeders have created many varieties suitable for
fresh use (these are salad varieties), and for
cooking pickles and pickling.

Self-pollinated cucumber varieties are mostly tender
taste, although late varieties are a bit drier and tougher than early ones. AT
mid-season varieties are well balanced, tender and crisp
taste. ATыращивать огурцы этих сортов можно как на простых грядках,
and indoors.

Greenhouse self-pollinating cucumber varieties

Since greenhouses are a type of greenhouse, it is very difficult
bees in these structures pollinate plants. Therefore, for sowing in
Greenhouses mainly use self-pollinated cucumbers. Some
gardeners believe that the harvest from self-pollinating varieties is much worse
than the fruits received on a usual bed. It is wrong, we can say
– fruits from these varieties are not worse than normal, and in most cases
can bring more yield. This is due to the fact that
the greenhouse has an optimal microclimate (no drafts, no unexpected
temperature drops and cold winds) that often affect
on the plants in the garden.

Self-pollinated cucumbers for sowing in the greenhouse:

Matilda F1. Early maturity hybrid, bush
strong on which leaves grow medium size. Fruit
formed by clusters, 7 cucumbers appear on each of them,
the weight of each of them is 110 grams. Zelentsy grow standard species
(about 10-12 cm long), cucumbers grow evenly from a bush
You can harvest a daily harvest of 45-50 days.

Zozulya F1. Perfect self-polled hybrid
cucumber intended for cultivation in greenhouses. Weight
these cucumbers about 300 gr., grow to 25 cm long, the surface
the fruit is mostly smooth, looks very attractive,
the shape of the fruit without bending, smooth. Rip off the first Zelentsi in 40
days, the harvest of this variety can be used for harvesting

Zyatek F1. This is an early variety, fruits grow
crispy and juicy, of small length (not more than 10 cm grow
long). On the surface there are bumps with white spines, on each
ovaries can grow up to 12 cucumbers. The first fruits can be obtained
in 43-48 days, 7 kg of quality can be removed from each bush

Emelya F1. A variety that yields early can
pick the first small fruits (up to 15 cm long) with smooth
surface in a month. Cucumbers, the weight of each oblong
Zelentsa 120 gr., on its peel there are small tubercles. Sort well
Resists most diseases, the fruit can be used in
any kind.

Varieties of self-pollinated cucumbers for planting on a conventional garden bed

Self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers were appreciated by simple gardeners,
who grow crops in the usual garden. Sown plants
must be resistant to sudden changes in temperature, to
exposure to cold wind and high humidity. These varieties are capable
in good conditions give a significant yield, and inflorescences
tied at about 96%.

The best varieties of cucumbers in this area are intended for
ordinary beds:

Alliance F1. ATкусный и урожайный среднеспелый
hybrid, fruits grow to 15 cm long, and weighing 125 grams. on each
грозди завязей формируется до 6 fruits. With 1 m2 you can harvest
up to 17 kg, the first fruits are torn down at the age of 50 days.
It is advisable to prepare seeds before sowing or at least
sprout. The harvest of this variety after heat treatment is not
quality of fruits and their appearance deteriorate; they remain
crispy. For this reason, many gardeners use this variety
for making winter blanks.

Orpheus F1. Early ripening variety first fruits
available on days 38-42. From 1 m2 beds collect about 7 kg
Zelentsov, in each ovary grows 5-8 Zelentsov. Fruit растут не
more than 13 cm, the mass is in the range of 80-110 g., on
the surface of cucumber varieties Orpheus, you can see small

F1 enthusiasm. Early ripening hybrid
предназначенный для выращивания на обычной грядке, first fruits
You can break 35-38 days. ATнешне это корнишон в форме цилиндра, с
large tubercles on the surface. On each ovary grows
about 5 cucumbers, you can collect about 6 kg of cucumbers from 1 m2. Sort
it is well resistant to diseases and develops normally in various
climate. Great for marinating, keeps crunch, density
and elastic surface after processing at high temperature.
Cucumbers grow small in size (about 10 cm long), for this
the reason they look great is rolled up in a can.

Are there any universal self-pollinated cucumber varieties?

Breeders are constantly improving existing varieties, as a result
there are plants with unusual characteristics. They
have created universal varieties that can be used when grown in
any conditions (usual bed or greenhouse).

Herman F1. One of the best among these varieties
Herman F1 is considered, it is quite fruitful, early variety.
Zelentsy, grow unusually pleasant to the taste, they are not at all
contain bitterness like most other varieties. It is beautiful
a material that is suitable for making fresh salads,
так и для консервации на winter Fruit вырастают размером примерно 12
см, по массе они достигают 80-90 гр., on each завязи формируется
about 5-9 cucumbers. Its feature can be called beautiful
resistance to most cucumber diseases.

Crop-producing, self-pollinated varieties will help to get the perfect
the harvest of Zelentsov, eliminating the dependence of plants on
insect pollinators. These cucumbers will not require you
too much attention, they need moisture, warmth and
correct shaping.

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