Secrets of storing pumpkins in the apartment and the cellar. howkeep the pumpkin at home properly

Вт, 04 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Autumn beauty pumpkin – a storehouse of nutrients, so necessary
our body is a long cold winter.

Grow a pumpkin in the garden is easy: unpretentious vegetable
without any problems for the summer is gaining a few kilos wonderful

Much more complicated for citizens is the question of how to store a pumpkin in
home conditions.


how собирать и где хранить тыкву

In fact, store pumpkin fruit is also easy. Vegetable
tolerates an average storage temperature of 5 to 15 degrees
above zero, and for some varieties of comfort and higher
temperature. All you need is a pumpkin – it’s dry and cool.
the room, the absence of direct sunlight. Under these conditions
the vegetable will be stored for 4 to 6 months ..

It is also important when and how pumpkins are collected.
The ideal time is the end of September – the middle of October. Vegetableи не
should get under the first frost. Frozen pumpkins can quickly
spoil it. You can not break off and damage the stem: her
The optimal length should be from 7 to 10 centimeters.

Harvest pumpkins need to be dried in the sun for 5-7 days, after
What to send for a winter holiday. Strongly not suitable for
storage room pumpkin wet and very cold, freezing to
winter months. Ideal conditions for the vegetable allows you to create a dry
cellar, but if it is not, it does not matter. Pumpkins are well kept and in
ordinary city apartment.

how хранить тыкву в погребе

In a good cellar, where it is dry, dark and cool, the pumpkin will be yourself
feel completely comfortable and will not spoil until spring.
Intact pumpkins are suitable for wintering. Therefore carefully
Inspect vegetables for scratches, stains and other damage.

To ensure the pumpkin the right conditions, you need to lay the shelves
dried fresh straw or a regular newspaper. Lay out vegetables
follows the stem up.

Важно, чтобы они не соприкасались бочками.
Otherwise, the skin may deteriorate, causing

From time to time the condition of the vegetables will need to be checked. If a
pumpkins do not inspect, you can skip the beginning of rotting. If a процесс
at the very beginning, do not worry.

how хранить тыкву в домашних условиях

Nothing complicated and storing pumpkin in the city
apartment. If a есть застеленный балкон, можно устроить овощи на
wintering there.

To place the pumpkins on the balcony should be similar to the way they
lie in the cellar. That is, the surface must be dry,
whitewashed newspapers.

Pumpkins need to be spread out at some distance from each other.
(about 8-10 cm) and be sure to cover with a piece of clean fabric.
This will protect the vegetables from direct sunlight
ruin the harvest. At a very low temperature pumpkin necessarily
cover with a warm old fur coat or blanket, otherwise freeze.

how хранить тыкву в домашних условиях, если балконе не застеклен
or not at all? In this case, for 2-3 months, vegetables can
just put in a dark pantry away from heating devices
or in extreme cases, remove under the bed.

Alternative storage methods for pumpkins

It is not necessary to keep the pumpkin whole. If a в квартире
little space, you can adopt any of the alternative

• freezing;

• drying;

• salting.

Замороженные тыквенные кусочки — отличный
way to save the crop. True, you need a large freezer.
Pumpkin wash, dry, cut into cubes and packaged in
plastic bags for freezing (they are more durable than normal
packing bags). You can decompose the pumpkin and plastic food
containers. Frozen pumpkin stored more than a year, not
losing neither good nor taste.

Dried pumpkin saves space. Not
have to hammer in the freezer or look where to adapt
whole vegetables. To dry the fruit you need to wash, wipe dry.
with a napkin, cut off the skin and remove all seeds. Yellow flesh
cut into thin slices no more than a centimeter thick and send
on the sheet in the oven. Dry the vegetable for 7 hours at 60
degrees, then another 2 hours at 70 degrees. Cooled down
store pumpkin in a glass jar or linen bag. The room
must be completely dry. Shelf life of dried pumpkin
is at least a year.

Pumpkin pickling is simple. At five kilograms
vegetable pulp will need one and a half kilograms of salt. Pumpkin need
prepare the same as for freezing. Banks sterilize.
Half of the norm of salt dissolved in warm boiled water. Lay down
pumpkin pieces in a jar, pour brine, pour on top
the remaining salt. Jar roll up and put in a dark pantry. The whole
In winter, the vegetable will be kept at room temperature without any problems.

Secrets and tricks of storing pumpkins at home

You need to collect pumpkin in a dry sunny day.
It is important not to damage the stem and not to scratch the delicate upper layer.
peel. If a царапина все же появилась, опытные садоводы
It is recommended to simply seal the damaged area with
bactericidal patch. Such scratched copies need
eat first.

What to do if a part of the pumpkin is eaten, and the rest is needed
save until next time? Peel, chop the rest of the vegetable
on slices and put in the fridge. Shelf life – no more than ten
days And if you wrap the pumpkin pieces in foil, they will lie
in the fridge for a month.

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