Secrets of growing nasturtium: planting and carethe queen of the garden. Varieties and types of nasturtium (photo)

Пт, 29 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Nasturtium – a beautiful annual flower that attracts
gardeners not only by their appearance.

Growing a plant is quite simple, with which even
novice florist.

Annual looks good in flower beds and garden beds.

Unusual leaves and bright flowers make the nasturtium a welcome guest.
in every garden.

There are compact forms of plants that grow in
balcony boxes.


Varieties and types of nasturtium (photo)

Most often gardeners grow varieties with bright colors of flowers:
yellow, red, orange. Nasturtium leaves have an unusual shape
in the shape of a heart, and decorate a flower bed before the flowers bloom.
The sweet smell of the plant attracts insects to the garden

The following types are especially popular among flower growers.

• Spray nasturtium;

• Curly.

Bush varieties form compact low plants that
reach a height of about 20 cm. Growing them in groups, you can get
blooming carpet that is covered with many bright colors from June
until the most frost. Plants are used to create a curb,
gardening terraces, balconies, flower beds. Plant out bush forms
nasturtiums need to open sunny areas, protecting from the winds.
Nasturtium does not tolerate cold.

Curly species give good shoots, the length of which can reach
up to 3 meters. Such plants are designed to create living
hedges, fences, decoration of arches and arbors. Growing up
produced only on supports. Curly nasturtium forms more
large flowers, often terry. Seeds for planting better sow
immediately to a permanent place, as the plant does not tolerate well
transplant, seedlings weaken, poorly take root.

New varieties that differ in their
flowers. In addition to the simple form of the inflorescence, there is also a terry.
Among the lovers of nasturtiums there are especially loved

• Golden Globe;

• Cherry rose;

• Day and night.

Terry varieties are prized by the unusual shape of the inflorescence. Some
species flower diameter reaches 10 cm in diameter. However, bloom in
these species are shorter but more memorable. First buds
bloom in July, and in August, flowering ends. Terry
varieties are quite fragrant.

Features of cultivation: planting nasturtium in the open

Following the simple rules, you can successfully grow nasturtium in
the garden, enjoying her fragrant flowers until autumn.

1. To grow a plant you need to find the right one.
a place.

Nasturtium is originally from South America, so it loves warmth and sunshine.
Place for landing should be well lit throughout the day.
A plant planted in the shade will not delight in flowering. Should also
protect the delicate flower from the wind and drafts.

2. Nasturtium prefers moderately nutritious lungs.

Soil overfed with organic is not the best option for
growing plants. On too “fat” lands bushes are scarce
bloom. But poor soils also have a bad effect on the annual condition:
the stems become bare, the leaves become shallow. Experienced gardeners regularly
make mineral complexes that nasturtium loves. AT
As a result, the flowers become large, the leaves – shiny, buds
formed until October.

3. ATыращивать настурцию лучше безрассадным способом,
высевая семена сразу в priming.

The fragile root system of a plant does not tolerate transplants, often
injured and the flower dies.

ATысевать семена нужно с наступлением тепла, где-то в начале мая.
The seed bed is pre-watered with warm water, which
promotes rapid germination of seeds and early flowering. Depth
seed placement – about 2 cm, the distance between plants should be
не менее 25 см. ATыращенные таким способом растения получаются более
strong and healthy, which prolongs the flowering period. If the threat
frosts have not passed yet, then the landing dates need to be moved or
Cover seedlings from the cold.

ATажно! If there is a need to grow
nasturtium through seedlings, then for planting use only
peat cups. Transplanting such plants does not injure the roots.
since it is not necessary to remove the seedling from the pot.

How to care for nasturtium

Flower growers love this flower for its unpretentious care. ATсе
what nasturtiums need is timely watering, feeding and
no weeds.

Watering nasturtium

Irrigation mode depends on the growth phase of the plant. When appearing
first shoots nasturtium requires regular irrigation, increased
влажности soil. For normal growth and development, seedlings need
a lot of moisture. When appearing бутонов полив нужно сократить, иначе
the plant will continue to grow leaves, which is negative
will affect the duration of flowering.

Nutritious top dressings

For lush and prolonged flowering must be made
mineral complexes. AT начале вегетации нужно давать больше
nitrogen-containing fertilizers, and later, when the plant picks up
enough green mass, you need to go to potash supplements.

Weed control

The root system must breathe well, for this purpose regularly
spend loosening the soil around the bushes, remove weeds. To raise
air permeability of the soil can be mulched. Small layer
mulch will restrain weed growth, will retain moisture in the soil.

Growing up настурции: как собрать семена

Reproduces nasturtium seeds. If drooping flowers are removed,
that flowering will continue, but the seeds will not be tied. For education
seeds on the plant leave a few inflorescences that should

ATызревшие семена собирают вместе с соцветиями, вытрушивают на
paper and dried. Dry seeds need at a temperature of 20
degrees in a shaded place. When they become whitish, they are removed.
for storage. Do not allow the shedding of seeds on the ground. With warm
autumn weather they sprout and die in winter. Fragile seedlings not
will suffer colds. You can store the collected seeds for 4 years.
ATсе эти годы они не теряют всхожести.

Nasturtium Care: Diseases and Pests

Nasturtium has a peculiar odor that scares
Colorado potato beetle, cabbage aphid and mite. But sometimes, some
pests annoy the plant itself.

1. A cabbage butterfly lays larvae on the leaves of a plant.
Its caterpillars greatly water the appearance of the nasturtium. To fight them
apply pesticides.

2. From the earthen flea apply ash solution. Spraying
spend вечером. The treatments are repeated after the rain. Number of
The treatments are unlimited, since the ash does not harm the plant.

3. One of the dangerous pests of nasturtium is aphid, which
tolerates viral diseases: ring spots. On the leaves
plants can detect light spots that form a mosaic

4. Spider mite – another insidious pest of nasturtium. For
use alcohol against it, spraying the plant and the soil. With
growing flower in pots, capacity is also needed

Nasturtium – quite a beautiful annual plant, which
brings many benefits to the site: it repels pests, is
good honey plant Some gardeners use plant leaves in
cooking They have a spicy taste and spicy meat

AT народной медицине настурция известна своими лечебными
properties. Drugs from plants used for colds
diseases. It has antibacterial properties, contains
vitamin C.

Cosmetologists advise using nasturtium for hair loss.
After the procedures, the hair gets shine, accelerates growth.

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