Sea capelin: the benefits and harm of small fish.What useful properties does capelin have and can it causeharm

Вт, 10 янв 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Small capelin fish – champion in annual production. More
half a million tons are mined annually in the cold seas and
sent to the shelves of shops around the world.

Inexpensive capelin is considered one of the most delicious and
beneficial inhabitants of sea waters.


The composition of capelin

The chemical composition of capelin can, without exaggeration, be called
unique. It contains indispensable for human
body nutrients:

• omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which guarantee
normal functioning of the brain, the cardiovascular system, contribute
strengthen vision and blood vessels;

• large amounts of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and
cholocalceferol (vitamin D), which are especially important for the female
organism, taking into account its physiology;

• essential amino acids, including lysine, threonine, cysteine,
methionine. Each amino acid has a set of individual
properties, and the content of these substances in capelin is higher than in
herbal products;

• beneficial minerals, including potassium, sodium, fluorine,
bromine, as well as phosphorus, which helps calcium absorption, prevention
osteoporosis, caries and dissolution of kidney stones;

• high content of the unique natural substance selenium,
which strengthens the immune forces of the body, is involved in the formation
bone skeleton;

• large amounts of iodine to prevent problems with
thyroid gland.

Amino acids are important for health and beauty of the body.
capelin contained in meat. So, due to lysine collagen is formed,
ensuring the normal functioning of the joints. And not only cysteine
participates in the production of collagen, but also contributes to the conclusion of
body toxic substances, reducing radiation exposure,
normalization of digestion, rapid tissue regeneration. That’s why
Doctors recommend capelin for nourishing postoperative patients, and
also those who suffered from burns and skin injuries.

Almost a quarter of Capelin consists of proteins, which means that its
can be eaten with obesity and for weight loss. Moreе того, в 100 г
raw and boiled capelin contains only 116 calories. This is very
little, given the excellent saturability of capelin meat.

Useful properties of capelin

The benefits of capelin are invaluable for people with diabetes.
because the meat of this fish lowers blood sugar and stimulates
insulin production.

The capelin is recommended to eat and those who suffer from violations
metabolic processes in the body. If the metabolism is slow or
violated by improper diet and lifestyle, it is capelin
helps to return the fat metabolism processes to normal.

To the list of ailments for which use is indicated
capelin includes:

• cardiovascular diseases, including ischemia and heart attack

• respiratory diseases;

• decreased libido;

• bone fragility due to calcium deficiency;

• caries, tooth decay;

• inflammation of the thyroid gland;

• decrease in brain activity, dementia;

• reduced immunity.

Scientists note a direct relationship between the use of capelin and
normalization of heart rhythm, decrease in blood sugar, increase
amounts of female or male sex hormones. If observed
decreased libido, you can include capelin in your diet and get rid of
sexual dysfunction.

People who constantly use capelin, remain active
brain to old age, do not suffer from age-related dementia,
differ in physical activity. Their joints retain
elasticity, and the bones of the teeth – a healthy strength. Beneficial features
capelin in this case due to the high content of phosphorus.

The small fish has other important for humans.
properties. So, regular use of capelin is prevention.
oncologic neoplasms and benign tumors. Besides
Moreover, the use of capelin is also in the fact that it strengthens the nervous system.
And all thanks to the selenium contained in the flesh of this fish
riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Only one serving of capelin contains a weekly rate of iodine. it
It means that with regular use of a basedov disease to a person
not threatened. Однако по этой же причине harm мойвы может заключаться
in excess of iodine. Therefore, it is important to observe moderation.

Contraindications to the use of capelin

Although the beneficial properties of capelin are very high, there are
a certain category of people who can not regale this
fish. Contraindications to capelin are allergies to fish protein.
People who have such a disease should not include any of
fish products in your diet. Have to replace fish with other
types of protein foods.

It is important that in some cases the use of capelin can cause
indigestion and even poisoning. Harm capelin in this
case is due to the pollution of the waters in which the fish were
fished out. Environmental problems adversely affect
composition of fish meat. In particular, it can accumulate in itself
a sufficiently large amount of mercury – the most dangerous for
health and life of the chemical element. Therefore, to acquire product
should have proven suppliers to not become a victim
severe poisoning.

Besides того, отравиться можно и пропавшей, испорченной мойвой.
Покупая product, обращайте внимание на внешний вид рыбы. If she has
dull eyes, yellowish color, mucus on the gills, better from buying
refuse. Fresh fish bright red

Последнее, на что стоит обратить внимание, — это harm копченой
fish and smoked in general. They are needed very rarely, but better
generally refuse such a meal, despite the nice savory
taste. The fact is that when smoked on meat, carcinogenic
substances. Their entry into the body is one of the causes of cancer.
diseases. Besides того, при копчении часть потенциально опасных
bacteria and intestinal parasites in fish meat may persist that
also very dangerous for health.

How to store capelin and how to cook it

If there are no contraindications to capelin and you are sure of freshness and
безопасности productа, морскую рыбку обязательно следует включить в
your diet It is important to follow the rules of storage so as not to
испортить product.

Vacuum packaging is a great way to keep a long time.
the freshness of the fish. Pre-capelin should be washed with ice water and
dry and then pack in vacuum. As such, the fish is stored in
freezer for 3-4 months, and in the refrigerator chamber – no more than
two weeks.

To defrost capelin, you just need to send it to the shelf.
Refrigerate or leave at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours.
What can not be done in any case, it is immersed frozen
carcass in hot water or defrost in the microwave.

The number of dishes from capelin is very large. Most capelin
Baked, steamed and boiled. It can be filled
fish pies and pies, serve cold and hot. Capelin
salted, pickled and fried. Very tasty fried capelin, but with this
способе приготовления рыба получается более калорийной и harmной за
account of the formation of a crust.

From tender and very tasty capelin you can cook a lot
healthy dishes. As a side dish for her are good potatoes, rice,
buckwheat, grilled vegetables.

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