Sarah Jessica Parker, Emma Watson and El Fanningshared creative plans

Tue, Oct 04, 2016

The popular magazine Elle has collected on its pages Hollywood
film stars so that they share their careers and
told how they became megapopular in Hollywood.

Sarah Jessica Parker, 47, megastar “Sex in the Big
city. “

The actress admitted that she had no interest in playing roles
a la Carrie Bradshaw in the future. She is trying to move away from the current
glamor image. Nevertheless, she won the award four times.
�Golden Globe and twice Emmy Awards, all thanks to this very
the heroine.

“I don’t like the idea of ​​playing someone else who loves fashion and
slightly spoiled in new york. I loved Kerry, and I don’t want to do it.
�”Poor” copy. And although most often it is more profitable – this is another
reason to look the other way. “

22-year-old Emma Watson, the star of “Harry Potter”.

“I just knew that from the moment I read“ Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, “I have to play this role,” says
actress about the character of Hermione Granger. The actress decided to
participation in this film adaptation in just one night. And never
I doubted my choice.

And in a recent interview, a young star admitted that on the set
�”Harry Felton” suffered from unrequited love for the actor Tom
Felton (Draco Malfroy). “I was just crazy about him.” But that
treated her like a sister. However, this is a child’s love
made her internally stronger and helped her show the romantic
girl on the screen.

14-year-old El Fanning, Dakota’s younger sister Fanning, stars
the latest “Twilight. Saga. Dawn”.

Despite such a young age on the screens she appears already
more than 10 years, and in her acting baggage – more than 30 films
(“The Nutcracker and the Rat King”, “We bought the zoo”).

“I can’t remember my life outside the cinema,” Fanning says of
rapidly growing popularity. “I do the same in films
how other kids play tennis or attend lessons on
the piano. I’m trying to get the very best in what I do,
as well as other children. “

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