Salt-free diet for 14 days – the menu andrecipes

  • 1 What is useful salt-free diet for weight loss?
    • 1.1 Which products can be consumed and which can not?
  • 2 Salt-free diet for 14 days – menu for every day
    • 2.1 Healthy Recipes
  • 3 Salt-free diet for pregnant women.
  • 4 Japanese diet for 14 days

All diets require minimal use.
salt. Reducing its volume or complete exclusion,
promote the removal of excess fluid from the body and getting rid of
swelling. The use of salt-free diet reduces pressure and
normalizes the gastrointestinal tract.

To diversify the menu in the period of compliance will help different
recipes, описанные в статье. You can also prepare a menu
containing a list of new dishes for each day of the week.


What is useful salt-free diet for weight loss?

The main benefits of the diet, in which
бессолевые правила питания, направлена оздоровление
organism when:

  • kidney disease;
  • heart disease;
  • failures in the cardiac, vascular system;
  • increased pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • tendency to swelling;
  • overweight.

If you limit the amount of salt or exclude it from recipes,
the benefits will be:

  • reducing swelling syndrome;
  • lower pressure values;
  • decreased kidney pressure;
  • cleansing the blood and facilitating the work of the heart;
  • improve calcium absorption.

What products can be consumed, and which can not?

As part of weight loss, various types of food are used.
restrictions. Любая диета требует соблюдения строгих правил
в питании
, которые нельзя нарушать.

The salt-free principle of nutrition is therapy oriented.
различных заболеваний
. Diet without salt menu
lasting several days can be beneficial for

Цель диеты заключается в бессолевом
nutrition. Weight reduction is due to the removal of excess fluid,
Therefore, it is so important to choose the right menu and food.

Return to regular salt-based recipes with some
probability will result in weight loss to zero due to the accumulation
water in the body.

The rules for the salt-free method are to refuse
use of salt in recipes.
 In this period
нельзя употреблять такие продукты:

  • sausages;
  • smoked products;
  • pickles;
  • pickles;
  • canned food;
  • cereals;
  • продукты кондитерского и хлебобулочного производства.

AT рамках диеты по бессолевым правилам можно
употребляться мясо и рыбу
, presentedных нежирными
varieties. На гарнир необходимо использовать recipes из овощей без
применения salt. AT исключения входит

The rules of salt-free weight loss allowed
200 grams of rye bread per day.

Benefit for the body in the period
принесут супы в составе
salt-free menu on fish, vegetable broth. Maintain the body in
the period of weight loss will help the eggs, but it is worth remembering the moderation in their

In the diet menu, you can include low-fat dairy products. AT
рацион включаются свежие фрукты, ягоды.

Salt-free diet, if you follow the rules, will help lose weight
in several sizes and improve the body.

Salt-free diet for 14 days – menu for every day

To diet on the salt-free method, it is worth
read the basic rules.

Restrictions in recipes menu are not only in the exception
salt. Achieve effective results, get benefits for
организма можно, если придерживаться определенного
Before observing salt-free rules, it is necessary
make a menu.

Recipes of the dishes included in the menu by day, it is worth alternating
according to salt-free rules of the diet:

  • the menu of one day contains 3 options for cereal, a couple of protein dishes,
    five vegetable dishes;
  • on the second day, menu restrictions are reduced to three meat or
    fish dishes, 5 vegetable recipes;
  • the standard day menu will be a couple of porridge options,
    dairy product, a couple of meat or fish recipes, 5 vegetable
  • daily menu option as part of a diet based on
    бессолевых правилах, состоит в разделении объема на 5

AT течение всех дней в рамках диеты, не стоит есть
the same dishes.
Recipes for salads, side dishes worth changing
by changing days. The menu for the entire number of days can be made in advance.
If the number of recipes is not enough for the entire number of days, the menu
can be up for a week.

ATариант меню на каждый из 14 дней состоит из списка
блюд, составленных на 7 дней
с ограничениями.
ATторую неделю необходимо повторить меню первой
of the week.

Day 1 and 8.

  1. Breakfast will make coffee.
  2. For lunch on the menu a couple of boiled eggs and a shredded salad
    cabbage, poured oil, a glass of tomato juice.
  3. Dinner from a boiled fish dish, vegetable salad, the only
    which component is cabbage.

Day 2 and 9.

  1. For breakfast, coffee is added to the cracker.
  2. AT обед меню предлагает рыбное блюдо, приготовленное на пару, с
    cabbage salad.
  3. Dinner is presented 200 g of cooked beef, glass

Day 3 and 10.

  1. For breakfast coffee, You can replace black tea.
  2. AT обед можно есть пару яиц, салат из корня сельдерея, из
    fruits fit tangerine.
  3. Dinner in the menu will be boiled beef, added garnish from
    boiled cauliflower, total dish volume 300 g

Day 4 and 11.

  1. Breakfast is limited to coffee.
  2. AT обед подается яйцо, приготовленное всмятку, тертая морковка в
    the amount of three pieces, seasoned with oil.
  3. Fruit dinner is suitable for dinner, can not be used

Day 5 and 12.

  1. Breakfast on the menu consists of grated carrot with juice obtained
    from one lemon.
  2. For lunch you can eat 0.5 kg of fish dishes, you can roast,
    drink tomato juice.
  3. For dinner, the menu is boiled beef with cabbage salad,
    seasoned with olive oil.

Day 6 and 13.

  1. For breakfast it is worth drinking coffee, a crouton is allowed.
  2. AT обед съесть 200 г сваренной курицы, капустно-морковный
  3. Dinner consists of a pair of eggs and grated carrots, which can
    pour oil.

Day 7 and 14.

  1. Breakfast: tea.
  2. AT обед нужно състь 200 г вареной говядины, на десерт
  3. На ужин можно выбрать из меню:
  • boiled fish dish, cabbage is used as a side dish
  • boiled beef, yogurt in the amount of one cup;
  • boiled beef with cabbage salad;
  • fruits;
  • яйца, к которым прилагается морковный salad.

AT период, разделяющий основные приемы пищи,
стоит включать пару перекусов, в которые можно

  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 grams of porridge on the water;
  • lettuce salad;
  • fruits.

Елена Малышева разработала ежедневное меню в
framework of a salt-free diet. Feedback on the rules
and the result of the diet is positive, it does not target fasting.

Основное бессолевое правило может быть нарушено
small addition of salt to the second dish, if you bypass
no limit is possible.

  • Breakfast on the menu of a famous TV presenter is represented by oatmeal on
    water with the addition of sour milk (yogurt).
  • The lunch menu contains protein foods (meat, fish,
  • Dinner on the rules of the diet should be a vegetable salad, watered
    oil (applied vegetable, olive) or low-fat

The feeling of hunger can be extinguished by any fruit, limiting
imposed on bananas.

Healthy recipes

To diet without salt-free method does not seem monotonous, you can
применять recipes блюд для похудения.

Using products that are allowed in the diet, you can
cook delicious fish for lunch or dinner.

The recipe of fish cooked in foil, in composition

Рыба, приготовленная в фольге


  • 400 g of trout / salmon fillet;
  • a pair of lemons;
  • Bulgarian pepper to taste;
  • dill seed.

Cooking method:

  1. The fish is cut into portions, lined with slices.
    lemon sprinkled with seeds. You can add pieces of red
    Bulgarian pepper.
  2. The dish is wrapped in foil, cooked in the oven (180
    degrees) from 20 minutes.

A dish of pollock and vegetables will enrich the menu

Минтай с овощами


  • 400 g of sirloin fillet;
  • a pair of grated carrots;
  • crushed onions;
  • grated celery root 100 g;
  • dill;
  • lemon juice;
  • spoon of olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Fish fillet cooked a few minutes in a liter of water with juice
  2. Put fish on roasted vegetables, pour fish broth,
    stew for 20 minutes.

For dinner, the benefits of salt-free soup will be beneficial.
containing approved foods.

ATариант рецепта полезного супа могут составлять

Суп с редисом


  • a dozen radishes;
  • a pair of celery stalks;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • crushed garlic cloves;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • kefir.

Cooking method:

  1. Scald the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin.
  2. Turn into a mashed blender.
  3. Измельченные овощи залить kefir.
  4. Add tomato.

На гарнир в меню диеты можно добавить тушеные

  1. Squash in a volume of 1 kg cut into rings.
  2. Fry the ringlets with 200 g of shallots,
  3. Add 100 g of celery root on a spoon of sesame oil.
  4. Sprinkle with a mixture of peppers, add water.
  5. Stew until the first sign of readiness.

Diet salt-free for pregnant women

AT период беременности проведение диеты должно осуществляться по
recommendations with a doctor. Если беременная страдает от
отечного синдрома
, избавляться от лишней жидкости помогает
diet based on salt-free method.

Достичь эффекта можно, убрав из рациона маринады,
pickles, seasonings containing salt.

Ограничение соли компенсируется увеличением в меню
dairy and vegetable products.
Benefit will bring fruit
vegetables, cereals. According to the rules of the diet it is necessary to exclude cheese.
Steam cooking is welcome.

Using a salt-free diet, a pregnant woman should
следить за калорийностью блюд. Daily rate
must comply with the caloric indicators required in
certain trimester.

Japanese diet for 14 days

Developed a salt-free diet based on the rules
Japanese method:

  • Количество дней, отведенных на проведение
    японской диеты, имеет ограничение (7, 13, 14).
    Японская методика гарантирует снижение лишнего веса в
    объеме от 3 кг
    при бессолевых ограничениях.
  • Бессолевое меню по японской диете presentedо тремя
    portions of food per day.
  • Завтрак по японской методике
    presented употреблением зеленого чая. AT японской
    Green tea diet can be replaced by coffee. Japanese drink
    must be strong. Restriction can be relaxed by adding crackers,
    if the body experiences severe discomfort.
  • Обед по японской методике presented
    чередованием блюд в меню на три дня. Dish can
    be prepared according to Japanese recipes from vegetables (zucchini,
    carrot). The next day, the vegetable garnish is replaced by a pair
  • После двух дней ограничений по японской
    methodology lunch will leave 10 0g of meat dishes with the addition of
    vegetable side dish.

Diversify dinner in the Japanese menu helps options
dishes that need to alternate for three

  • 100 g of fish or meat dishes, vegetable garnish;
  • a dish of 100 g of eggs, 10 g of cheese in combination with vegetables;
  • vegetable dish or fruit.

ATариант японского меню, предлагающего
meals for each of the 14 days helps to better navigate in the period
restrictions by day:

1 day

  1. Breakfast is a choice of coffee, green tea.
  2. Lunch break will offer stewed cabbage with butter, a couple
    boiled eggs, tomato juice in the volume of a glass.
  3. ATечерний перекус составит 200 г пожаренной или сваренной

2 day

  1. Breakfast consists of coffee with a slice of rye bread.
  2. At lunchtime you can eat boiled fish with boiled
  3. ATечер в меню presented 200 г вареной говядины и стаканом

3 day

  1. For breakfast, coffee and rye bread toast.
  2. AT обеденный перерыв подаются жареные zucchini.
  3. ATечерний перекус состоит из 200 г отварной говядины, салата,
    cooked shredded cabbage with added oil, a pair
    boiled eggs.

4 day

  1. Завтрак presented тертой морковью с лимонным соком.
  2. Lunch break from 200 g of boiled or fried fish, a glass
    tomato juice.
  3. На вечер 200 г свежих fruits.

5 day

  1. Завтрак из моркови с соком lemon.
  2. At lunchtime, boiled fish and a glass of juice are served.
  3. ATечер: из 200 г фруктовой тарелки.

6 day

  1. Breakfast of coffee, banned milk and sugar.
  2. Lunch break consists of 500 g of boiled chicken, to garnish
    salad, obtained from chopped cabbage, carrots, watered
  3. ATечер: морковь тертая и пары отваренных яиц.

7 day

  1. Breakfast consists of green tea.
  2. Lunch snack from 200 g of boiled beef.
  3. На вечер меню :
  • 200 g fried or boiled fish dish;
  • 200 g of fruit;
  • a pair of boiled eggs, carrot salad, drenched in butter;
  • вареная говядина, стакан kefir.

8 day

  1. For breakfast only coffee.
  2. Обеденный перекус в меню presented 500 г сваренной курицы,
    морковно-капустным салатом, заправленным растительным oil
  3. ATечерний прием пищи из морковного салата с растительным маслом,
    пары отboiled eggs.

9 день

  1. Завтрак составит тертая морковь с соком lemon.
  2. AT обеденный перерыв можно есть 200 г отварной или обжаренной
    рыбы, выпить стакан tomato juice.
  3. ATечер разнообразят 200 г fruits.

10 day

  1. For breakfast coffee.
  2. Обеденный перерыв presented 50 г сыра, сваренным яйцом,
    морковным салатом с растительным oil
  3. For the evening fruit plate of 200 g.

11 day

  1. Breakfast of coffee and rye bread.
  2. На обеденный перерыв подаются жареные zucchini.
  3. ATечерний перекус из 200 г вареной говядины, пары яиц,
    капустного салата с растительным oil

12 day

  1. For breakfast coffee and rye bread.
  2. At lunchtime, offered 200 g fried or boiled
    рыбы, капустный салат с растительным oil
  3. ATечернее блюдо составят 100 г вареной говядины, стакан

13 day

  1. Breakfast consists of coffee.
  2. At lunchtime a couple of boiled eggs, cabbage stew in
    растительном масле, стакан tomato juice.
  3. ATечерний рацион составлен из 200 г вареной или обжаренной

14 day

  1. For breakfast coffee.
  2. Обеденный перерыв presented капустным салатом, 200г
    обжаренной или сваренной fish.
  3. На вечер 200 г говядины, стакан kefir.

To achieve the desired result in losing weight, it is strictly
follow the rules of the Japanese method.

Salt-free diet, reviews of which are diverse, can help
in providing therapy for various diseases, used in
framework slimming. Reviews of patients adhering to salt-free
rules as part of diet therapy, testify to the beneficial
effects on the body, facilitating the performance of various functions
organs, the appearance of a feeling of lightness.

The extra weight will go to the period when the person will sit on
бессолевых блюдах, за счет ухода воды из organism.

Among the reviews, applying salt-free method of a diet for weight loss,
You can see the positive results of using Japanese or
Chinese techniques. Judging by the reviews, the Chinese diet will help in
losing weight up to 6kg in 14 days, but sustaining it is not easy.

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