Rosemary: the cultivation of medicinal fragrantweed-seasoning. How to grow rosemary: sowing, planting, care,harvesting

Чт, 17 дек 2015 Автор: Елизавета Шатунова

Rosemary in the wild grows on the Mediterranean coast.
But it is a heat-loving plant, if you follow the rules of caring for it,
can be grown in middle latitudes – seeds or cuttings.

Розмарин — вечнозеленый многолетник,
sensitive to cold and demanding lighting. Grow
its like spice-cake seasoning and medicinal herb.


Rosemary varieties

Rosemary – shrub plant, stretching in length to 2
m. Its little leaves, which look like small needles, exude
spicy, slightly coniferous aroma. The bush is very beautiful during flowering.
– The branches are covered with small light purple, white or
pink inflorescences.

There are very few plant varieties and it will be difficult for an inexperienced gardener.
distinguish one from the other. Mostly used classification
plants by species. There are 5 of them in total, but in our climate only
2 of them:

Розмарин лекарственный (обыкновенный).
Erect shrub, actively expanding in length and width.
Can grow up to 2 m in length. The leaves are thin, elongated,
green above and white below. Gardeners grow medicinal
rosemary for use in medicinal and cosmetology
purposes. Pay attention to unpretentious varieties of plants – Doctor,
Tenderness, Rosinka.

Розмарин распростертый. This is a short
shrub, extending in length to 0.5 m, strongly expanding in
width. Flowers – blue or gentle-lilac. Leaflets – on the sides
slightly bent down fragrant. Select the least whimsical
subspecies of rosemary outstretched – Corsican, creeping and

The choice of varieties is not rich, and therefore, focus on those goals,
who want to achieve – use rosemary only as food
additive or let it in the preparation of essential oils and

Getting planting material today is not a problem. Seeds
buy in flower and gardening shops, and bushes that
you can root in the ground, you can even take it in the supermarket – they
sold as greens.

Where to grow rosemary?

Going to grow rosemary, remember that it is thermophilic –
lack of sun and severe cold are disastrous for him. To
each season to harvest large fragrant seasonings, select
для кустика солнечное место, защищенное от резких
winds. With a lack of light, the concentration of essential oils in the leaves
will be much lower, it means – no good and saturated
taste. The best place for growing bushes – southern or eastern
side of the garden.

If you plan to plant more than one shrub, then the work
select a spacious area, as your “pets” very soon
grow much. Leaf thickening is not needed – they will be
develop fungal diseases and planting will lose their
decorative properties. The specific landing pattern will depend on
selected rosemary. If you plant it in decorative
purposes, that is, the opportunity to show all your fantasy – plant as
please, the main thing is that the distance between the bushes was not less than 10
см. To вырастить розмарин для дальнейшего сбора трав, кустарнику
потребуется больше места — не менее 50 см между

The best soil for rosemary is light, well drained, with
neutral reaction. Do not plant bushes in the garden area where
ground water passes too high to the ground –
excess moisture they will not tolerate. Buy the right substrate in the store
кислотности либо самостоятельно подщелочите известью грунт
Location on.

Are you going to grow rosemary in containers? Then for
plants choose large clay vases that fill
nutrient mixture. This option is convenient because it is closer to the fall,
to protect rosemary from the winter cold, you can simply bring it
in the house, and not spend time on transplanting. You can cook this
nutritious pochvosmes for cultivation of rosemary in tanks – peat,
river sand, leaf soil, turf (1: 1: 2: 2).

Growing rosemary seed

If you live in a warm climate, then you can sow rosemary
straight to the ground. But despite the favorable external conditions,
the plant will bloom anyway. The best option –
preliminary preparation of seedlings.

Seeds розмарина

To успеть в нынешнем сезоне собрать урожай трав, начинайте
prepare seedlings in February-March. You will need
seedling boxes and nutrient soil. Look at the packaging.
purchased seeds – many firms offer customers material,
which is already fully ready for landing. If no special instructions
you did not find, it is better to pre-prepare the seeds – soak them
in wet gauze for a few days.

Sprinkle seeds over pre-moistened ground, deepening
не больше чем на 0,5 см. To создать эффект парника, рассадный
box cover the top of the film (make it a few holes
toothpick) or glass. First shoots you will see in a couple
weeks. All the while, occasionally remove condensate from the film and
moisten the earth from spray gun.

Rosemary seedlings

To grow seedlings do not need to maintain a certain temperature.
– they take root at 12-22 ˚C. When on the stalks of sprouts
3-4 full leaflets will be formed, the seedlings can be swooped down
in separate containers – so plants will have more room for growth and
development. When placing rosemary, try not to damage the root.
system! 1-2 weeks before landing on a permanent place, start
harden the seedlings, carrying containers with plants briefly on the street
– they must get used to the external conditions.

Carry rosemary seedlings outdoors when outdoors
a stable positive temperature will be established. Do not sink deeply
seedlings in the soil and do not tamp the soil – the roots will be missed
of air.

Growing rosemary from cuttings

According to experienced gardeners, the cultivation of rosemary from cuttings –
easier way. Besides, the bush that you get will be
an exact copy of the one from which the young shoot was cut. Landing
material can be bought in specialized nurseries or in
gardening stores. The best period for this is late spring.
Signs of quality cuttings:

• length – 8-10 cm,

• 3-4 internodes.

Rosemary Stalk

For quick rooting, the underside of the cutting can be held in
special solution. Make a landing in a separate pot with
nutrient substrate or directly to open ground. Remove with
shoot the lower leaflets and fill the seedling 5 cm into the ground under
angle of 30-45˚. You will create favorable conditions for the plant,
if you cover a sapling with polyethylene for about a week or
plastic bottle. Direct sunlight now on
Rosemary benefit will not go.

Rooting Rosemary Cuttings

To expand the area of ​​planting in the future cuttings can
get from their plants. Spring or autumn cut with rosemary
young shoots of the desired length.

Rosemary Care

Rosemary Care не отнимет много времени даже у новичка. With
pay attention to growing a healthy fragrant plant
following rules:

Температура. Rosemary – drought resistant
plant. With температуре ниже -6 ˚C молодые саженцы погибают, а
Here is an adult copy withstands cooling down to -9 ˚C. Sharp
temperature drops also do not like rosemary.

Освещение. With недостатке света розмарин не
will give the gardener a strong aroma, since the essential oils in it
under such conditions of care a little is formed. Take care that
so that from the side the plant does not fall shadows.

Watering. Rosemary likes moist air, therefore
Do not forget to regularly spray the bushes with water, especially
concerns the cultivation of plants at home. See that
Rosemary lacks moisture can be on yellowing leaves, whereas
with normal care, they are saturated green. Watering
carry out when the top layer of soil dries out by 3-5 cm –
do not use cold water. Make sure that the plot is not

Byдкормка. Many gardeners are not at all
Rosemary is fed, and they only make sure that the soil is always
small amount of lime. If you still want to provide
plant complex care, fertilize it once a month, using
mineral supplements or cowshed solution (in a ratio of 1: 5). By
spring, so that the rosemary has a root system,
feed it with nitrogen, and in the fall – phosphorus.

Обрезка. Rosemary likes fresh air,
so try not to make it too thick.
Regularly rejuvenate shoots, pinching the tops and removing dry
inflorescences. If you grow perennial rosemary in decorative
purposes, in early spring and after flowering, make it a forming
pruning. And once in 7-8 years, you can cut the bush to the very level

Rosemary does not bloom immediately – if you follow the rules of care, then
You will see beautiful inflorescences already on the 3rd season. Bloom
lasts until the autumn frosts. And growing bushes in
at home, flowering can be seen even in winter.

How to save rosemary for the winter?

The best way to save rosemary is cutting. But then in
next season, plant the plant will have to re-plant

If you live in an area where winters are not very cold, bushes
in the fall (better – in September!) you can cover with dry leaves,
straw or fir branches, before bending them to the ground.

Not sure if rosemary will survive the cold? Better then
transfer the tallest specimens home by transplanting them into
отдельные емкости
— оптимальный вариант для средней
stripes! It is not necessary for the plant to provide “special”
conditions and care – he will willingly develop at home
microclimate, giving you a stunning aroma.

Rosemary Cultivation: Harvesting and Storage

Cut off fragrant stems and leaves of rosemary can be all
summer. Use them immediately to destination – add to the culinary
the dishes. If in the winter you take the bush into the house, you can in the winter
cut fresh greens.

The highest concentration of essential oils in the plant is observed in
its flowering period. It is now possible to make grass harvesting
winter Harvest only in sunny weather. Desirable
cut off only young shoots. Twigs can be simply tied
string together and hang dry in the dark, well
ventilated place. You can use the oven – the process
drying then take not much time. It is also allowed
preliminary cutting of greens. Store dried seasoning in
glass jars or canvas bags. In this form, it will save
its aroma and beneficial properties up to 3 years.

Rosemary Drying

Some hostesses freeze the harvest – cut
cut leaves and stalks of rosemary, put them in separate
plastic bags or plastic containers and sent to

Rosemary diseases and pests

Rosemary is infrequently affected by diseases and attacks.
insect pests. All the “misfortunes” that can prevail
Bushes, mainly due to non-compliance with the rules of care

Розмарин при сильной влажности поражается мучнистой
That is why it is so important to do timely pruning.
bushes and observe the terms of watering. Mealy dew – fungal
a disease whose appearance on a plant can be determined by
whitish bloom on the stems and leaves. If you notice traces
rosemary, cut off the damaged parts. For
prevent “epidemics” spray planting special
preparations – colloidal sulfur or copper sulphate. But keep in mind that
rosemary where powdery mildew marks were noted
eat – wait for fresh shoots!

Of insect pests to rosemary can be dangerous
тля и паутинный клещ. Bugs whole “flocks”
settle on the leaves and shoots of the bush, feeding on their juice. Notice
pests are easy, so do regular visual inspections.
landings. They showed themselves well in the fight against aphids and spider mites
insecticides. Plants treated with special means cannot
use in food – harmful substances can cause frustration
stomach. Larvae and adult insects can also be removed manually.
but it will take a lot of time – the technique does not justify itself,
since the bugs can attack rosemary again very soon.

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