Rose home: care at home. howto grow potted roses correctly so that theybloomed

Ср, 20 апр 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Home queen of flowers rightfully occupies one of the leading
positions in indoor floriculture: unique aroma, bright flowers
different colors on the background of lace foliage give authentic charm
this plant.

Miniature roses are considered capricious plants: inexperienced
flower growers may seem that indoor roses impose
truly royal requirements for growing them at home

However, not everything is so sad – just care for them a little.
different from the agrotechnics of garden roses.

Subject to certain rules of roses in pots will delight
its bloom and fragrance.


Indoor rose: species and varieties suitable for cultivation in
home conditions

• In the living room as a pot plant of roses planted
миниатюрные (сорта Hi — Ho, Lavender Jewel,
Amulett, Apricot, Sunblaze, Green Ice, Mandarin, Stars’n’Stripes,
Spice Drop);

Чайно-гибридные (Apricot Silk, Gloria Dei,
Peer Gynt, Prima Ballerina, Pascali, Nostalgie, Monika, Deep


• Бенгальские (Офелия, Pink Grotendors);

Почвопокровные (The Fairy, Alba,
Meillandecor, Magic).

Для кадочного выращивания можно использовать
полиантовые roses (Angel wings, Gloria Mundi, Betty
Prior) и флорибунда (Tchaikovski, Edelweiss,
Pomponella, Happy Child, Cream Abundance).

If you plan to cultivate in the indoor environment dwarf
varieties of garden roses, then we must take own-rooted shrubs:
привитые на шиповник растения расти в home conditions не
will be

Роза комнатная: уход в home conditions — размножение,


Potted roses propagate vegetatively. For this you can
use the remaining sprigs after pruning. They are cut into pieces
about 15 cm long with 3-4 buds. Rooted cuttings in water or in
peat-sand mixture. An activated tablet is added to the water.
coal You can soak the cuttings in a solution Kornevin or
Heteroauxin. As a natural root stimulator
You can use the infusion of willow twigs. For this yellow or
green shoots cut into small pieces with a length of 5-6 cm and
pour hot water. Infusion will be ready in a day. The roots
appear in 2-3 weeks. After that, the seedlings are planted in
individual pots.

Rooting cuttings of indoor roses in water

When rooting cuttings in the substrate, they are covered with cans or
put in a greenhouse. The appearance of new leaves is a signal
the emergence of roots. To accustom young plants to indoor conditions
should be gradual.


Transplanted indoor roses in early spring or late August.
A pot rose bought in the store before transferring
we must give time to adapt to the new conditions of “living”.
Two or three weeks for this will be quite enough. After graduation
period of adaptation, the plant can be transplanted into a new pot. Him
dimensions should not be much larger than the parameters of the previous one
vessels: 5 cm in height and 2-3 cm in diameter. Too big
capacity will contribute to acidification of the soil and rotting of the root
system. If another plant previously grew in this pot, then its
Must be disinfected. Rose Bush in
the transporting pot is watered so that it is easier to remove it and
Do not damage the roots.

At the bottom of the pot poured a layer of drainage, on top of it a small layer
fresh soil.

After transshipment, the plant is kept in partial shade, the soil is moistened
moderately. After a couple of days, you can rearrange the plant for permanent
a place.

Root or foliar dressing roses begin a month later
after transplant.

Розы в горшках: уход в home conditions – почва, освещение,
air temperature and humidity

Air temperature and humidity

In residential areas, the air is usually dry, therefore indoor roses in
the growing season should be sprayed twice a day with settled water.
To increase the humidity in the area of ​​the crown of the rose, it is put in a tray with
wet fractional filler (the bottom of the pot should not
contact with water). If the weather is overcast, then you can not
spray. With the beginning of the period of active growth (from February)
the temperature in the room where the home rose grows is gradually increased
from + 14ºС to + 25ºС. In the summer you can put a pot with a rose on the open
air. During the period of rest (October-February) the rose is kept at
+ 5-8ºС.

The soil

For home rose, loose fertile soil is needed. She can
do it yourself by mixing equal parts of humus, garden or
sod land, sand, peat. In stores you can buy ready
substrate for roses (soil line Garden of Miracles, Hera, Agricola,
Biopite, Ponon).


Indoor roses photophilous. The best for their location will be
southeast and southwest windowsills. On the south windows in the summer when
Intense sunshine bloom will take place in
accelerated mode, and the plant quickly loses its decorative effect.
Therefore, if it is not possible to rearrange the pot with a rose in
right place, it is better to pritenyat. With a short light day
(in northern regions) will not be superfluous and additional lighting.
LED and fluorescent phytolamps with
red and blue spectrum (such household lamps give less suitable
spectral components of light, so they are less suitable for
this goal).

Additional plant lighting with red and blue fitolamps

For the uniform development of the crown of a pink bush, a pot is necessary
little by little every day.

Роза: уход в home conditions – подкормки и полив


Potted roses are very sensitive to the irrigation regime.
The number and volume of watering depends on the type of roses and the vegetation phase.
Abundantly watered roses in the summer, gradually reducing the amount of watering
autumn and winter. Excess water from the pan is removed.

Important! In any period of life room roses
It is not recommended to overmoist or dry out the earth com in
potted Do not water the roses with cold water.

Top dressing

In the spring and summer, a room rose is fed every 2
weeks immediately after watering. Best effect for abundant
flowering is obtained by alternating specially created for roses
organic and mineral fertilizers that are commercially available
a large number (for example, the Joy, Pokon, Bona forte series,
Agricola, Realsil, Garden of Miracles, Fertik, etc.). Since late summer
the number of dressings is reduced, because the rose is preparing for the period


Cut indoor roses in September, when they begin to prepare them for
�”Rest.” 5 shoots are left on the shoots, the rest is cut.
Leaves are left. On the bush cut weak, withered and thin
twigs. If pruning is not carried out, the shoots are drawn,
duration and quality of flowering is reduced.

Pruning roses

Rest period

To bookmark flower buds for the future season room rose
needs a rest period. To do this, after the flowering of the plant in
end of the summer stop feeding and reduce the amount of watering.
A pot with a rose is placed in a cool room (+ 4-6ºС). If so
There is no possibility, the plant is kept on the windowsill with
temperature + 10-14ºС. In February, to “wake up” roses begin
gradually increase the watering and rearrange the plant in a warmer
place (+ 15-18ºС).

The main problems in the care of home roses

The most common problem in growing indoor roses are
паутинные клещи. “Stormy activities” they
bred on weakened by improper care plants. Rose leaves
grow dull, in places of bites by ticks characteristic features appear on them
yellowish points. The control of these pests must be systemic,
otherwise, new insect generations become resistant to
drugs used (Fitoverm, Actellik, Vermitec), their lime
it gets even harder. Ticks multiply rapidly during
high temperature and low humidity. Therefore for
prevention rose bushes often need to be sprayed
Separate water, arrange them a warm shower.

Еще частыми «гостями» роз являются белокрылка и
тля. Insecticides are used to destroy them.
(Fitoverm, Aktara).

With the wrong irrigation mode, roses are affected fungal
diseases. Мучнистая роса прогрессирует при
cold and humid stagnant air. Appears on the leaves
whitish powdery patina, they dry up and fall off. In this case
the plant must be treated with a solution of fungicide, colloidal sulfur
or copper sulfate, and remove the affected parts.

Signs of another fungal rose disease – rust –
is the appearance of red-brown spots on the leaves of the rose. Sick bushes
develop poorly. They are treated with copper oxychloride, iron
vitriol or Bordeaux mixture or other fungicides.

If the leaves of the room roses are brown, almost black,
merging spots, this indicates the defeat of the rose
черной пятнистостью (марсониной).

Black-spotted room leaves

This disease occurs with a lack of nutrients in
soil and waterlogging. Rose leaves при этом засыхают и опадают,
the plant weakens, stops growing and blooms. To combat
blotted, damaged parts of the bush are removed, the plant is sprayed
copper-containing drugs, reduce watering.

Часто цветоводы сталкиваются с тем, что у комнатных роз
желтеют и опадают листья
. This may be as follows

• Pests;

• Diseases;

• Natural aging;

• Lack of nutrients, especially when flowering, which
depletes the plant. So, lack of potassium causes the appearance of yellow
spots on the leaf plate. Yellowness between the green veins
(chlorosis) happens when there is a shortage of iron. In this case розу «вернет к
life “spraying with iron chelate. If no nitrogen, then leaves
first turn pale and then turn yellow and fall off;

• excess fertilizer;

• Draft;

• A sharp change in the microclimate of the room (for example, when purchased
the plant was carried from the store home or apartment moving). During the period
адаптации к новому месту жительства roses для нее надо организовать
optimal conditions of detention;

• Low air humidity;

• Overdrying or overmoistening of the soil;

• The sun is too bright.

Another common undesirable behavior
комнатных роз бывает скудное или полное отсутствие цветения
и скидывание бутонов
. This happens by the following

• Pests;

• Incorrect pruning or lack of it;

• Dry air in the room;

• Errors in irrigation mode: use with cold water,
drying the substrate or excessive moisture;

• Insufficient lighting;

• Преждевременная transfer: во время бутонизации или цветения
the rose cannot be transplanted, it is better to do it after flowering;

• Lack of lighting;

• Lack of dressings or their wrong dosage;

• Insufficient humidity and air temperature in the room;

• Отсутствие периода rest.

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