Richard Gere – biography, career, personal life,interesting facts, news

Sat, 02 Apr 2016

Известный американский актер Richard Гир
was born on August 31, 1949 in Pennsylvania. His family
parents of Anglo-Irish descent. The father of the actor, Homer Gere,
worked in the insurance company, and mother, Doris Tiffany, was
housewife. In addition to Richard, the family has five children. Richard
was born the second child, and at first there was no
signs of his “future star”. Him and his brothers and sisters
родители старались привить чувство прекрасного, поэтому Richardу в
childhood had to play various instruments (guitar, trumpet,
piano and double bass).

Сам Richard Гир, уже во взрослом возрасте, очень тепло отзывается
about my childhood: “we had a very warm atmosphere at home”. Still,
As a schoolboy, the future world-famous actor played a role
Santa Claus. The costume for him was made by mom: Santa’s belly was “made”
from the pillow, and the beard was made using cotton wool. Some
позже, в четырнадцать лет, Richard сыграл президента Америки.

After graduation, the future actor has been studying drama for two years.
and philosophy at the University of Massachusetts. After studying he was
theater actor, sometimes performed in a rock band.


Richard Гир – начало звездной карьеры

The beginning of the actor’s stellar career took place in 1975. Richardу
Giru turned 26 at the time: a fairly typical age
for american cinema. Two years later, the actor played a role in the film
«В поисках мистера Гудбара», снятом режиссером Richardом Бруксом.
The skill of the actor was appreciated not only by the audience, but also by film critics, and he
started getting very tempting offers. Among them, for example,
were such: the film “American Residential” directed by Paul Schroeder and
film “Days of the Harvest” by Terence Malick.

Richard Гир – обретение популярности

A truly crucial moment in his career was the main role in
фильме «Офицер и джентльмен»: после этой роли Richard Гир становится
real sex symbol of the film industry. After forty years an actor
Removed in the famous melodramatic tale “Pretty Woman.” Success in
этом фильме принес Richardу Гиру такую долгожданную славу.

Richard Гир – наиболее заметные роли

Другие популярные фильмы с Richardом Гиром: «Окончательный
analysis “(1992),” Brothers by blood “(1978),” Runaway bride ”
(1999), “Hoax” (2006), Congregations (2007), “Hachiko” (2008

Richard Гир – личная жизнь

Unfortunately, the details of the famous actor’s personal life
poorly known, although there are all sorts of rumors. Richard Гир старается
carefully hide information from the general public about their
love affairs This may sound implausible, but in
youth, the future actor was shy, perhaps, therefore, serious
love came to him at the age of 22. With his first passion he
lived a civil marriage for 5 years. Exactly the same lasted a relationship
and with Sylvia Martins, an artist from Brazil.

В 1991 году Richard Гир женился на более молодой Синди Кроуфорд.
At the time of the wedding, he was already 42 years old, and she was only 25. However, marriage
did not last long, only four years. Young wife could not
вынести увлечения Richardа буддизмом.

In 1996, the actor met 35-year-old Larry Lowell,
playing James Bond’s girlfriend in the famous film “License to
murder, she is his wife now. In 2000 in the family
Richardа Гира и Лэрри Лоуэлл родился сынишка, его назвали Гомер
James Jigme Gere.

Richard Гир – интересные факты из жизни

Довольно малоизвестным фактом является то, что Richard Гир
at first did not want to act in one of their most popular
films – “Pretty Woman”. Two times the actor rejected offers producers
under the pretext that he did not like the script of the film.

The creators of the picture, by contrast, in the role of Cary Grant did not see
no other actor. The situation changed after gir
I learned that Julia Roberts will be filming with him, and he saw
her. In one of his interviews, he admitted to journalists that the actress
he really liked, but the final factor that influenced
the decision of the actor, has become a banal lack of money.

The biggest hobbies of the actor, which he carried through
your life, become meditation and buddhism.

Richard Гир – день сегодняшний

Сейчас Richard Гир продолжает активно сниматься в новых картинах,
showing us the viewers, the bright facets of his talent. Actor has
luxury mansion on the East Coast, but still “sick”

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