Rhododendron: landing and care (photo). Special featuresrhododendron care – choice of variety, planting, reproduction,top dressing

Вт, 07 июн 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Heather family rhododendrons are common in the Himalayas,
South China, North America.

In Russia, they are found in the Caucasus, the Far East.

This genus includes both creeping shrubs and

Rhododendrons are heat-loving plants, so grow them in
temperate regions will not be easy.

To do this, they need to provide the right care.


Rhododendron: planting, variety selection, breeding

Selection of planting material

Choose for planting rhododendron should be given the climate
growing region conditions. For temperate regions
winter-hardy species will do:

• Japanese

• blushing (varieties Lauretta, Azurwolke, Blaufeder);

• Caucasian (Riga White, Daughter of the North);

• Schlippenbach;

• Katevbinsky (Album Novum, Boursault, Grandiflorum, Roseum

In the northern areas you can grow such rhododendrons:

• spiky;

• sikhotinsky;

• Ledebour;

• Dahurian (varieties April Dawn, April Rose, April White).

They are able to withstand temperatures down to -40 ° C, but their winter shelter
still necessary.

Buying shrubs better in nurseries. Inexperienced gardeners better
start growing rhododendron specific, and not received on his
basis grade.

When choosing seedlings inspect the plant: fluffy bushes more
tenacious, leaves should not have blisters and spots, on the roots
wet areas and nodes are unacceptable.


When planting rhododendron on the site, it is important to choose the right one for
his place: it must be protected from the winds, the scorching sun,
without stagnant moisture. Therefore, it is better to plant it on the north or
northeast side of the plot.

This plant grows well in partial shade under the canopy of trees.
However, as neighbors for it will not fit birch, linden, willow,
Maple chestnuts – their root systems, like rhododendron,
are close to the surface of the earth and will pull themselves away
nutrients and moisture. As a result, rhododendron can
ослабнуть и perish. Landing will be successful on the garden plot.
rhododendron close to fruit trees. If you plant it on
sunny place, it will not bloom.

The landing pit should be 2 times the root
кома rhododendron. He prefers acid soils (pH = 4.5-5)
permeable to high fertility. Therefore, in the landing hole
put a mixture of leaf soil, peat, fallen needles. Seedling roots
distributed in a pit, covered with soil and compacted well. To
the root system is not overheated, the ground under the bushes is mulched
peat layer, pine bark or coniferous litter.

Landing куста rhododendron. Incorrect: on the left figure
root neck is high above ground level; in the center –
too deep. In the right figure – the correct fit

Plant rhododendron better in spring. Distance between tall
Bushes make 2 m, for medium-growth 1-1.5 m, for undersized 0.7-1


Wild species reproduce by seed, and varietal layering,
dividing the bush and cuttings.

Семенной способ размножения рододендронов самый
long and laborious. Use it on wild species or in
breeding work. Harvested seeds stratify
(exposed to cold). To do this, they are mixed with moistened sand.
or vermiculite and put in the fridge for 1-2 months. Thereafter
seeds are washed from the sand and incubated for 10-12 hours in solution
Epin. The seeds are laid out (not buried) on the surface of the substrate
(3 parts peat and 1 part sand). At a temperature of + 15-20 ° C shoots
will appear in a week. Flowering grown from seed bushes will have to
wait 3 to 10 years.

Для черенкования выбирают полуодревесневшие
ветки и нарезают их на части по 5-7 сm Нижний косой срез
Dipped in a cornstimulator (root, heteroauxin) and put in
peat and sand substrate. Rooted cuttings at + 24oS.

Breeding отводками наиболее простой способ
получить новые экземпляры rhododendron. To do this, next to the bush
делают неглубокую канавку, которую заполняют питательным грунтоm
On the young branch, make several small cuts, bend and
place it in the groove, pin the hooks to the ground. Thereafter
ветку присыпают сверху песком, смешанным с торфоm During
during the vegetative period the ground beneath it is moistened. Young plants
separated from the mother bush for the next spring and transplanted to
permanent place.

Breeding отводками

Bush division is another simple breeding procedure.
rhododendrons. A scoop is dug up and divided into parts. Bloom young
Bushes will start in 2-3 years after planting.

Rhododendron: care (photo)

In summer, rhododendron care is quite simple. It consists in
watering, spraying and removing faded inflorescences, weeding
weed forming crown.

Rhododendrons like high humidity. In the hot summer it is necessary
water regularly and plentifully. It is better suited for this river or
rainwater. Tap or artesian water is not for this
suitable because of the content of calcium salts and magnesium, resulting in
rhododendrons decrease decorativeness. Water for watering need
acidify with citric acid (3-4g / 10 l of water), vinegar
(100 ml per bucket of water) or sulphate electrolyte (10-20 ml per
a bucket of water). The use of sulfuric acid is preferable because
that rhododendrons respond well to sulfur. For every adult bush
15 liters of water are needed 2-3 times a week, and for young plants 5
l in 3-4 days.

To the flowering bush next year was abundant, in the current
faded inflorescences are removed.

When weeding weeds, they are pulled out without undermining so as not to
damage the root system located close to the soil surface

For the formation of a lush crown in rhododendrons do
pinching young shoots. This procedure is started on
2-3 year vegetation of the plant. On old bushes only do
sanitary pruning, which, along with diseased branches, is removed
growing inside the crown shoots. All wounds in order to avoid penetration
they are covered with infections of garden pitch or lac balm

Deciduous rhododendrons in the middle climatic zone wintering
tolerate better than evergreens. For example, in such species
rhododendron as Japanese, yellow, daur, Schlippenbach for winter
period cover only the root neck.

Evergreen rhododendrons (Caucasian, Catebins) need
shelter. Do this when the air temperature drops below
-10 ° C, otherwise the rumbing neck will be sub-heating. Above
put up arched frames with a bush and cover it from above

Covered for the winter rhododendrons

Open the bushes of rhododendron in the spring when warmed up
the soil.

Rhododendron: feeding

Rhododendrons are fed 3 times: before flowering, after
its end and at the end of the summer. The first two times use
special fertilizers for rhododendrons (for example, from the Compo series,
World of colors, Pocon, Fertica, Agrecol). They add 5-10g
nitrogen-containing drugs. In the autumn under each bush make 30g
superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate.

Rhododendron: pests and diseases (photo)

If you follow the rules of agricultural rhododendrons, the plant
will grow well and blossom. Improper care (waterlogging or
overdrying of the soil, alkalization of the soil, etc.) provoke
the development of cultural diseases.

Хлорозы рододендрона возникают при недостатке
or an excess of certain chemical elements. In appearance
plants can determine what he needs.

When nitrogen deficiency leaves brighten, and in mid-summer and turn yellow
fall, new shoots grow poorly, there is no flowering.

При нехватке железа и магния нарушается процесс
chlorophyll synthesis. Leaves get spotty yellow green
coloring, young shoots turn yellow, the growth of the plant in the

If the leaves twist and turn red-violet,
это признаки дефицита калия.

Potassium deficiency on rhododendron leaves

When excessive soil moisture occurs soaking
rhododendron. The leaves become dull greyish green,
wither and fall. Most often this phenomenon occurs on heavy
poorly drained soils. Due to a violation of the aeration of the roots
Rhododendrons disrupt development, they weaken and are affected
fungal diseases, which are described in the table

Disease name

As manifested on the plant


Small reddish yellow spots with black pycnidia in the center

gray rot

The browning of the aerial parts of the plant and the appearance of fluffy gray
raid with high humidity


Irregularly shaped leaves are dark brown with red.


Brown spots on the leaves and shoots with red “pads”


On the underside of the leaves in the fall appear pinkish or
pale purple spots with yellowish-rusty pustules of the spores. In the spring
spore pads have a dark red color

powdery mildew

On leaves roundish spots, covered with powdery whitish
on the fly

waxy sickness

Pale spherical shapes appear on the affected leaves and shoots.
swelling size 0.5-3 cm


The root system is affected first, the plant stops at
grows suddenly fade

To combat these diseases, fallen leaves are collected in the fall and
burn them. Shrubs are treated with fungicidal drugs (Fundazole,
copper sulphate, Rovral, Oxy).

The most common pest of this plant is
рододендроновый клоп. Signs of it
parasitism are numerous small colorless spots on

Rhododendron bug

Мучнистые червецы — тоже частые гости этого
plants. They feed on intracellular juice, resulting in
leaves bend. With a massive lesion rhododendron can

Личинки узкокрылой моли-минера портят листья,
gnawing at them numerous moves. As a result, the foliage dries up and
falls down.

For the destruction of insect pests using insecticides
(Karbofos, Konfidor, Fitoverm, Vertimek, etc.).

Молодым рододендронам урон наносят слизни и
, выгрызая большие дырки на leaves.

The presence of a thin cobweb on the leaves, their brownish-gray color,
опадение свидетельствуют о наличии паутинного
. Acaricides are used against it (Akarin,
Agravertin, Fufanon, Aniklesch).

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