Removing the chest Angelina Jolie is preparing for a newoperations

W, 17 May 2016 A few days ago Angelina Jolie
confessed that she removed the mammary glands. For operation
Hollywood star decided because of the high risk of breast cancer.
Fans of the actress did not even have time to recover from this
shocking news when People magazine announced that Angelina in
the near future is going to remove the ovaries. According to the doctors
The likelihood of developing ovarian cancer in 37-year-old Jolie is
50%. The actress said that medical procedures lasted three
months during which she underwent double mastectomy and
installed implants. Angelina kept the story secret but
later decided to talk about her experience to support
women who are also confronted with oncology. According to the star,
the family fully supported her intention to have surgery. “I’m dreaming
only one thing – that she lived a healthy and long life with me
and with our children, “says actress brad’s common-law husband
Pitt. Brother Angelina and mother of Brad Pitt told reporters that
proud of the act of Jolie, who thinks first of all about children.
Previously, Angelina said that the decision to make a mastectomy was given
extremely difficult, however, remembering his mother who died
Because of cancer, before reaching the age of 60, she took it. “My kids
asked if something similar would happen to me, – she admitted
Angelina. – Finally, I can calm them down and say that they are not
will lose mom because of cancer. ”


sarin 10/31/2016 cancer as far as I know is not inherited
transmitted, and Angelina suffers bullshit once mother died of cancer
I’ll go and I’ll cut off my boobs. Th for nonsense? and if she has a mom under
got the car? would she be afraid of cars? monkey chi chi and not angelina
Nina 09/14/2016 This is paranoia. Lovely woman with a strange
by act. It was enough to visit the mammologist every six months – and
all … Now removed the chest, then appendages … And then on a random
The examination will reveal (God forbid, of course!) stomach cancer. Or skin …
The law of life: what we fear falls on us. Wow
06/08/2016 Doctors just scoff

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