Raspberry: growing and care, choosing the rightvarieties. What method of growing raspberries to chooseamateur gardener

Сб, 16 янв 2016 BUTвтор: Елизавета Шатунова

If you pick the “right” raspberry variety, the bush will take root even in
northern regions of the country. The plant is often propagated by cuttings
or layering. But planting his seeds among amateur gardeners
not too common – the method is quite complicated.

Growing raspberries on fertile soils and ensuring it should
уход, можно собирать с 1 кустика до 4 кг вкусных

Fruiting plant more often in the second year after planting. On юге же
countries can harvest the first harvest in the current season.


What sort of raspberry to plant?

Raspberries belongs to the Pink family. This is a shrub with straight
spiny stems. Fruits, depending on the particular variety,
have a color from yellow to almost black.

Селекционеры вывели многие сорта raspberries. All of them are divided into 3

Традиционная малина. Сорта — Кредо, Onграда,
Malakhovka, Sunny, Peresvet, Balsam, Hussar, Shiny, Runaway,
Meteor, Mishutka. The shrub has good endurance and
regular yield. The plant develops a lot of root shoots.
Berries – medium size

Ремонтантная малина. Varieties – Apricot,
Atlant, Eurasia, Crane, Golden Autumn, mulatto, Indian Summer,
Diamond, Golden Giant, Hercules, Bryansk miracle. it
high-yielding varieties resistant to frost and yielding abundant yields.
The practice is widespread when the bush of the raspberry immediately after
fruiting is pruned at the root – yield for the next season
will be much higher. Many varieties are resistant to diseases and

Крупноплодная. Sorta – Abundant, Scarlet
Sails, Mirage, Patricia, Arbat, Maroseika, Vega, Bryansk, Cascade,
Lazorevskaya, Lashka. Varieties differ in large size fruits. But
many of them do not tolerate cold snaps – even in the middle lane
for the winter will have to cover the bushes. Berries – juicy, very tasty,
well tolerated transportation.

When choosing a raspberry variety for planting on your site, consider
climatic peculiarities in the region, terms of fruit ripening and
стойкость растения к болезням и pests.

Where to plant raspberries?

Raspberry likes good lighting, so pick new ones.
жителей сада незатененный участок. Bushes can
land both individually (in the wells) and in rows (in

Although the raspberry needs regular watering,
she will not tolerate swampiness on beds. Plant out
там, где грунтовые воды протекают глубже чем на 1,5
от поверхности земли. Optimum acidity
soil – 5.5-6.
If necessary, conduct additional
agrotechnical measures so that the acidity does not exceed these

For spring planting of seedlings, prepare a plot from autumn. BUT
if you are going to start planting in the fall, carefully
Dig the beds no later than 3 months. Depth
перекопки — 30 см.
Землю обработайте гербицидами, внести
minerals and organics.

Follow the rules of crop rotation. Bad neighbors and
the forerunners for raspberry will be tomatoes, potatoes,

Preparation of planting material

Select for planting healthy seedlings with a developed root
by the system. Inspect the planting material – it should not be on it
traces of diseases and injuries by pests. Buy it
better in specialized nurseries – here you will be given everything
quality certificates for planting material.

Raspberry saplings

In the future, you yourself can multiply raspberries to
increase the area of ​​landings. To do this, you can use the following
bush parts:

• green or lignified root scion,

• the rooted tip of the shoot,

• root stalk with buds.

Saplings are being prepared for planting in autumn (from mid-September to
October) or spring (late April). The best is exactly
autumn planting. Here it is only possible not in all regions –
young shoots can not stand frosts. Just before disembarking
From the seedling you need to cut off all the extra shoots. Roots for better
survival rate can be treated with special solutions.

Whatever time you choose to disembark, follow the deadlines –
rooting sapling need to until it is not dissolved

Planting raspberries in the hole

For planting seedlings make holes in the ground in the ground
40 * 40 * 50 cm. Observe the following landing pattern – 2 * 0.5 m. Plant
dip in the hole and sprinkle with a layer of fertile soil. Him at
Do not bury this much, as the root can rot
bud. Make sure the root neck is a couple of centimeters.
above ground level.

Raspberry planting scheme

After planting the seedling pour the ground. If there are concerns that
the roots are chilled, grumble the stalk area.

Raspberry trench planting

Trench planting raspberry bushes is more suitable for those
gardeners who have set a goal to collect annually
большие урожаи вкусных berries itт вариант может значительно
save free garden space – the plants will be located on
one line.

Prepare a trench for planting depth ≈45-50 cm. Line
landings should be located from north to south. Stick to
the distance between the bushes is 40 cm, and between the rows – 1 m. The trench
fill with nutritious mix – manure, the top layer of the earth,
superphosphate. The substrate should take 15-20 cm.

BUTзотистые подкормки пока не используйте
raspberries will root badly!

Saplings are dug into trenches on the same principle as in the pit.
Landing then water and grumble.

Raspberry Care

Even amateur gardener can handle the care of raspberries. If a
follow the rules, the bush will bring a bountiful harvest. What is important?

Полив. The shrub responds well to watering.
But переусердствовать не нужно — если на грядках будет скапливаться
abundance of moisture, not to pass fungal lesions. Raspberry planted
in spring, needs more regular watering. If a выдалось
dry summer regularly check the condition of the land in
tree trunks – from the lack of water, the roots quickly
are dried up.

Рыхление. Raspberry doesn’t like weeds, so
Spud the soil more often, especially after watering. Deep beds
Do not perekopayvay not to damage the root system.

Мульчирование. Update regularly on
mulch beds if your plot cannot boast well
drained, light ground. You can use straw,
wood chips and shavings, freshly cut grass. Fine yourself
shows in practice the use as newspaper mulch – just
Spread paper under the bushes in several layers.

Raspberry mulching

Удобрение. In timely feeding raspberry
especially in the early years of growth. In the spring, fertilize the bushes
organic – has proven itself to practice the solution (1 kg per
10 l) of bird droppings. The resulting mass is then diluted with water in
ratio of 1:10. Many gardeners young shoots plants
sprayed with EM drugs. They still serve as excellent prevention.
from diseases. In the autumn raspberries can be fed ash infusion – 2
cups of ash in 10 liters of water. For fertilizer under each bush poured
2-3 liters of liquid feeding.

Обрезка. Regularly break off the twigs
dried inflorescences and leaves. Do not allow strong thickening
bush because it can lead to lower yields and
the development of fungal diseases. For this, starting from the 2nd year
planting, after harvest, shorten the stems under the root. After
hibernation from the plant remove shoots to a strong bud. AT
follow the growth of young shoots during the season – ideally
on raspberries should be no more than 5 shoots.

Raspberry Trimming Scheme

The gardener should think in advance about the crimson garter

The expanded plant will duck to the ground, which may
lead to breaking off the branches, rotting berries and appearances

Proper raspberry garter will contribute to abundant yields and
make it easier to care for her.

If a кусты рассажены поодиночке, то лучше использовать веерный
way of their garters. To do this, inject between the plants 2 sticks,
which tie part of the shoots from one and the other instance.
It turns out a kind of fan.

ATеерная подвязка малины

Собираетесь разводить малину траншейным
? Then it is better to implement the trellis
the garter. At the same time, pins are driven into the ground along each trench,
between which stretches 2 rows of wire, durable thread or
twine. The lower thread is located at a height of ≈70 cm from the soil,
top 120-140 cm.

Wire tight, so that it does not bend under the
heavy branches and gusts of wind. Raspberry shoots while they
small evenly attach to the bottom of the thread. AT дальнейшем, по
as the plant develops, tie the stems to the upper tier of the system

Raspberry trellis system

Raspberry Shelter for the Winter

Winter-hardy raspberry varieties in the southern climate will calmly survive the winter
without shelter. But в регионах, где температура часто опускается ниже
-20 ˚C, bushes should be prepared for the cold.

When autumn pruning plants are shortened. Shoot down to
bandage them, fix them to the ground if necessary.

AT качестве укрывного материала лучше использовать нетканый

In winter, inspect raspberries – suddenly, the edges of the fabric will be bent under
gusts of strong wind.

Bending down raspberries for the winter

How to protect raspberries from diseases and pests?

The sweet aroma of raspberries attracts pests. BUT если
нарушить условия содержания растения, не миновать еще и diseases.
Their appearance is facilitated by the overflow of the soil and the thickening of the foliage.

Among the insects that are dangerous to raspberries, select:

Малинная стеблевая муха. Can easily find out
that the bug settled on the bushes – the tops of young stalks wither and
lean a little. It is the caterpillars that harms raspberries
insect – they eat branches. Too bad a fly can
winter in the ground, next season, returning to the plant.
In order not to miss the invasion, regularly inspect raspberries.
If a обнаружили на растении личинки, срезайте верхушки побегов ниже
the place where they found the pest. Raspberry treatment
only allowed as a last resort. Sprays spend up to
flowering 1-2 times.

Damage from a raspberry stem fly

Малинный жук. Damage the plant themselves
beetles, and their larvae – they feed on flowers, berries and leaves
raspberries. To prevent the spread of the pest regularly
loosen the soil around the bushes and remove weeds from the site.
Cut and burn damaged parts of the plant. Chemicals against
raspberry beetle during flowering spray bushes can not.

Raspberry beetle on raspberry inflorescences

Малинная стеблевая галлица. Insects
attack raspberries during flowering bushes. On the shoots there
where the bugs were laying the larvae, there are swellings – just for them
can recognize the stem gall midge. Damaged stems must
remove from the plant and burn. If healthy shoots are enough,
raspberries will continue to delight you with a bountiful harvest.

Малинная почковая моль. Pest eating away
buds, damages shoots – as a result, the bush brings fewer berries in
the end of the season, the branches and leaves wither. If you find a fly fly,
Raspberry shoots are best cut to the very foundation and destroy. On
Autumn bush can be treated with special chemicals – for example,

Малинный клещ. Onсекомое селится на
the inner side of the leaves. All greens are eventually covered.
pale greenish spots. Tick ​​is difficult to fight – much easier
take precautions – remove faded shoots. Right away
Get raspberry varieties that are resistant to this pest.

Raspberry Tick Damage

When using chemicals for spraying raspberries, observe
precautions because you are dealing with fruit bushes.
The manufacturer must indicate on the packaging to the facility
instructions and accurate dosages.

Among the diseases affecting raspberry, can be identified:

Пурпуровая пятнистость. On стеблях и листьях
purple spots appear. Everything is gradually affected
a plant, it perishes. If the damage is still slight help
spraying special preparations.

Purple spot on raspberry leaves

ATертициллезное увядание. Causative agent
fungal disease is in the ground and can persist here
a very long time. Raspberries turn yellow, foliage falls, main stem with
time is dying off. When the first “symptoms” are detected, the plant
better to completely uproot the beds.

Корневая гниль. Raspberry Root Neck Turns Brown
and completely destroyed – rarely a copy can be saved.
Remove the diseased plant from the site so that others do not become infected.
plants here.

Many gardeners can easily grow healthy raspberry bushes,
which bring abundant harvests every season.

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