Rapid weight loss diet doctorSimeons

  • 1 Диета доктора Simeons с Анат Штерн
    • 1.1 Diet course
    • 1.2 Меню диеты доктора Simeons
    • 1.3 Recipes on the HCG diet
  • 2 Harm or Benefit

Back in the last century, Albert Simeons, the famous doctor, put forward
the theory that for weight loss does not need to make an effort: our
the body is able to get rid of extra pounds by the action
hormones. Система ученого Simeons основана на следующем — не нужно
prevent the body from functioning on its accumulated reserves, thanks to
injections of hCG, which will release the “bad” fat.

Приемником доктора Simeons и официальным консультантом по его
the diet is Anat Stern, who has experienced the whole process for herself,
goodbye forever from 15 kg in 40 days.


Диета доктора Simeons с Анат Штерн

The essence of the diet – the daily consumption of 2000 kcal, and from food
only 500 come. The remaining 1500 should be made by the body
independently, by splitting the accumulated fat. Hcg diet
implies not only the observance of the rules of nutrition, but also
use of hormone supplements hCG, thanks to which
This mechanism is running.

500 calories a day diet

Intuitively eat within 500 calories can not: on
This account has its own rules:

  • It is allowed to eat 3 times during the day;
  • Clear water without additives, tea, herbal teas and sugar-free coffee is not
    are considered to be meals – you don’t need to limit yourself to them when
    losing weight;
  • On the day, you can afford the extra juice of one lemon, 1
    st.l. skimmed milk, a small amount of vinegar, dry
    mustard, salt;
  • From sweeteners for weight loss is allowed only
  • The daily intake of carbohydrates is 100 grams. Allowed lean meat and
    fish, cottage cheese 0%, any seafood;
  • Vegetables are allowed to eat in a volume not exceeding 1 cup.
    Greens, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, asparagus, are allowed
    radish, lettuce, beet leaves;
  • Потребление фруктов на диете доктора Simeons также
    limited to one cup. You can strawberry, grapefruit, orange,
    an Apple. You can not combine them with one at a time
  • Daily intake of carbohydrates – 40 grams. It could be one
    whole grain toast or plain croutons;
  • Anat Stern does not recommend replacing authorized products with
    equal in calories.

Diet course

Полный курс диеты Simeons под руководством Анат Штерн включает
In itself 4 obligatory stages.

Длительность первого этапа похудения с Анат
Stern – 2 days. Includes cleansing the body of toxins and
toxins, emotional mood, full drinking, drinking
organic fruits and vegetables.

The second stage is multistage:

  • Start taking hcg with a maximum increase in calories
    ration to the maximum level to repel the desire for such
  • The main part of the diet, lasting from 21 to 40 days
    depending on the initial weight;
  • Getting rid of the drug after losing weight for 3 days.

Третий этап заключается в закреплении
the result obtained. Meals within 1500-1800 Rcal, sugar and
heavy carbohydrates are still excluded.

Четвертый этап – восстановление организма после
weight loss by gradually introducing carbohydrates into the diet for 2

Меню диеты доктора Simeons

Меню для диеты доктора Simeons под руководством Анат Штерн на
a week might look like this (the daily ration consists of
3 meals):

1st day

  1.  coffee with milk;
  2. 50 g chicken fillet with cauliflower;
  3. 50 g of cottage cheese with tomato and herbs.

2nd day

  1. coffee;
  2. 50 g hake with asparagus;
  3.  yesterday’s second half chicken fillet with color

3rd day

  1. coffee with milk;
  2. mussels in lemon juice;
  3.  salad of spinach, radish and beet leaves.

4th day

  1. coffee;
  2.  tuna salad, toast;
  3.  apple and 50 g of cottage cheese.

5th day

  1. coffee with milk;
  2. 100 g of veal;
  3. cream soup of 3 types of cabbage and greens.

6th day

  1. coffee;
  2. fresh cucumbers with 50 g pike perch;
  3. rusk and 50 g of cottage cheese.

7th day

  1.  coffee with milk;
  2. 100 g squid fillet;
  3. rusk with tomato.

По диете доктора Simeons между основными тремя приемами пищи
the daily rate of fruit is eaten.

If this diet seems too hard for you. note
on a diet Dash, which not only allows you to get rid of excess
kilogram, but is considered wellness.

HCG Diet Recipes

Despite the limited amount of diet products the doctor
Simeons под руководством Анат Штерн, никто не запрещает питаться

Побаловать себя при похудении на диете доктора Simeons
recipes will help:

Chicken with cauliflower

Chicken with cauliflower

Филе курицы режут на мелкие части, маринуют в небольшом
the amount of dry mustard, cauliflower disassembled into separate
inflorescences. Ingredients are pulled in a dry pan with the addition of
tablespoon of milk and then brought to readiness in

Рецептдля диеты по методике доктора Simeons — салат с
tuna slimming

Салат с тунцом

Смешивают листья салата, нарезанные дольками помидоры и филе
tuna fish Served with a slice of lemon, the juice of which is dressing
salad dressing

Hake baked with asparagus

Hake baked with asparagus

Хек очищают и моют, заворачивают в фольгу вместе со спаржей,
cherry tomatoes and a sprig of greenery. Cook about 20 minutes in
oven at 180 degrees.

Salad “Vitaminka”

Salad “Vitaminka”

Для приготовления салата понадобятся помидор, огурец, зелень,
onions, radishes. All ingredients are well washed and finely chopped.
Dish can be seasoned with vinegar.

Mussels in lemon juice

Mussels in lemon juice

Каждая мидия аккуратно раскрывается и выкладывается на противень
like a boat. On top of the pulp put a sprig of green, sprinkling
lemon juice, baked until tender.

Harm or benefit

The benefits of a slimming diet are questioned by many
critics Плюсами, которые озвучивали доктор
Simeons with Anat Stern are now being widely popularized.

Pluses of food for weight loss of the doctor

  • Versatility – can be used by a person of any gender, with
    any initial weight, regardless of the presence of chronic
  • Rapid weight loss. A day goes up to 0.5 kg of fat;
  • Muscle mass does not go away;
  • Normalization of metabolism, which fixes the result
    losing weight;
  • No need for grueling workouts.

However, in contrast to the words of Anat Stern and the research of Dr.
Simeons, зарубежные специалисты говорят о несовершенстве методики
slimming and called some flaws.

Nutritional deficiencies for slimming doctor

  • Extreme dietary restrictions can cause many
    health problems in people with chronic
  • The illegality of the distribution of hcg injections;
  • The effects of a course of hormones may be accompanied by the formation of
    blood clots, feeling of depression;
  • Upon completion of the hcg diet, an increase may be observed.

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