Purslane in a flower garden: planting, growing, care,using. Portulaca varieties (photos) and featuresbreeding

Пн, 08 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Diversify the flower bed, give it a bright colors will help the plant
purslane. Flower growers often use it when creating alpine
slides. Unusual flowers stand out against the backdrop of natural greenery, which
makes the plant popular in landscape design.


Plant characteristic

Purslane is an annual plant, creeping shoots are covered
a variety of bright colors that have a simple or terry

Herb plant reaches a height of 10 to 20 cm. Stems
well branched, have juicy flattened leaves. Leaf color
green Portulaca blooms in spring, usually in May
and lasts until September. Grow the purslane in the open ground,
flowerpots and flowerpots.

Growing purslane: varieties and types (photo)

The genus Portulakovy includes about 100 species of plants. AT
modern floriculture grow only one type of portulaca –
large-flowered. This perennial plant, which in our latitudes
cultivated as an annual. Flowers reach a diameter of about 6 cm,
There are terry varieties. Their color ranges from white to
There are no red, blue varieties. Sometimes there are flowers with
double coloring. Portulaca terry varieties give much less
seeds, which makes them difficult to breed.

1. Портулак Маковей — этот сорт можно
use as food. Bush srednerosly, reaches a height of about 30
cm. AT кулинарии используют молодые побеги, возраст которых не
exceeds one month from shoots.

2. Портулак Черри — декоративный низкорослый
variety, height of the bush varies within 15 cm. Leaves of the plant
needles, and flowers are large, terry forms. Flower color

3. Портулак Фламенко – имеет крупные мясистые
shoots with succulent leaves. Leaf color ярко-green Terry
flowers of various colors appear until late autumn.

Purslane: planting and caring for an ornamental plant

ATыбор местоположения

Unusual plant prefers sunny places and easy
penumbra. AT таких условиях цветки портулака раскрываются утром. AT
thick shade it feels bad, flowering becomes very
scanty. So, choosing a place to plant a plant, you need
take care of its light during the day.

The soil

Purslane grows very well on poor soils, with sufficient
sand content. Fertilized soil contributes to the growth of greenery
to the detriment of flowering.

For growing purslane you need to pick a dry area, without
water stagnation. If the soil is too wet, soaking is possible.
root system.


The plant does not need frequent watering, well tolerated
drought. Needs loosening of the soil only after disembarkation. Should
remember that excessive soil moisture contributes to the development
fungal diseases. With proper care, the shrub is not affected
pest resistant to many diseases.


Decorative portulac varieties do not need fertilizing. Too
nutritious soil inhibits flowering. But those varieties
which are cultivated for culinary purposes can be regularly fertilized.
For this purpose, liquid mineral complexes are used, which
promote good growth of green mass. To feed
need once a month. The first time purslane fertilized after
emergence of seedlings.

Care for purslane is quite simple, just stick to it.
of all the above rules, and the plant will always please
long, bright flowering.

ATыращиваем портулак: размножение (фото)

An unusual plant can be propagated by several

• seeds;

• grafting.

Seed propagation

Most often in our latitudes purslane grown through seedlings.
For this, seeds are sown in late February – early March. Tanks
for growing must have an opening for the drain of excess fluid.
The soil должна быть хорошо дренирована. The seeds are laid out on
the surface of the soil, not sprinkling them with earth. For germination
portulaca needs light.

Tip! Every year must be purchased
new seeds for planting. Seeds collected from plants are not suitable.
for further cultivation. Hybrid varieties do not always sprout,
and flowering will not bring the expected results.

Tanks с семенами нужно поместить в тепличку до появления
first shoots. The temperature for germination should not fall.
below +20 degrees.

The first shoots can appear only after 14 days. For seedlings
well looked after, watered, trying not to wet the soil too much.
The pick is done when the plants grow a little, it is reached
height about 3 cm

ATысаживать молодые саженцы на клумбу или в кашпо можно, только
when a constant temperature is established. Even insignificant
prolonged cooling to +10 degrees can destroy the still weak

AT южных регионах страны посев портулака можно проводить сразу на
rows. To this end, the soil is compacted, well moistened and evenly
distribute seeds. Landing must necessarily cover the film. With
the emergence of seedlings covering material removed. Seedlings need
constant care: it is necessary to loosen the soil, remove weeds and
осматривать plants. When the plants get stronger, you need to hold
thinning, leaving several seedlings at a distance of about 20

ATажно! Portulaca seeds retain their
germination for three years.

It is possible to collect seeds only from ordinary plants, terry
portulac forms are the result of breeding, grown plants are not
repeat all parental qualities. Simple plants have a collection.
seed boxes should be carried out as they mature, not
admitting self-seeding, otherwise they will hatch during warm autumn weather
and die in the winter.

Reproduction cuttings

If you want to save your favorite variety, you can resort to
grating purslane. For this, the plant is dug and transferred.
for wintering in the room. And in the spring spend cuttings.

The maternal plant is cut into cuttings that are good
rooted in water. ATысаживают молодые кустики на постоянное место
in May, when the weather permits. Thus obtained seedlings,
begin to bloom a month after planting.

Portulaca diseases and pests

The plant is very resistant to various diseases and pests.
However, if non-compliance with the rules of growing purslane,
marvel at some of them.

1. Fungal diseases.

Most often the plant becomes infected in rainy summer, with strong
waterlogging. Recognize the first signs of the disease can
in appearance of the bush. Spoiled buds and spots on young
The leaves should alert the gardener.

With первых же симптомах нужно проводить лечение. ATсе
damaged buds and shoots are removed, and the plant is treated
drugs with a copper content.

2. Aphids on portulaca leaves.

If there is an aphid invasion in the garden, then she will definitely settle on
сочных листьях plants. With обнаружении вредителя нужно опрыскать
scrub soap solution. If such methods did not help, then apply
treatment with potassium permanganate solution.

3. Thrips.

AT самом начале вегетации молодые саженцы подвержены нападению
thrips. They can be detected by small silver dots on
leaves. You need to fight the parasite with chemical

Gardeners love purslane for its simplicity and ease
cultivation. The variety of colors and the continuity of flowering – here
the main advantages of the plant, which will decorate any corner
the garden.

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