Pumpkin diet: benefits, rules, menu

tikvennaya-dietaThis type of diet is ideal for
those who want to get rid of a few extra pounds and
simultaneously tidy up your health.

Because pumpkin in the amount of vitamins and beneficial
trace elements superior to many other vegetables and fruits.

Using such a diet will help you throw off more than 8 extra
kilograms in two weeks!


The benefits of pumpkin diet: the opinion of a nutritionist

Pumpkin fruits are high in alpha and beta.
carotenes – powerful carotenoids. Other important nutrients
include vitamins B, C, E, PP and minerals potassium and magnesium.

Studies have shown that plant sources of carotenoids
help improve heart health and reduce the risk of chronic
diseases. Carotenoids, along with vitamins C and E, encourage
antioxidant activity that helps protect and restore
damaged cells. Pumpkin also contains two rare vitamins:
vitamin K, providing normal blood coagulation, and vitamin
T, speeding up the metabolism.

Alpha and beta carotenes are incredible benefits not only your
heart, but also have a positive effect on the eyes, helping
prevent age-related macular degeneration of the retina and development

Potassium and magnesium contained in the pumpkin, exactly as in other
Orange Fruits and Vegetables, American Heart Association
recommended for people with high blood pressure
(hypertension). The researchers found that products with high
potassium and magnesium also help to neutralize some
negative effects of salt intake, has choleretic

Pumpkin fruits are also high in fiber. To that
pumpkin is a very low-calorie product (20 calories per

Rules diet on a pumpkin – what you need to know?

  • During the diet, exclude from food, salt and sugar.
  • Use non-carbonated mineral as a liquid.
    water, tea and coffee without sugar.
  • Breakfast always starts with pumpkin salad or fruit
  • Eat fruit as a snack between meals.
  • Have dinner no later than 18:00.
  • Diet cycle – 4 days, after the fourth day we repeat the diet

Pumpkin diet menu (for 4 days):

1 day

Breakfast – pumpkin salad. To make a salad, pumpkin
cut into cubes, add grated carrots and a little lemon

Lunch – pumpkin soup. Cut vegetables: pumpkin, potatoes, carrots,
zucchini, bell pepper. Put in a saucepan and cook on slow
fire until the vegetables are soft. At the end add sliced
tomatoes Separately, if desired, you can make onion roasting,
using a minimum of vegetable oil.

Dinner – baked pumpkin. Baked slices of pumpkin in the oven
at an approximate temperature of 180 C for, about 30 minutes.
Use cinnamon, black pepper and lemon juice as spices.
As a snack you can add a little low-fat cheese and

2 day

Breakfast – salad and pumpkin porridge. Cook the salad. Porridge from
Pumpkins can be cooked in milk or water. To save all
vitamins, vegetables, put in boiling water and cover the pan
a lid.

Lunch – pumpkin soup and potato pancakes. In addition to the usual
Lean soup with spices and herbs, treat yourself to potato

Dinner – one baked apple. If you ate potato for lunch
pancakes, then dinner should be light. The best option would be
baked apple. To improve intestinal motility to the liver
you can add dried fruit or prunes to the apple – it will be pleasant
combination of healthy and tasty.

3 day

Breakfast – oatmeal with pumpkin. 200g cook pumpkins for
30 minutes. Oatmeal porridge cook in milk or water.

Lunch – soup with meatballs. Minced meatballs consists of
lean meat (for example, beef), eggs and finely grated pumpkin.
Blind in the form of small balls. Cook vegetable soup and 15 minutes
until fully cooked, throw the meatballs in the pan.

Dinner – pineapple and pumpkin salad. Dice the pumpkin and
Pineapple, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes so that the pumpkin absorbs
the taste of pineapple. In the end, you get a wonderful dessert. By
If you wish, you can add some crackers or a slice to dinner.
rye bread.

4 day

Breakfast – pumpkin salad and porridge.

Lunch – soup and baked peppers. Vegetable soup. On the second – bake in
Oven two sweet peppers. Byсле приготовления ополосните их
cold water to easily remove the peel. By вкусу добавьте

Dinner – pumpkin stew. For the dish, use pumpkin, onions, carrots,
zucchini, some vegetable oil. Take a pot of thick
by walls. Boil the onions to a translucent state, add
pumpkin, carrots, zucchini and mushrooms (or potatoes).

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