Protein dinner for weight loss

  • 1 Protein dinner for weight loss
    • 1.1 How is a light protein dinner useful?
    • 1.2 Menu options
    • 1.3 Best Recipes

One of the most effective methods of losing weight is to count
calories. A man starting his hard way, such a diet
may seem terribly difficult, but if you understand its main
principles, then losing weight with this technique will not make

When calculating calories, fats have the greatest mass. Second on
weight are carbohydrates. The most “light”, with the least number of calories –

Often the concept of “protein” is interpreted literally as boiled
chicken. For some reason, for many, this is the only dish
fit into this concept. However, protein dinner options can
be varied.

What are the recipes for tasty and healthy dishes with high
protein content recommended for the evening meal, consider


Protein dinner for weight loss

Protein dinner for weight loss должен быть не просто
низкокалорийным и легким
, но еще и сбалансированным.
Важно, чтобы употребляемые продукты сочетались
between themselves.

Protein food will help to lose weight only if
if used correctly. It is necessary to take into account that any
белок переваривается не менее двух часов, поэтому
eat it should be no later than two hours before

Carbohydrates require movement to be processed into energy, otherwise
they settle on your sides, clutter up your body, envelop
organs are internal fat. That is why it is important to use them on
breakfast, because all day you need strength and energy.

The menu for the day should be distributed as follows
in the following way:

  • Breakfast is rich in carbohydrates (foods containing
  • A full meal consisting of all types of nutritious
  • Dinner from protein foods (in combination with vegetables rich in
  • Healthy snacks in the form of dried fruits, nuts, fruits and
    low-fat dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese).

What is useful light protein dinner?

Protein food is useful because it improves metabolism in
body and promotes the growth of muscle fibers. Also consumed
protein is involved in the synthesis of hormones and cell growth.

Белковые ужины полезны при похудении тем, что
have a positive effect on digestion. They contain little
the number of calories and at the same time give a long feeling of feeling

In our body, protein is absorbed very slowly. As a result
what he has to spend extra energy for his
cleavage. Because of this, calories are consumed, which
important in the process of losing weight.

High protein foods that will become
ideal for dinner:

  • Lean meat (chicken, beef / veal, rabbit, pork,
  • Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, yogurt,
    hard cheeses, sheep cheese);
  • Egg whites;
  • Soy milk;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas;
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, almonds;
  • Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds;
  • Groats: semolina, millet, buckwheat, rice;
  • Bread: wheat, rye;
  • Pasta durum;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Liver;
  • Peas;
  • Asparagus;
  • Avocado, banana;
  • Spinach.

A light protein meal will help your body build muscle
body weight, and not accumulate fat. That is why so
it is important to eat protein foods in the evenings. They are not
only contribute to weight loss, but also help cleanse the body
from slags and toxins.

Menu options

Итак, ваш белковый ужин должен отвечать нескольким
основным критериям:
 диетический, вкусный,
low-calorie, healthy and simple.

All these words can be characterized protein dinner,
options, the menu which we offer you: meat + vegetables; eggs +
vegetables; творог + vegetables; cottage cheese + unsweetened fruit or berries.

Protein dinner – menu options:

  1. Chicken breast + salad of tomato, cucumber and spinach,
    seasoned with a tablespoon of butter and lemon juice.
  2. Rabbit + zucchini, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, asparagus,
  3. Turkey + green beans, sweet peppers, carrots and onions
    onion baked in the oven.
  4. Beef + boiled beets, cauliflower and artichokes.
  5. Яйца  + салат из брокколи, тонко нарезанных кабачков,
    cherry tomato, seasoned with balsamic vinegar.
  6. Творог + фрукты или ягоды (выбрать можно любой сезонный
    product: blueberry, plum, sweet cherry, currant, strawberry, peach,
    raspberry, cranberry, kiwi, viburnum, mandarin, blackberry, cantaloupe, blueberries,
    quince, apricot, orange).
  7. Cottage cheese + vegetables (choose any seasonal vegetable: sweet pepper,
    tomatoes, green peas)
  8. Fish low-fat varieties (hake, pike, pike perch, blue whiting, perch, pollock,
    carp, crucian) + lettuce, parsley, radish, celery stalk,
    arugula, tomatoes.
  9. Omelet of 4 proteins (we remove the yolks) + spinach, cucumbers, radishes,
    Bell pepper.

Примечание: мясо для ужина должно быть вареным
or steamed. Dietary method is also allowed.
roasting in the oven.

Best recipes

Protein dinner can be not only useful, but also tasty.
There are a huge number of recipes based on protein

When choosing recipes, it is important not to overdo it with the use of
salt. Salt retains water in the body, which is significantly
prevents weight loss.

So, recipes for a tasty and healthy protein dinner for

Chicken baked with broccoli in a delicious

Курица с брокколи


  • two halves of chicken breast;
  • 500 g broccoli;
  • 500 ml. milk;
  • one egg;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • salt pepper;
  • any greens to your taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Chicken fillet cut into portions.
  2. We put in a glass or ceramic form, previously
    lightly oiled (teaspoon oil).
  3. Top lay raw broccoli and pour sauce.
  4. For the sauce, whip with a blender or whisk any remaining
    Ingredients. We send in the oven warmed to 200 degrees on
    half an hour.

Dietary turkey salad with vegetables:

Салат из индейки с овощами

Стоит отметить, что это ресторанный рецепт, но его запросто
can afford to cook at home. He can
contains the minimum amount of fat and is great for
the definition of “correct protein dinner.” What exactly will not hurt
the process of losing weight.


  • boiled or baked turkey breast in foil;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • celery stalk;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;

For refueling:

  • soy sauce;
  • lemon juice;
  • Dijon mustard.

Cooking method:

  1. Breast cut into slices, salad tearing into pieces.
  2. Celery stalk thinly chopped.
  3. Carrots and zucchini three grated for the “Korean” carrots.
  4. We mix the ingredients for refilling and fill them, first
    turn zucchini.
  5. Let them stand in the marinade for about ten minutes.
  6. After which we send the zucchini together with the dressing to the rest.
    products, pre-mix them in a salad bowl.

This salad can be eaten, both with meat and separately, turning
its vegan.

Lean protein omelet:

Белковый омлет с овощами

Белковый ужин может быть и без мяса. For weight loss you can eat
foods that contain protein but not meat

So, if your diet involves eating eggs, then
protein omelet is exactly what you need.


  • 2 eggs;
  • skim milk – 100 gr;
  • greenery;
  • 1 sweet, bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • pastel (optional);
  • seasonings: salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut vegetables finely, we don’t drain tomato juice – our vegetables are in it
    Stir lightly in a frying pan.
  2. Stew vegetables for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Beat eggs with milk, add a little salt and pepper. Everything
    mix well.
  4. The resulting mass pour vegetables.
  5. Next, sprinkle well with fresh chopped greens.
  6. Cook until eggs grab.

Such an omelet is perfect not only for an evening meal,
It can be used for breakfast. However, if the daily diet was
full of heavy food, such a light protein dinner will be at its most

Protein shake

Protein shake

Белковый ужин может состоять не только из привычных нам блюд.
An evening meal can be a tasty diet.
smoothie or light cocktail.

The main product for weight loss, which provides protein
The diet is, of course, cottage cheese. The use of cottage cheese does not prohibit
No weight loss technique. Since the product speeds up the metabolism
and helps reduce excess body weight.

Такой белковый коктейль для похудения должен
consist of low-fat cottage cheese (fat content of 0-7%).

Cooking method:

  • Для творожного коктейля на ужин понадобится 100-150 гр.
    low-fat cottage cheese, as much skimmed milk, or
    минеральной воды
    . This is the basis on which can
    All other cocktail recipes are based.
  • В этот коктейль добавляем любые фрукты (банан,
    apple, peach, grapefruit, kiwi, etc). They can be used as in
    thick and in a liquid form. For example, if the basis for
    cottage cheese recipe add a banana or an apple, you will get a thick
    dessert, which can be eaten with a spoon.
  • Add a handful of any berries to the blender and you’ll get
    легкий коктейль
    . If you really want to add sweets,
    in stores there is a sale of fructose, which, of course, is not worth
    get carried away, but any diet should not be too strict, otherwise
    she threatens to breakdowns and return to the same weight after
  • If your diet does not include consumption
    вообще, то рецепты вашего творожного коктейля
    могут включать в себя такие овощи, как сельдерей
    (stalks), cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, greens.
  • Beat any of these products with cottage cheese and
    минеральной водой в блендере
    , подайте с дробленым льдом –
    make it so simple and at the same time the right smoothie easier
    simple, but it can be at least every night.

In addition, a protein shake can be taken with you to the gym,
to refresh after a workout. Such healthy food will satisfy
organism and enrich it with vitamins and trace elements.

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