Protein diet for weight loss – the menu for the week withrecipes

  • 1 Protein diet for a week – minus 6 kg for 7 days
    • 1.1 What is a protein diet?
    • 1.2 What foods can I eat?
    • 1.3 Weekly menus and recipes

Recently, there have been a lot of diets that promise effective
weight loss in a very short time. What is it: myth or reality?
We will not go into details. Let everyone try and decide
whether it makes sense in this technique.

In turn, we offer you to familiarize yourself with a diet, diet
which is based on the use of protein products. AT
the following material will take a closer look at the main
principles of protein diet and a list of permissible products. also in
This article will share with you a rough menu for the week with
разнообразными полезными recipes.


Protein diet for a week – minus 6 kg for 7 days

According to professional nutritionists, protein diet
promotes effective weight loss, up to 6 kg per week. Because
food containing protein, accelerates the body’s metabolism, the process
losing weight does not take long.

Alas, getting effective weight loss results by
observance of a protein diet during the week is not subject to everyone. how
it is known excessive consumption of meat
противопоказано не только вегетарианцам, но и
людям, относящимся к следующим категориям:

  • elderly people;
  • sweet tooth;
  • suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertensives.

On other features of an effective protein diet, including
the basic rules of nutrition, we will talk in the paragraph below.

What is a protein diet?

Protein diet implies a certain amount
time, the use of exclusively protein products, with which we
We will introduce you in the paragraph below. Let’s take a closer look,
exactly how to eat in order to “run” an effective process
slimming, providing a person with the desired results.

Итак, правила питания продуктами эффективной
protein diets require mandatory compliance and are

  • Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of purified water.
    without gas. The minimum daily rate is two liters;
  • The number of calories per day should not exceed the mark
  • For the most effective result of losing weight, daily
    eat at the same time. For convenience, make a schedule
  • The last meal is no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • The menu is divided into five meals a day, small
  • Combine the menu of methods of weight loss with moderate physical
  • ATо избежание авитаминоза во время соблюдения диеты,
    Calcium in tablet form is recommended.

After reviewing the rules, we turn to what is usually protein
Dyukan diet at home is scheduled for 7 days.
If necessary, the protein diet can be extended for another week. But
Do not abuse this food restriction, because
the absence of carbohydrate-containing products in the menu contributes to
indigestion. Также стоит учесть, что при  длительном
eating protein foods is likely to be a menstrual disorder.
cycle in women.

Из плюсов белковой диеты отметим, что ее

  • perfectly absorbed in the body;
  • detoxifying toxins from the intestines;
  • increase immunity;
  • eliminate violations of the hormonal system;
  • saturate the body for a long duration of time.

It is known that eating a protein diet saves results.
for a long time. In addition, according to Elena Malysheva, protein diet
quite suitable for pregnant women. But несмотря на это, по завершению
current and before the next one is recommended
semi-annual break.

howие продукты можно есть?

After reviewing all the nuances of eating from
of the above protein diet, go directly to
списку допустимых продуктов, которые должен
To include in the menu everyone, aspiring to growing thin:

  • meat: mutton, beef, chicken, turkey and goose;
  • all types of fish and seafood;
  • vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, Bulgarian pepper, zucchini and
  • low-fat yogurts, milk, kefir and cottage cheese;
  • all types of cheeses;
  • boiled egg white;
  • modest olive oil;
  • all kinds of fruits, dried fruits and berries;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Of course, all products that are not in the above list,
It is necessary to exclude from the menu, or allow yourself to use this
food only occasionally. AT данном случае, рассмотрим
продукты, которые при соблюдении белковой диеты ни
в коем случае не должны содержаться в вашем

  • pork;
  • fat;
  • smoked meat;
  • canned foods;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • confectionery;
  • chocolate;
  • sweet and soda drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • bakery products;
  • potatoes;
  • fatty and hot sauces.

Weekly menus and recipes

Protein diet menus include eating.
raw, stewed, boiled or cooked
a couple. We provide you with a rough version of an effective menu on
a week to lose extra pounds. Итак, белковая диета для
Slimming – weekly menu:


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cottage cheese and greens;
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken meat, a glass of low fat
  • Dinner: Baked trout.


  • fruit yogurt;
  • buckwheat porridge and kefir;
  • stewed peppers with tomatoes.


  • cheese toasts and herbal tea;
  • fruit salad with yogurt;
  • chicken cutlets, diet bread.


  • oatmeal with prunes, black tea with lemon;
  • stewed zucchini, ryazhenka;
  • 150 g boiled chicken meat with tomatoes and herbs.


  • omelette with cheese and tomatoes;
  • 250 g of boiled rice, apple compote;
  • baked peppers.


  • oatmeal with milk;
  • cottage cheese casserole with raisins, low-fat yogurt;
  • steamed perch with vegetables and herbs.


  • Citrus salad and 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat soup, kefir;
  • Eggplant, zucchini and pepper stew with unsweetened drink

Now let’s move on to the most enjoyable part of any technique.
сброса кг и ознакомим вас с recipes для похудения при
белковой диете
. The most tasty and healthy are considered

Oven Baked Fish

Oven Baked Fish

Ингредиенты: 400 г трески, сок половины лимона, щепотка

The recipe for cooking is very simple: you need to fill the fish
lemon juice and send to the oven for 45 minutes while
temperature of 180 degrees. Then sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Salmon with milk

Salmon with milk

Ингредиенты: полкило семги, 5 помидорок, средняя луковица, две
carrots, 500 ml of milk with a low percentage of fat, on a pinch
salt and pepper, a handful of dill, a liter of water.

  • peel the tomatoes
    boiling water;
  • then chop them finely;
  • grate a carrot on a coarse grater and fry in a pan
    with onions;
  • then add chopped tomato;
  • transfer the mixture to the pan and pour water;
  • bring the vegetables to a boil, then reduce the heat and continue
    cook for 10 minutes;
  • cut the salmon into large pieces and add to the vegetables;
  • after 2-3 minutes pour all the ingredients with milk;
  • after a few minutes, add spices and herbs to the dish;
  • before use, the resulting soup must be given
    infuse for 20 minutes.

Fish Cutlets with Sauce

Fish Cutlets with Sauce

Ингредиенты: 400 г тунца, куриное яйцо, четвертая часть
bulbs, pinch of salt, a handful of dry basil.

  • blend fish fillets with onions in a blender;
  • from the resulting mixture to form burgers;
  • fry them thoroughly on both sides in a pan;
  • mix the egg with salt and basil;
  • pour over the patties with the resulting sauce.

Chicken fillet in kefir

Chicken fillet in kefir

Ингредиенты: 150 г курятины, щепотка соли, перца и горсть
greens, 100 ml of nonfat kefir and the same amount of water.

To make this recipe, you need to mix kefir with
water and pour them chicken meat. Then refrigerate on
2-3 hours. After this time, place the dish on
Preheat pan and drain on both sides.

Beef with rice

Beef with rice

Ингредиенты: 350 г говядины, болгарский перец, две столовые
spoons of olive oil, 150 ml of water, 300 g of rice.

  • cut the beef into cubes;
  • then fry in olive oil;
  • pour water and salt;
  • chop the pepper and add to the meat;
  • then add rice and simmer until all of it is evaporated.

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