Protein diet for a week or minus 6 kg for 7days

  • 1 What is useful protein diet for weight loss?
    • 1.1 What you can eat – a list of products
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
  • 2 Dyukan Protein Diet – Everyday Menu
  • 3 Menu for 10 days from Elena Malysheva
  • 4 Dish recipes
  • 5 Recommendations

Protein diet is safe and incredibly good for the body.
Such a diet, with a properly designed menu and diet, allows
сбросить до 5-6 килограмм за a week The effectiveness of such a weight loss
consists in a metered diet containing a specific set of
calories, and of course, a little physical exertion.


What is useful protein diet for weight loss?

Белковая пища является важным элементом в
the diet of all people. Proteins are involved in building cells and
tissues, they are involved in the breakdown and assimilation of fats, vitamins,
trace elements and carbohydrates, as well as very important for the immune
and hormonal systems.

Недостаток белков приводит к ухудшению
mental activity, slowing the growth of children, and also decreases
immunity. Excess protein badly affects the body, can cause
deterioration of the bowels, can lead to disruptions of the female

Proteins accumulate in the body, carbohydrates and fats (and this
energy) becomes less. За счет of this организм сжигает
собственный жир
(от которого нам нужно
get rid).

Диета является очень эффективной, потому что мышечная
the mass remains, and the fat goes away.

The positive side of the protein diet for

  • снижение веса с первых days диеты.
  • after weight loss does not return as quickly as with other
  • gives you the opportunity to diversify the diet of products
  • protein food for a long time saturates the body, because the feeling of hunger
    does not occur after eating.

Белковая диета будет уместна для
. Many women recruit during pregnancy
overweight, someone more, and someone less. Maternity she
will help to bring the weight in order (to lose it or not
набирать кг каждую неделю)

But this is the case if you follow the rules, give up
sweet and flour, and also fat. It is important that for themselves
pregnant and for the fetus it is not harmful.

What you can eat – a list of products

Available products in the menu

  • chicken, turkey, rabbit meat (lean meat);
  • vegetables fruits;
  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat fish;
  • seafood;
  • cottage cheese and yogurt is not sweet, milk, kefir (low fat).

Products that are banned in protein

  • fatty food;
  • canned food;
  • smoked porducts;
  • fast food;
  • bakery products;
  • bakery products;
  • sweet;
  • roast;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • prohibited carbonated and non-carbonated
    the drinks.

In order that the diet does not cause discomfort is necessary in
ration include all permitted foods. In order to diet was
an efficient one needs to either sit on it every month, or
less often but for two weeks.

It is allowed to cook food for a couple, cook and
. It is forbidden to cook in large quantities.
oils, add fatty sauce, mayonnaise, a lot of salt ..

При белковом питании необходимы занятия спортом три раза
в неделю
. It will be very effective for losing weight, and
will bring the corresponding result.

Это могут быть упражнения для всех групп мышц и
еще лучший вариант – бег, тридцать минут которого
there will be enough swimming, dancing, etc.

Menu for the week

Protein diet for weight loss – the menu on

1 day

  1. Breakfast: boiled eggs, coffee without sugar;
  2. Lunch: soup with meat;
  3. Dinner: vegetable casserole.

2 day

  1. Breakfast: wholegrain sandwich with chicken breast and
    green salad;
  2. Lunch: vegetable salad with cottage cheese (tofu);
  3. Supper: fish soup.

3 day

  1. Breakfast: scrambled eggs with vegetables;
  2. Lunch: grilled chicken fillet with vegetables;
  3. Evening: boiled fish and vegetables.

4 day

  1. Morning: sugar-free cottage cheese;
  2. Lunch: lentil soup;
  3. Evening: braised rabbit and vegetable salad.

5 day

  1. Breakfast: boiled beef and vegetables;
  2. Dinner. break: vegetable casserole;
  3. Supper: kefir non-fat.

6 day

  1. Breakfast: coffee, fruit;
  2. Lunch: meat soup;
  3. Dinner: Baked fish with vegetables.

7 day

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese with berries;
  2. Dinner. break: salad with seafood;
  3. Dinner: boiled chicken fillet.

Subject to the menu, the portions should be small.

Dyukan Protein Diet – Everyday Menu

The protein diet Dyukana consists of four stages. During the diet
must eat oat bran.

Briefly about the stages of the Dukan diet:

  • Первый этап диеты Дюкана  — Атака. He is the most
    сложным по меню и расчитан на 7 days.
  • Второй позволяет чередовать дни приема пищи (1 day – белковая
    пища, 2 day — белковая с овощами и т.д.), так необходимо до тех
    as long as the result does not reach the goal.
  • The third stage fixes the weight dropped (1 kg dropped is 10
    days закрепления)
  • The fourth stage is weight maintenance, one day a week is needed
    eat only protein foods. Dyukan diet is a very effective way
    losing weight

Menu for the first stage of weight loss
(могут входить: мясо, рыба, seafood, молочные продукты, яйца)

  1. Breakfast: tea / coffee, 2 boiled eggs, boiled chicken.
  2. Dinner. break: soup with meat / ear / baked turkey
  3. Dinner: Baked Meat / Boiled Fish
  4. Snacks: low-fat cottage cheese / yogurt, oatmeal flakes,

The menu for the second stage. All the same
protein foods plus vegetables. Possible vegetables in the diet: cucumbers,
tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, cabbage, onions, carrots, mushrooms, asparagus,
beans. As well as greens: spinach, sorrel, lettuce, dill, parsley,
green onion.

Sample protein menu:

  1. Breakfast: omelet with meat, coffee
  2. Dinner. break: meat soup
  3. Dinner: boiled fish
  4. Snack: cottage cheese

В меню на третьем этапе можно
add: wholegrain bread, fruits, berries (except bananas and
grapes), potatoes, pasta, honey. There are products you can in
a small amount. Potatoes and pasta no bowl 2 times per
a week Berries no more than 200 grams per day.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, coffee
  2. Lunch: boiled meat, salad
  3. Supper: bread loafs
  4. Snack: kefir / cottage cheese.

Четвертый этап длится оставшуюся
life, the diet includes all products. One day a week should be
on protein foods.

Menu for 10 days from Elena Malysheva

At the heart of the diet from Malysheva five simple rules. Perform
they must be strictly, otherwise there will be no result.

Rules for losing weight:

  1. You can not starve (the body first and begin to dump excess
    kg, but will try to return them and accumulate even more)
  2. You need to eat often, but in small portions (this will be
    the ability to reduce the stomach, not to feel hunger)
  3. It is necessary to count calories (how much food you can eat and not go out
  4. Do not swallow food, chew each piece (this
    favorable for the figure and for the digestive tract)
  5. Love yourself, your body and be with a positive attitude.

10-day diet Malysheva provides
раздельное питание
. It is necessary to alternate the days of taking protein
food and carbohydrate days.

Protein diet for weight loss – the menu for 10 days from Elena

Protein Day:

  • On an empty stomach drink water (warm);
  • Позавтракать вареным яйцом и творогом (нежирным);
  • During the day you need to eat boiled chicken in small portions.
    (preparation method: when the chicken starts boiling, drain, rinse and
    cook until ready).

Carbohydrate day:

  • To eat during the day 1.5 kg of vegetables (except potatoes).
  • Products listed in the menu can be cooked, stewed and eaten
  • It is advisable to prepare a cleansing salad (grate
    beets, carrots, cabbage and an apple, season with lemon juice).


  • There should be a meal schedule for losing weight.
  • You need to eat 5 times a day, the last meal 3 hours before
  • Be sure to drink water throughout the day (drink 2 liters).

Protein menu for 10 days from E.

1 day

  1. Morning: oatmeal on water;
  2. Lunch break: porridge with chicken breast;
  3. Evening: vegetable salad.

2 day

  1. Oatmeal with low-fat milk;
  2. Vegetable casserole;
  3. Boiled fish.

3 day

  1. Omelet and salad;
  2. Boiled eggs and vegetables;
  3. Low-fat cottage cheese.

4 day

  1. Breakfast: stewed vegetables;
  2. Lunch: boiled beef;
  3. Supper: kefir.

5 day

  1. Cheese casserole;
  2. Boiled breast;
  3. Baked fish.

6 day

  1. Fruit salad;
  2. Vegetable soup and baked chicken fillet;
  3. Kefir.

7 day

  1. Oatmeal porridge with fruit;
  2. Vegetable casserole;
  3. Low-fat cottage cheese,

8 day

  1. Salad with eggs;
  2. Boiled chicken fillet with salad;
  3. Boiled fish

9 day

  1. Chicken Salad;
  2. Soup with fish;
  3. Kefir.

10 day

  1. Casserole of vegetables;
  2. Chicken Breast Soup;
  3. Braised cabbage.

Dish recipes

Dish recipes для белковой диеты:


  1. 300 гр любой нежирной рыбы, 300 гр капусты цветной порезать
    slices and cook.
  2. Add 1 onion sliced ​​into half rings.
  3. Salt and pepper to taste.

Chicken Breast Soup

Chicken Breast Soup
  1. 300 гр куриного филе порезать кусочками и варить на маленьком
    on fire
  2. Add a small potato, onion, finely chopped and
    carrot (sliced ​​circles).

Salad with eggs

Salad with eggs
  1. Вареные яйца (3 шт) и куриную грудку (300 гр) нарезать.
  2. Chop cabbage (Peking) and cucumber.
  3. Season with natural yogurt and salt.
  4. Mix it all together.

Baked fish

Baked fish
  1. Брать можно любую рыбу, заправить лимонным соком.
  2. Salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Wrap in foil and bake in the oven.

Steamed Chicken

Steamed Chicken
  1. Филе заправить лимонным соком.
  2. Sprinkle with spices, salt and pepper.
  3. Wait a couple of hours while marinating.
  4. Steam (can be baked).


Protein diet – a diet in which the basis of the diet are
high protein foods. It is not forbidden to eat vegetables and
fruits, but they are smaller. Due to the fact that the diet is allowed
vegetables and fruits a person gets enough vitamin.

Protein diet should bring maximum benefits for this
you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Products must be selected with the lowest fat content and
  2. Eat often, about 6 times a day.
  3. It is advisable to eat at the same time and not eat
    before bedtime.
  4. Drink enough water during the day (at least 2
  5. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.

Reviews of people who followed a protein diet say she
works. No feeling of hunger, the menu is suitable for almost everyone
stick to it is not difficult.

Protein slimming is very effective. It helps to lose weight and
do not type new. If you stick to the above menu and beyond
of this lead an active lifestyle, then those extra pounds will stop
be your problem.

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